Review of CES Tech Gadgets - A Quick Overview

Well, our team is back from CES, and while our coverage is creeping out little by little, here's a review of the show overall, from our time on the exhibit floors!
The Consumer Electronics Show comes to Vegas once a year to look with fond recollection on the last 12 months of sales and ingenuity.  The amount of sales in previous years incites the crowds into the excitement that each exhibitor brings to the show, as they look towards the new year.  Each of the conference centers that hosts the event, along with the multitude of hotels and suites that serve as a conduit for the experience, becomes packed with people.
Click "more" and check out the entire review of the incredible show that is CES, one week after the show began!

CES 2008: Interview with 38 Studios

If you’re wondering what Curt Schilling and 38 Studios are doing lately, well, wonder no more. They are doing what they’ve been involved in for the last several months.

Keeping quiet…

Earlier this week, we met with Curt Schilling and Mary Kirchoff, the Chief Marketing Officer of 38 Studios, in an intimate gathering at The Venetian here in Las Vegas. They are taking the time to sit and answer as many questions as possible… without revealing too much. This makes it difficult for us who are anxious to hear what is under the covers, but I must say Curt was quite excited to share with us - and then rather disappointed at the slight shake of the head Mary gave him when he asked if he could give us just a small peek at the product.

We still love you, Curt. Thanks for trying!

And the Winner Is...

In our weekend contest for the best MMO-related New Year's Resolution, by almost a unanimous decision...

[Insert deafening drumroll here...  "dun dun dun!!!!"]

Submissions: The New Year's Resolutions!!!

Happy New Year!

I hope everyone had a safe and wonderful New Year, with lots of ale and celebration at your local inns!

As you know, we asked you to send us your New Year's Resolution so that we could share with everyone how you planned on making your life more enjoyable in the upcoming year. I must say, I definitely got a chuckle out of a few of you!

So... as promised, here are the entries that we received (in no particular order), and once the winners are determined we will be sure to announce it.

Thank you to everyone who participated, and may you all enjoy 2008!


Share Your New Year's Resolution.. and Win!

'Tis the season... but now that the holidays are almost over, it's time for us to look to the new year.  And... as is tradition... it's time to set out your resolutions.  But hey, it never really works out unless we've got support to help us stay on track - or are really, really dedicated to the cause.

Well, okay... the threat of ultimate humiliation is also another key factor in people succeeding with their resolutions.

But we won't giggle.  I promise!  Oh.  Wait.  That wouldn't be any fun, now would it?

Okay, okay... enough kidding around.


We here at Allakhazam would love to hear your New Year's Resolution!  But... we don't want just any... give us your MMO-related ones.  And if you have the best one, you can win a one month Premium account!  That's right... get one month free of ads... one month of account bonuses... yay!

Ramayan 3329 - Interview with Sharad Devarajan

SOE and Virgin Comics announced a new Indian based MMO taken from the world of comic book Ramayan 3329. Recently we sent an interview to Virgin Comics CEO Sharad Devarajan. He was kind enough to take some time out of his busy schedule to talk about how Virgin Comics will be participating in the development of this new game. How has the US release of Ramayan 3329 been received so far?

: The comic series has done very well, particularly as we have launched the first graphic novel into bookstores throughout the country.
: What prompted the move to try and release it as an MMO?

: We are great admirers of the work being done by Sony Online Entertainment and SOE was a big fan of the mythic world that was presented in Ramayan 3392AD which felt familiar to fantasy fans but unique in its asian characters and archetypes.


Why Do They Leave? Inquiring Minds Want to Know

In this industry, you'll see names and faces come and go like yesterday's weather.  Some have more impact than others, and yet they still tend to leave us before we're ready to say goodbye.  Why is that, I wonder?  While I'm not entirely certain, it is still a question that needs to be asked.  If for no other reason than in hopes of getting a response from someone, somewhere.

Considering the nature of our business, it's expected to see many changes in short periods of time. Game updates, expansions, changes, etc. It's not only expected, it's demanded by the players paying for their entertainment. But what many do not expect, and usually do not demand, is a "changing of the guard" in staff on the development teams. Or in our favorite journalists, editorialists, or comics. However, clashes of perspective, desires to do more, faster, and shiney things in the distance tend to take its toll on people.

While this article is not in-depth, nor is it earth shattering, I still felt the need to think about the people that have gone this last year, and hopefully in the process have you remember some that have impacted your lives as well.

Argh, Matey - Set Yer Sales On the Caribbean!

When you're preparing to sail the high seas, be sure to take with you a few necessary items. A few changes of clothing, for there is no telling how long you may be away. Some heavy round shot, bar shot, and langridge - just in case you are set upon by unsavory characters. A heavy mast and new sail. Those seas can be rough! Naturally, some gold doubloons. Your coin purse should not be light when traveling to distant lands.

And rum, don't forget the rum! Several kegs, at least. I mean, really... it gets cold out there in the middle of the ocean, right?

This last week, I had an opportunity to take a tour of Pirates of the Burning Seas, the upcoming release from Flying Labs Software and Sony Online Entertainment. I learned quickly what was expected of a good pirate, and how to be properly prepared in every situation. It was so much fun, I thought I'd share the experience with you!

MMOs & Us - A Series on Gaming, Part III

Here we are in the third part of our series on MMOs and how they affect our lives. And what have we discovered so far? Well, let’s recap just a bit.

In Part I, we looked at a bit of the history of MMOs – the humble beginnings of gaming that eventually led to the push towards online games. The simple discovery of video tennis from an oscilloscope grew into gaming icons such as Pong, Pac-Man, and others. So, from the Cold War we achieve a new form of entertainment that grows into a multi-billion dollar industry from which our military gets trained and we get entertained.

In Part II, the focus touched on the economic aspect of MMOs and how that impacts our lives in seemingly small, but truly significant ways; such as our kids learning their math through the counting of their virtual gold. Or the building of good business sense – even if through ways frowned-upon by the industry – by capitalizing on an existing industry within the genre. These types of activities are shaping much of our entertainment and economic industry where they are tied together. When real-world companies take their business into virtual worlds to compete, that is a clear indication we are on the verge of a new generation of business management.

Now it’s time to take a look at how MMOs affect our lives in other ways, not just in the wallet. Our personal lives… where we are sensitive, emotional, and prone to dramatic outbursts of frustration, anger, love, hate, or just plain aggression.

Individual CGS World Championship going on now!

It's not World of Warcraft, but if you're interested in checking out the best of the best in Counter-Strike: Source, FIFA, Dead or Alive 4, and Project Gotham Racing 3, check out  Today Championship Gaming Series is webcasting the individual World Championship.

I personally really enjoy watching Dead or Alive and PGR3, both can be very exciting.