09PCC Shantotto  

This is an entry in the 2009 Pumpkin Carving Contest.

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Entry #: 013
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The details in this one is just amazing. -Usagi

This pumpkin is incredible. The attention to detail is really impressive. -Vlorsutes

Something about Shantotto in this artwork reminds me of Dragonball Z. Awesome detail and great use of surface carving! -Thayos

When I first saw this, I was literally speechless. It's amazingly detailed and looks perfect. Superb job! -Pikko

I love this entry. Excellent representation of the Shantotto promotional artwork! -Kellinda

No contest. The first Shantotto all the way. -lolgaxe

Shantotto is just.... wow. -SingBismark

The first Shantotto is damn good. -catwho

The Shantotto Pumpkin had the best technical artistic representation. -LordMnementh

Shantotto would have been my favorite, but I've seen the picture before, and despite what an amazing job the artist did, the originality of the others won me over. -Codyy

Shantotto. No questions asked. Absolutely phenomenal work. -Lucinus

Shantotto #1 just radiates badass, so it got my vote. -Jinte

Final Fantasy XI

Category: Final Fantasy XI
This page last modified 2009-10-27 16:55:41.