
This template makes it possible for us to link items NOW without worrying whether we might get a db one day and have to edit them all manually. Later, when we have a namespace, one edit, here, will fix all of them!

Usage: {{RiftItem|quality|ItemName|ItemNameDisplay|nolink=}}


Add the rarity name. (|Trash, Common, Uncommon, Rare, Epic, Relic, Transcendent and Questitem}}
The Item Name exactly as it appears, or should appear, in the DB.
Name of the item exactly as you want it displayed, including any quantity and plurality. so if this is a Navy Dye and you have 2 of them ItemName could be "2 Navy Dyes"
Should be used only when you want text to appear in a specific item quality color but are not actually linking a specific item. Useful when you want to colorize the name of a group of items but not create a link because it is not the name of a specific item.

If quality is not specified, (Common White) is used.


  • 3/17/2011 - Corrected for DB-style links -Bludwyng


Categories: Templates (RIFT) | RIFT
This page last modified 2011-03-18 00:13:26.