Remember that countdown clock that popped up on the DUST 514 site on Friday? It turns out it was counting down to Sony's E3 press conference.
CCP CEO Hilmar Petursson just announced at the event that DUST 514 will be a PlayStation 3 exclusive. Of course, it will be linked to EVE Online's world on the PC. He also stated that DUST 514 will support the Move motion controller and will be "extended" to the NGP PlayStation portable. It was revealed later in the press conference that the portable device is now officially known as PlayStation Vita.
The DUST 514 closed beta will be held at the end of this year. The game will launch in summer 2012.
UPDATE: CCP has released a press release regarding the PS3 announcement and Petursson has written a letter about the news for the EVE Online community, which you can read after the jump. Community Manager James Egan has also posted a lengthy introduction to DUST 514 on the PlayStation Blog and is answering questions from players.