Talk Azeroth: Gamesc-OMG
Olivia Grace returns from Cologne with news from Germany's mighty games convention
This week, Olivia Grace returns from her trip to the world's largest gaming conference and—after a quick update on what she got up to, including some raving about WildStar and the Oculus Rift—she dives in to the World of Warcraft news that came out of this huge convention.
First up, it's the subject of character models, where Olivia wonders just exactly what Blizzard has been up to all this time. Then she covers the arrival of item squish, the potential for a patch 5.5, and just exactly why you're doing that Black Temple run.
For the WildStar interview that Olivia mentions, check it out here and for Gazimoff's joyride in Valkyrie, click this link.
If you want to have your questions answered, the best way to get in touch with Olivia is via email to, through twitter @oliviadgrace, or by leaving a comment below!