

Sillygooose is an incoherent idiot who contributes nothing of value to the forums, best known for once having too many Xs in his name. His real name is Lord Nigel P. Britishington IV.

The History of Gooose Gooose is English.

And that, coincidentally, is why teh Gooose is so tough. You see, I have it on good authority that in England, it's traditional to actually cook and eat his kind for Christmas! Each year, tourists flock to London to witness the yuletide spectacle of old men in night dresses flinging their pocket change at innocent young children. This relentless bombardment doesn't end until the young victim succeeds in hunting down one of Gooose's kin, kills, skins, and dresses them, and serves them to the old man roasted and garnished with pine nuts. Why, on his fifth birthday, our own Goooseh woke up to the most horribly disturbing sight of his beloved Uncle Wilbur with pine nuts and cooked to golden crispness!

I mean, in America, the worst thing an old man in a night dress every does to an innocent young boy is... well.. you know. At least there's no cannibalism!

It was these hardships that drove Goooseh to become to crusader for justice that he is today. Never mind that his crusade has not yet ventured far beyond the practice of alcohol abuse and somewhat ungainly carousing. Goooseh is truly a hero to all man kind. May you pray to never run afowl of him.

Perhaps the only Englishman on the board sweetumssama does not really mess with.

Let it also be known that NixNot took out Gooses xXx's, in a supreme waste of his talent and abilities.

This page last modified 2007-10-15 15:10:05.