Talk Azeroth: Gamesc-OMG


This week, Olivia Grace returns from her trip to the world's largest gaming conference and—after a quick update on what she got up to, including some raving about WildStar and the Oculus Rift—she dives in to the World of Warcraft news that came out of this huge convention.

Warcraft Designers Reflect on Mists of Pandaria

Blizzard's initial announcement that it would be removing the cap on dailies for Mists of Pandaria was generally met with applause from World of Warcraft players. Even my fiancé welcomed the change, for he was always one to spend a relaxing evening doing dailies - and still is. But it would seem lead designer Tom Chilton now regrets the decision.

“We shot ourselves in the foot when we removed the limit on the daily quests that you could do,” explained Chilton to PCGamersN. “So there was a pressure to maximize everything… and that really leads [players] to burn out.” 

Patch 5.4 is Coming!

With patch 5.4 around the corner there is a lot to look forward to in World of Warcraft. The final raid tier will hit live servers in good shape, bringing raiders a unique PvE opportunity to invade the Horde capital and defeat its tyrannical leader, Garrosh Hellscream.

WoW: Siege of Orgrimmar Trailer


As spotted by the delightful Perculia over on Wowhead, Blizzard has released a trailer for Patch 5.4: Siege of Orgrimmar.

If you were in any doubt that Thrall must have been utterly out of his mind when putting Garrosh Hellscream in the hotseat as Warchief of the Horde, then this trailer will dispel any illusions.

Talk Azeroth 10: NO STORE!


This week, Olivia Grace is fed up to the teeth of constantly talking about the in-game store so swears off it for now—long may it continue.

Proving Nothing in the Proving Grounds

‘Proving Grounds’ are something I and many other World of Warcraft players have been requesting for a long, long time. I envisaged some sort of in-game tutorial or teaching tool designed especially for new players that wish to fulfil ‘important’ roles in groups, such as tanking.

New or inexperienced players would be able to learn the fundamental basics of their class and role without the pressure/stress of learning with a group of random – often impatient – players.

Experience Points: WoW - a Cash Shop Too Far

Each week, Chris "Syeric" Coke gives his unfiltered thoughts on the MMO industry. Taking on the news and hottest topics, Chris brings his extensive experience as a player and blogger to bear in Experience Points. This week he examines the expansion of WoW's pet store and how many lessons Blizzard seems to have missed.

World of Warcraft hasn’t been doing well, at least not by WoW standards. In May, it was reported that the game had dropped to 8.3 million subscribers, continuing what’s becoming a quarterly trend of disappointing earnings calls and bolstering the sense that its community is bleeding out. While the game still has more “subscribers” than most other AAA MMOs combined, that reassuring fact is undermined by Eastern players not paying a subscription fee at all and instead paying by the hour. Considering that North Americans are thought to make up the minority of the player base, the increasing decline of WoW in China doesn’t spell good things for the game. Parent company Vivendi is trying to sell off Blizzard entirely. In that light, is it any surprise that a cash shop is being expanded in World of Warcraft? That’s our topic this week, and I’m here to look at just how many cardinal sins it's committing.

Talk Azeroth 7: Hats and Proving Grounds


This week on Talk Azeroth, it's the appearance of some new hats on the store that's caught Olivia's attention.

The three new hats are for transmogrification purposes only, and have no stats at all. Olivia shelled out £10 of her hard earned cash to check out various aspects of these hats, and has some pretty strong opinions about the price point that Blizzard has set!

World of Micro-Transactions

With the recent statement from Blizzard announcing its intent to experiment with a wider range of micro-transactions in World of Warcraft, player base opinion seems to vary dramatically.

I put up a video showcasing the new transmog helms and other vanity items that are coming to the Blizzard store and asked people what they thought. More importantly, I put this question to the viewers: What if stat gear were to become available for real world currency? The resulting comments were incredibly diverse.

Talk Azeroth 6: In-Game Store?!


This week on Talk Azeroth, Olivia Grace tackles the hottest topic of the moment: in-game microtransactions. But first, she gives the viewer a very short French lesson--the translation is directly after the intro.