Following is the transcript for the mission AU25 - Playing the Part:
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Naja Salaheem: ...
Naja Salaheem: ...
Naja Salaheem: ...
Naja Salaheem: A sweet deal always has a sting...
Naja Salaheem: How could I, of all people, have forgotten that!?
Naja Salaheem: That pompous, money-grubbin' ambassador...
Naja Salaheem: Speakin' of mone...
Naja Salaheem: Abquhbah.
Abquhbah: Yes, ma'am! (She finaly remembered I existed!)
Naja Salaheem: Did ya rrreceive payment from that arrogant ambassador for Player name's services?
Abquhbah:, I didn't! (Oh no...maybe being forgotten was healthier...)
Naja Salaheem: Unbelievable...
Naja Salaheem: How could I have been so sucked in that I forgot to collect a fee...?
Naja Salaheem: Grrrrrr!
Naja Salaheem: If I don't do somethin' about this, I'll never live it down.
Abquhbah: (Uh-oh...)
Naja Salaheem: Rrright!
Naja Salaheem: Player name!!!
Naja Salaheem: That Tarutaru who was so impressed with your skills has yet to pay a single gil in rrremuneration.
Naja Salaheem: And so...
Naja Salaheem: You're gonna trrrot over to her and pick up that rrreward!
Naja Salaheem: If ya manage to "apprrropriate" the money...
Naja Salaheem: ...I'll let ya keep every single coin.
Naja Salaheem: Just one thing.
Naja Salaheem: If you fail, it'll mean death for our prrrofessional image.
Naja Salaheem: I don't care how rrrough ya get, but don't come back without that cash!
Naja Salaheem: Abquhbah, you know what to do.
Abquhbah: Yes, ma'am!
Abquhbah: According to Gessho...
Abquhbah: The ambassador has finished her business with the Grand Vizier and is preparing to return to her homeland...
Abquhbah: Which means you better hurry, Player name!
Karababa: The occasion of an ambassador plenipotentiary's departure should be marked with pomp and circumstance...
Karababa: And yet not a single person has bothered to make an appearance.
King of Hearts: ThaT*iS noT*tRUe, LaDy*KaRabAbA.
King of Hearts: My SeNsoRs*deTeCT ManY*sPecTAtoRs hiDiNg*iN tHE sHaDoWs.
Karababa: What a charming sendoff indee. Well, I'm not going to plead.
King of Hearts: YoUR maGiCaL*taNtruM aT tHE*BaNquEt laST*niGhT MaY haVE*sCarED ofF WeLL*WisHeRs.
Karababa: Ohohoho... Well, they refused to allow me to see the Empress. You can't blame a girl for releasing a little stress...
King of Hearts: WhaT kiNd*oF peRSoN*iS tHE EmpResS?
King of Hearts: I haVE*haD nO ConTaCt*wiTH hER yeT.
Karababa: It doesn't matter. We were able to meet that "other" girl and hear her chatter...
King of Hearts: Oh! ThE oNe*wiTH tHE*mALfuNctiONinG*fRieNds!
Karababa: If they were unable to penetrate my disguise, their automaton technology has hit low, rather than highs.
King of Hearts: HehE*heHEhE...! YoU aRe*uNforGiVinG, LaDy*KaRabAbA.
King of Hearts: YoUR sHieLD*haS reTurNEd*tO yoUR siDe!
Karababa: Ohohoho... Isn't this exciting? This nation is on the brink of evolving and changing.
Karababa: No matter if they wish it or not...
Karababa: That girl and Player name will eventually upset the pot...
Karababa: Ohohohoho!
Karababa: Oh yes, you must be feeling ignored. I have completely forgotten to give you your reward.
Karababa: King, give Player name his/her due. We mustn't neglect to say thank you!
King of Hearts: YeS,*mA'aM!
Player name receives 5 Imperial gold pieces!
Karababa: You must understand. Your reward is not for guiding me about this foreign land.
Karababa: These are campaign funds to continue the task you've been set.
Karababa: I trust you're not the type to suddenly forget?
Karababa: I'm sure you remember your duty, and have not been swayed by some Near Eastern beauty...
Karababa: The main goal of my trip to this distant shore, was to send Aht Urhgan's secluded politics into uproar.
Karababa: And to gather the reigns of control to some extent...
Karababa: Thanks to you, I've succeeded one hundred percent.
Karababa: Ancient technology in mechanical puppets, and an unlawful organic weapon entrepreneur...
Karababa: I must say it has been quite the tour...
Karababa: But any country has its share of underhanded dealings.
Karababa: I'm hardly overcome with fear and anxious feelings.
King of Hearts: YeS! ThaT ChiMerA*sOOn feLL*tO yoUR*MiGHty sPeLLs!
Karababa: And that is why...
Karababa: I realized the Astral Candescence is the threat that is nigh.
King of Hearts: HoW unForTuNatE*yOU wEreN't aBLe*tO oBTaiN iT*laST nigHT!
King of Hearts: PeSKy*SerPeNT GeneRaLs!
Karababa: It's probably for the best.
Karababa: Who knows what effect the Astral Wind might have on the Star Tree and all the rest...?
Karababa: Player name.
Karababa: Continue to build your reputation in the Empire, so you might dig deeper for the information we require.
Karababa: And try to meet again with the puppeteer and her toys. You might find you'll hear more than just banter and noise.
King of Hearts: ThoSE juNK*puPpeTS haVE*tiES tO*tHE pALacE?
Karababa: Speak to Rodin-Comidin when you need to contact me.
Karababa: He's easy to find thanks to his sheer stupidity.
Karababa: Ohohohohoho!
Flit: That mercenary is a spy, huh? He's/She's craftier than he/she looks.
Flit: Things are gettin' mighty interestin'...
Luzaf: Dark Rider...
Luzaf: It seems I am not alone...