EQ:Chat Commands  

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The Basics

The command /join (channel name) allows you to join a player created chat channel. You can be in up to 10 of these at once. These channels can be seen across all servers (for instance, serverwide.thebazaar), on the server you play on (for instance, a bazaar channel for auctioning gear), or be password protected (and moderated) to protect sensitive information (such as an officer meeting for a guild).

To talk in each channel, you need to find out what channel number the channel you wish to say something in is. To do this, type /list. That will bring up a list of channel names along with the number of people in each channel. Then, type in /# (text) (where # is the number of the channel you want to talk in).

To join a password protected channel, you first need to find out not only the name of the channel, but the password. Once you have both pieces of information, type in /join (channel name):(password). To join a chat channel on another server, put the name of the server in front of the channel's name (/join antonius.bazaar).

Player made chat channels are not permanent, meaning that once the last person leaves, the channel is gone, with one exception. Password protected channels last for 24 hours after everyone leaves.

Please Note: /chat and / can be replaced with a ;, for example: /chat set can become ;set

Editing and Viewing Chat Text

Key Command - Effect

Delete-Backspace - Delete character to right / left of cursor.
Shift-Delete - Deletes the current chat line.
Shift-End - Move cursor to end of chat line.
Shift-Home - Move cursor to start of chat line.
Shift-Insert - Replaces current chat line.
Shift-Left/Right Arrow - Move cursor left / right.
Shift-Page Up/Page Down - Scroll up / down through chat text.
Shift-Up/Down Arrow - Scroll chat history up / down.

General Commands

Command - Effect

;tell . - Sends a cross server tell. Example: ;tell antonius.hazimil would send a tell to a character named Hazimil on Antonius Bayle. Note: servers with 2 names in them (Antonius Bayle for instance) use only the first name of the server.
/# (where # is from 1 to 10) - Sends text to a particular chat channel.
/announce - Announces when a player leaves a chat channel.
/autojoin , ... - Automatically joins the specified channels when you log in. Can be in up to 10 chats at once. Don't forget to put passwords in if necessary!
/chat grant - Grants op (operator) status to a person on a channel. Operator status allows the person to kick someone out of the channel and moderate the channel, among other things.
/chat set , ... - Lets you join multiple chat channels at once.
/join : - Joins a chat channel.
/leave - Leaves a particular chat channel.
/leaveall - Leaves all chat channels.
/list - Lists all chat channels you are on.
/list # (1-10) - Shows the names of whoever is on the same channel you are.
;oplist - Shows the current op list and owner of a channel.

Moderator Only Commands

Command - Effect

/chat invite - Invites someone to a chat channel.
/chat grant - Grants someone moderator status (non permanent) on a channel.
/chat kick - Kicks someone out of chat channel.
/chat moderate - Moderates a chat channel so only permitted people can speak.
/chat password - Sets a password for a particular channel.
/chat voice - Allows someone to speak on a moderated channel.

Channel Owner Only Commands

Command - Effect

;opadd - Sets a person as a permanent moderator on a channel.
;setowner - Sets a new owner of a channel.


This page last modified 2009-01-31 10:34:42.