__DEL__1591809682546's Avatar


Posts: 9
I'm into fantasy games of the RPG breed. But like that was a surprise... However, I'm much more fascinated by games of the survival horror genre, as they influence my artwork and scare the friggen crap out of me as well (Silent Hill and Forbidden Siren are among my favorites). I like to draw a lot, but not in the style most have become familiar with titled "Anime". I listen to a lot of music, but I absolutely love "Black Metal" and the philosophy behind it. Bands I like are Satyricon, Dark Funeral, Mayhem, and about 100 other bands (literally). I play drums, I work for a website called Gamingredients.com doing cover art and other stuff (but now that I look at what I have done for them, I know I can do so much better... I'm going to put my soul into the next one). I have a website at http://www.crimsondeath.cowgibs.com/ with all of my art on it. I need to update it soon, since I have tons of newer stuff lying around. And well...that's my surface which was barely scratched in this rather curt description of mine. I can be found on the Fairy server, character name is Abigor (named after the Australian Black Metal band). I also have another character on Fenrir named after a grindcore/deathmetal band, Myrkskog.