Quick Facts
Type: Runners Available Colors: - Black/Red
- Blue/Black
- Cyan/Black
- Cyan/Blue
- Yellow/Green
TMW Hannibal 800R VBI |
Runners |
Average durability runner focused more heavily on boost speeds and boost regeneration. |
Hit Points | 5111 |
DMG | 3004 |
Speed | 22.0 |
Boost Speed | 25.4 |
Boost Refill | 0.4 |
Boost Amount | 2.9 |
Available at:
- Blue/Black and Black/Red are 960
($10.56) - Yellow/Green is 640
($7.04) - Cyan/Blue and Cyan/Black are 320
Trivia |
TMW stands for Terrestrial Motor Works.
This page last modified 2013-05-01 22:16:23.