Conjuror Pets (EQ2)  

EverQuest II

A Conjuror has three elemental pets that will stay with him, once summoned, and obey his commamnds. He also gets 2 dumbfire, or fire-and-forget, pets.


LevelSpell NameApprenticeJourneymanAdeptExpertMaster
1Earthen Avatar
a rock
a rock
12Earthen Avatar II
a small RoK golem
a small RoK golem
24Earthen Avatar III
a humanoid rock golem
a humanoid rock golem
38Earthen Avatar IV
a rock rumbler
a rock rumbler
52Earthen Avatar V
a rock rumbler
a rock rumbler
a mossy stone golem
a mossy stone golem
an obsidian golem
an obsidian golem


LevelSpell NameApprenticeJourneymanAdeptExpertMaster
20Fiery Magician
a flame quetzal
a flame quetzal
34Fiery Magician II
a mage of fire
a mage of fire
48Fiery Magician III
a multi-armed being of fire
a multi-armed being of fire
62Fiery Magician IV
76Fiery Magician V


LevelSpell NameApprenticeJourneymanAdeptExpertMaster
32Aery Hunter
a humanoid mist with 2 short spears
a humanoid mist with 2 short spears
46Aery Hunter II
a humanoid mist with 2 short spears in ghostly chain armor
a humanoid mist with 2 short spears in ghostly chain armor
60Aery Hunter III
74Aery Hunter IV


Aqueous Swarm

LevelSpell NameApprenticeJourneymanAdeptExpertMaster
24Aqueous Swarm
38Aqueous Swarm II
52Aqueous Swarm III

Roaring Flames

LevelSpell NameApprenticeJourneymanAdeptExpertMaster
35Roaring Flames
49Roaring Flames II
a small humanoid flame
a small humanoid flame
63Roaring Flames III

This page last modified 2010-03-06 14:01:59.