
The name is hazed in mystery... Does it mean "Never Live or Die" as he wants us to believe, or simply "number of levels of detail" because he's a nerd? NixNot thinks it's either "New Lord of Darkness" or "Never Let Odin Drive" because, as we all know, Odin is a horrible driver.

''I am Hellboy's Brother. Older to be exact. My post count may not be huge but I have been here aslong as Hellboy I lurk..

I have been stalking Mindel in all her awesomeness since May of 2007.

I would totally go gay for Nixnot

I got Hellboy 10k post.

I am nothing like Hellboy

I participated in the ownage of Magi the admin in June of 2007

As many people know I'm a nerd at heart. I am the anti-Singdall. I believe Microsoft to be a fine company and that Linux is still just something to put on a Server

I work Tech-Support for a TV company and a Computer company that made TV's back in mid 2003

That's pretty much it... Hate me because you hate Hellboy. ''

This page last modified 2007-10-15 14:47:18.