Another month, another "State of the Game" address from Champions Online's Executive Producer, Shannon Posniewski! For this month, "Poz," as she is known in-game, noted that there was a dev event planned for April 30th, 2010 from 4-7 PM PDT, where the dev team is planning to play through Therakiel's Lair, and they're inviting everyone to come along. As well, of great interest is Champions Online's planned update schedule for the coming months, where Poz notes that they will be trying to make a "significant update" at least once every four to six weeks. As well, for every other month (so every two months or so, give or take half a month), the team plans to release an Adventure Pack or other new content, while the other updates will focus on mini-updates, power revisions and system upgrades. If you're thinking this update system sounds familiar, it's actually what Turbine's Dungeons & Dragons Online team has been employing to great success with DDO - so more content ahoy for Champions Online!
Finally, Poz also sheds some light on the upcoming two updates, noting that April will see the "Supernatural Punch Pack," which will see melee and supernatural power updates, as well as an offensive passives update and some hefty improvements to the "feel of teaming in the game." In other words, more UI support for groups - specifically, more quest UI support so that groups can see their teammates' quests, primary missions, and much more. It certainly does sound like the Champions Online team is really picking up steam! You can also read the full "state of the game" address after the jump.