Spellborn Sigils in this Week's Journal

Spellborn has posted a new gamedesign journal. This time, it's sigils!
A well known fact about Spellborn is the non-stat armor and weapons. To make sure players can still customize, tweak and tune their fighting characteristics whichever way they like, we have a wide variety of Sigils. These can be collected from different sources in game like quests and loot.
Sigils are items with ‘magical effects’ which can be used when they are equipped one way or another. There are three types of sigils: Skill-, Jewelry- and Weapon sigils. I will handle the Jewelry- and Weapon sigils first as ‘item sigils’ and conclude with the Skill sigils
Read all about 'em!

TCoS Combat Balance Dev Diary

The Chronicles of SpelBorn have released a new dev diary focusing on combat balance.
This all sounds pretty ‘easy’ and ‘plug and play’, but it’s a real tough nut to crack. Having relations between certain factors is fine, but you don’t want to end up in a straight jacket, where each change will alter so many other things, that the end result is nearly the same for the player, but simply with different numbers. Adding the right strings to the model and then pulling them the correct way is a delicate, complicated and thus time consuming task.
While using the model, we also shouldn’t fall into a theory crafting spree.
The entire post covers both the technical and some gameplay aspects of the plan!

New SpellBorn Video Available

The guys over at The Chronicles of SpellBorn have posted a brand new video in their gallery!

A week ago in our project update we have mentioned our internal combat stress test. Our developers, busy as they are, have made you a small Video Diary from this stress test.

If you haven't checked out this in development game yet, you can get more details in our game list.