2008 SOE Fan Faire: Live Events

For some, the annual SOE Fan Faire is a place to gather with friends from around the globe, catching up on old times shared within an online world.  For others, it's all about the panels and meeting the devs, community teams, and other players.

Then there are those who go for the events... such as the Live Events... hosted each year by the community teams for each respective title.  This year was no different.  There were Live Events for EverQuest, EverQuest II, Star Wars Galaxies, and Vanguard, created by the community team for each game.

Just what is a Live Event, you ask?  Well... let me tell you!

For those who are seriously in to puzzle solving, riddles, and questing, Live Events are just for you.  That's right... it's a live quest.  You start with a quest giver who provides you with the necessary information for you to search out your next clue towards completing your task.  Be sure to ask the right questions, though, if you are hoping for success!

Fan Faire 2008: Friday Morning


Talk about a busy schedule around here!  Beginning at 10:00am and going all day long, excluding the evening attractions, the staff of SOE are keeping us and themselves very busy!  There are of course several gaming kiosks showing current and upcoming titles.  Also, all sorts of panels for us to attend and learn some fantastic information about our favorite titles.


I arrived in Las Vegas early, and so yesterday morning I was all ready to get going - starting with the Station Voice/Vivox panel.  This was a discussion on the in-game voice chat system currently available in EQII and SWG, and on the test server for EQ.  When I arrived, the room was fairly empty and the folks in attendance were milling about.  Apparently, the tables and equipment were still in the process of being set up.  Never to be flustered, however, Bruce Ferguson, Senior Producer on EverQuest II, promised a demonstration in interpretive dance should the equipment setup take awhile.  Not to be outdone, Monty Sharma, VP of Product Management & Marketing/Founder of Vivox, ensured us of his skill with shadow puppets!

Needless to say, I was sincerely disappointed when just a few moments later the hotel staff arrived with the necessary accoutrements for a proper panel discussion.  Next time, Bruce and Monty... next time!

Fan Faire Panel: G.I.R.L. - Gamers in Real Life

This morning I was privileged to have breakfast at the G.I.R.L. - Gamers in Real Life panel. With a group of about forty people, the women involved in the G.I.R.L. program discussed gaming, their personal experiences, and how the gaming industry involves and represents women.

Moderated by Dana Jongewaard, Editor-in-Chief, IGN.com, the panelists were:

  • Torrie Dorrell, Senior Vice President of Global Sales and Marketing, SOE-San Diego
  • Laura Naviaux, Director, Global Brand Marketing, SOE-San Diego
  • Lorien Gremore - Producer, The Agency(tm), SOE-San Diego
  • Laralyn McWilliams - Lead Designer, Free Realms(tm), SOE-San Diego
  • Julia Brasil, G.I.R.L. Game Design Competition Winner

2008 SOE Fan Faire Begins!

For those of you who enjoy meeting with your online friends, hanging out with the developers and community staff, and eating, drinking, and living the MMO dream, then the annual Sony Online Entertainment Fan Faire is for you.

Today was for registration, followed by a Welcome Reception and then a Legends of Norrath event.  Many of us were standing in line at the doors waiting for the busy SOE staff who were frantically working to put the final touches on their SOE Store, the game kiosks, the computer tables, and of course... the swag bags!  As the crowd got larger, Alan "Brenlo" Crosby stepped outside with his bullhorn and had the players cheering for their favorite title and chanting "S.O.E!" to keep us all entertained.

Once the doors finally opened, the crowd surged forward and we all proceeded frantically towards the registration desk, where there were many Event Staff t-shirts buzzing around trying to meet everyone that was there to pick up their badges.

Final Winner! Oosah.com and Allakhazam Giveaway!

Two weeks ago, we presented you with a contest in which you could win one of two Geforce 8800 GTX 768MB video cards by creating a gallery on Oosah.com. Last week we announced Pogart as our first winner, and this week I am pleased to announce our final winner! Congratulations to...


Please be sure to check your email for details on how to claim your prize!

Thank you to our participants who entered this giveaway, and congratulations to our winners!

First Winner! Oosah.com and Allakhazam Contest!

Last week, we presented you with a contest in which you could win one of two Geforce 8800 GTX 768MB video cards by creating a gallery on Oosah.com. Well... we had some great entries, and I am pleased to announce our first winner! Congratulations to...


Please be sure to check your email for details on how to claim your prize!

Now... if you would like to enter for a chance at winning an awesome video card, provided by Oosah.com, just head on over to here for all of the contest details. Be sure to build a gallery of images (just uploading one image won't work!), and post a link to your gallery here. Next Monday we will announce the final winner!

Good luck!

Oosah.com and Allakhazam Giveaway!

Have you been searching for a better way to manage your screenshots? Wish you didn't have to jump through hoops to get your in-game images ready for sharing? Then it's time you check out Oosah - a one touch screenshot upload and management system, much like  Fraps.com's, except Oosah is 100% free and each file is immediately available online to be posted, shared, embedded, emailed, and made into slideshows or galleries with - skipping all the current burdening screenshot uploading steps.

The app is a one-time small download and works for ALL games, which is a bonus since it's not a game-specific mod and does not require constant individual gaming folder updates.  The product is FREE and can be directly downloaded at: http://www.oosah.com/screenshot.php

And for a limited time, Allakhazam users who create and share Oosah albums will be entered into a contest to win a Geforce 8800 GTX 768MB video card ! That's right! Register at http://www.oosah.com/ , build a gallery of your favorite in-game images (Orcs, dragons and halflings, oh my!), and then share it here for your chance to win a fantastic new video card - what better way to not only manage but also take those fantastic game images?

From today through August 3, 2008, 11:59pm PST, if you post valid galleries here, you will be automatically entered to win one of two video cards. You heard me - you will have TWO chances to win ! We will be giving away one each week, for two weeks.   Winners will be selected randomly from entries received.  So take those screenshots, register at http://www.oosah.com/ , and enter today!

Exclusive: Interview with Andy Reif of the CGS!

We recently caught up with Andy Reif, the Commissioner and CEO of the Championship Gaming Series, which is the only worldwide professional gaming league, to talk about his views on the event, the participants, and its impact on the industry.  Reif joins CGS from the AVP Pro Beach Volleyball Tour, where he served as chief operating officer. Having run operations at the AVP since 2001, Reif has an established track record in delivering an incredible experience to fans and advertisers while working with an elite level of athletes.

Reif also has a background in motion pictures and television, including senior positions with International Creative Management (ICM) and Paramount Pictures:

Allakhazam: First off, could you please state you name and position at the CGS, and give us a brief background of you for our readers?

Andy: I am Andy Reif, Commissioner and CEO of Championship Gaming Series. I joined CGS from the AVP Pro Beach Volleyball Tour where I served as Chief Operating Officer.

Allakhazam: For those that don't know, the CGS is the Championship Gaming Series. Many people would just shrug and say "Oh, another gaming nerd gathering". But it's so much more! In you words, what exactly is the CGS and why is it such a highlight each year?

Not unlike skateboarding before ESPN created the X-Games, we believe competitive gaming is the next great sports property. Therefore, Championship Gaming Series was designed to make gaming engaging, compelling TV entertainment that will excite audiences of gamers and non-gamers alike. It is the first and only worldwide professional gaming league and it’s structured no differently than any other professional sports league, with contracted professional gamers that represent 18 city-based teams from around the world and TV broadcast partners that bring CGS competitions to more than 425 million potential viewers across five continents.


Hot off EQII Players:
A well worn traveler of the lands known as the Town Crier journeys lands near and far seeking out the latest in EverQuest II news and information. Join us once again as the Crier returns from his latest journeys, filled with news and information from all around those strange lands. One never knows what new secrets his stories will hold!
Read More!

The Good, The Bad, The Ugly: Add-Ons in MMOs

There is something about getting a game that is half finished, or designed to be used in a manner which it's not prepared for at launch, that just sucks the fun right out of playing. So imagine my dismay when I read all of the current hype surrounding modding, and player add ons to MMOs that are designed with a level playing field out the gate.

I realize many of you disagree with this thinking, but hear me out first.

The modding community was first heavily embraced in an MMO by Blizzard with their incredibly popular World of Warcraft, but the move has since caused changes in the very design of the game.