CCP Accepts PLEX Donations for U.S. Storm Relief

EVE Online's PLEX for Good program is back once again, and this time players are invited to donate PLEX to help aid those who were affected by the recent storms and tornadoes in the southern-midwestern and eastern United States. Here are the details:

"Beginning May 3, 2011 and ending at 23:59 UTC on May 16, 2011, CCP will be accepting PLEX donations for PLEX for Good: Storm Relief. Each donation will be converted into cash currency and donated to the Red Cross.

To make your PLEX donation:

  • Contract your PLEX to the "CCP PLEX for Good" character, and please make sure the character is in the "C C P" corporation and that the name is spelled correctly to avoid scams.
  • Contracts will be accepted within 24 hours of submission, though usually sooner than that.

CCP regards any scamming attempts surrounding this effort to be morally reprehensible and they will be met with swiftest action.

To learn more about how this program works, please check out this FAQ for more information."


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