Poll Decides New Champions Online Costumes
Ninja, Gladiator, Viking. Which will you choose?
Champions Online is running a poll that lets users decide which new costumes come to the Champions Online universe. From the looks of the poll options, it seems like the new costumes will probably have a historical flair. You can choose from 8 different options: Tesla Coil Electric Armor, Epic Egyptian, Lich Bone Armor, Viking, Gladiator, Sports, Ninja and Pirate.
With so many great options, why not give us multiple, Cryptic? Our guess is that depending on the number of responses or how widely varied the responses are, Champions Online may very well produce costumes from many of the poll options. How can one choose between a Ninja costume and Tesla Coil Electric Armor anyway? Go here to take the poll.
Tags: ChampionsOnline, News