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Constructing your WoWsig

At the bottom of the character options screen for any of your characters is a section devoted to that character's WoWsig. You can see a preview of what your current WoWsig looks like, along with some standard link formats.

WoWsig Options

Clicking on the "Set Options" link brings you to a settings page. From top to bottom the sections are as follows.

  • Select Background click to pick a different image for your background.
  • Show PvP Title toggle your PvP title on or off.
  • Show Guild toggles your guild name and rank.
  • Name Color Change the display color for your name.
  • Level/Race/Class/Server Color List of colors for displaying character information.
  • Stats Color Change color for the stats that you decide to display.
    • Stats Line 1 You may select up to four different stats to display on this line, you can choose things like tradeskill levels or total mana.
    • Stats Line 2 Two additional slots for displaying stats.
  • Update Click to refresh your WoWsig.
  • Resulting Image This is a preview of what your final displayed image will look like.

WoWsig Linking

Under the preview of your WoWsig are three ways to link to that WoWsig in standard formats. The first is for sites, put the that code into your signature to display it at the bottom of your posts. This is a premium only feature.

Second, there is the code to display your post in most standard phpbb forum sites.

Last, is a simple HTML image tag for easy copy pasting.

This article describes one of the site tools.
  • WoWreader must be installed to use.

Categories: WOW Tool | Tools | Toolbox
This page last modified 2008-01-30 10:44:40.