Win 'Phat Lewtz' at Wowhead

That's right! Thanks to Upper Deck, Wowhead is hosting an exclusive WoW TCG giveaway! Over the next couple of weeks you can expect to see our friends over at Wowhead run a number of contests giving away in-game loot. I won't spoil what all their giving away, but let's just say, this isn't a contest you want to miss.

How to Win

Just post your contest entry as a comment in the daily contest blog post. This time, the question is:

“What was the most epic loot drop you've ever gotten?”

It doesn't have to be an epic item – it could be an epic battle, it could be an item that comes after hours and hours of farming – as long as for you, it was epic.

At the end of each day, we will randomly select two entrants from the blog comments, and award them a loot card!

For more information about the contest, head on over to Wowhead !

Wowhead Launches 3D Model Viewer!

Malgayne from Wowhead just dropped me a note about their newest feature - an animated 3D viewer!

That's right, we've made an upgrade to the 3D modelviewer ! In addition to being able to see all of your favorite items and NPCs in three dimensions, now the high-quality Java version of the modelviewer is fully animated !

This works on NPCs as well as on character models. Try it for yourself, and see your favorite creatures from a new perspective!

For example...

This is awesome! Good job guys!

Wowhead Introduces Item Comparisons!

That's right, Wowhead has released its long-awaited Item Comparison tool!

Check here for the official announcement, or read more for details!


Wowhead's 2nd Birthday Giveaway!

Wowhead has reached its 2nd birthday, and to celebrate we're having a huge contest and giveaway with a ton of prizes, including a gaming PC, monitor, graphics card, and an assortment of fancy keyboards.

Come and check out our contest page!

New features on Wowhead!

Wowhead has rolled out a whole host of new features! There are some cool ones in this batch, including weighted stat sorting, searching within displayed results, column-specific filtering, and an expanded Source column! Click below for more details.

Wowhead Client now available for OSX!

It looks like Wowhead has some fans over at Apple ! Thanks to the efforts of Rudy in the Apple offices, we now have a full featured Wowhead Client for Macs! Now all of the Mac users here on Wowhead (like me) can upload their dataz too!

Wowhead Made an Official Fan Site

Our Allakhazam team is incredibly proud of our sister site, Wowhead, and their fantastic accomplishment of being made into an Official U.S. Fan Site for World of Warcraft!

The entire Wowhead team has worked incredibly hard for this achievement, and we'd like to offer our most sincere congo rats to them all!  Tip of the hat to ya'll (and wag of the finger cause we're still not there)!

Other sites to be included in this round of approvals are ArenaJunkies, and

Wowhead goes Global!

Wowhead has gone global! Along with a host of other recent features, Wowhead is now available in French, German, and Spanish!