Secret of the Solstice Content Patch

The Summer Outspark Games have concluded. What other rewards would you expect for such an event other than medals! Winners of the events will receive either a Gold, Silver or Bronze medal. All of the medals will provide a stat increase to your character.

In addition to the medals, the patch will include updates to previous potions to make them more potent. New potions will also be available at various item merchants around the world.

A new mid level dungeon "Underground Brynhilld" has been released for all players who are level 40 and up. With the Underground City destroyed by the evil GM Alastor, it is now home to his army. Players need to watch out for more than just his minions, however, as sometimes Alastor himself attacks players who dare to enter his realm.

For more details on the patch please check the full patch notes at the Secret of the Solstice site .


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