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We do not recruit because we do not need you.
Joined server 8 days after creation spent first 3 months on server in WSG 29, Gaining honor and my gear for 38 to 60
Tanzen (70) Tamed from Rema in blades edge
Nicodemus (70) Tamed from Gutriper {Mob started glitching after a patch do not remember what one but is now unuseable pet gets stuck in the ground when it attempts to attack wasteing its energy on dash over and over :_:}
TonyDanza (70) Tamed from a random Raptor from neatherstorm I think high magic/element resist
(100%) because I like the way they charge :P
, Not going to get the faster flyer I hardly use my 60% as it is
Debt 29 Druid
Kei 19 Hunter Pet Mughi (18) Lynx