APB + Star Wars Cantina = So Very Impressed.

Wow, what will the kids come up with next? And by "kids" we mean APB players with musical talent and a love for Star Wars. Youtube user, and APB player, SutoikkuIchiban used the APB Music Studio to create a remix of the Mos Eisley Cantina theme that Luke and Obi Wan hear when they enter the "hive of scum and villainy." It starts familiarly but then switches to a beat worthy of cruising down the streets of San Paro to. Check it out below.

The wealth of creativity that comes out of the APB community makes the thought of this MMO going away all the more painful. Thank the Lord that APB seems pretty confident in their ability to survive.

APB: Live Service to Continue During Restructuring

Last month we reported the initial announcement that All Points Bulletin developer Realtime Worlds would be restructuring its staff and administration roster, in an effort to "focus [their] efforts and resources on running APB as a 24/7 online live operation," according to CEO Gary Dale. As we noted then, APB was received by the MMO community better than many gaming communities and news media predicted, and Realtime Worlds is trying to prep its staff and hardware providers to meet that demand. In a press release earlier today, Realtime Worlds said the restructure is "designed to create a business that can support APB: All Points Bulletin, as an ongoing online service for current and future players." The announcement follows the wake of Realtime Worlds filing for "administration," or bankruptcy protection, earlier this week.

The company reminds players that live service will continue in the U.S. and Europe throughout this period, while future updates and new game features "are in the pipeline including and a new patch went live this week," according to the release. Despite his ominous-sounding title, joint administrator Paul Dounis of business rescue said, "We want to offer reassurance to gamers that APB will not only continue as an online service but will be improved and supported 100 percent during this restructure." Some of the new features currently live on the public test server include matchmaking improvements, combat/gameplay enhancements, advanced graphics options and more. Read the press release and the full list of game updates after the jump, and learn more about the MMO at ZAM's APB portal site.

The Success of APB

APB is a game where you go commit crimes or enforce the law with a group of your friends. At its core, APB is a gang fantasy; but most MMOs are. Whether you want to call it a group, a clan or a fellowship of the ring, most MMOs veer away from the solitary or competitive gameplay of consoles for a shared experience with friends. And most MMOs give you items to distinguish yourself from your peers and give you a unique identity. But APB does these things in ways, and to levels, we've never seen before.

Realtime Worlds restructures for post-launch APB

Perhaps not the biggest news to hit MMO players this year, but it seems as though Realtime Worlds has decided to restructure their employees in order to provide more live services and more future content for All Points Bulletin. More specifically, Realtime Worlds wants to increase their marketing and online support capacity, and they already want to focus on developing future content for APB in the future. Throughout this, Realtime Worlds just wants to commit as much of themselves to their new MMO as possible, and they want players to know it.

Gary Dale, CEO of Realtime Worlds, notes that "APB experienced a very smooth launch for an online dedicated game . . . we're immensely proud of the game the team has produced . . . We now have to focus our efforts and resources on running APB as a 24/7 online live operation." Let's just hope that RTW won't follow in the footsteps of many other MMO development companies who are forced to lay off massive amounts of their support staff simply because they "overprepare" for the initial launch, but end up being overstaffed in the following months.

The Final Day of ZAM's E3 2010 Awards

We saw more than 20 MMOs at the recent E3 2010 convention in Los Angeles. We participated in the spectacle by attending parties, touring booths and watching the booths babes ... and the games, of course. So that is why each year, we honor the best of the best from each show. Over the next few days, we'll unveil our winners. Here is the schedule:


  • Best Real Life Game
  • Best Fantasy Game
  • Best Sci-Fi Game
  • Best in Show

Day 1:

  • Best Party
  • Best Booth
  • Best Family Game

Day 2:

  • Best Trailer
  • Biggest Surprise
  • Best Demo

So stay with us all three days as we unveil the winners. In case you missed our coverage, you can check out the E3 index page.

APB Beta Gameplay Video

No matter how many times we talk about the depth of customization in APB, it's still amazing when you see it in action. Check out the below video for some of the best examples of user customization from the APB beta. We were really impressed with the Death Themes, which are the little tunes you create that play in an opponent's ears after you kill them. Hearing a familiar tune multiple times means someone on the other team has got your number.

BFF Report Episode 31: APB Revisited

APB is an MMOFPS that is not at all like the lobby based games we've seen in the genre's past, but is this a refreshing change of pace or is it too far out there for players in the MMO field to accept? Fresh from E3, Fony brings you the second part of his report to help you make the call.

ZAM's exclusive All Points Bulletin Interview @ E3

It's no secret that All Points Bulletin is, currently, one of the hottest topics in the MMORPG world. Boasting incredible customization and a gorgeous world, All Points Bulletin seems like it really will live up to the hype of being "Grand Theft Auto Online." It's also no secret that we, here at ZAM, are very interested in this game, and Mike B. of the BFF Report even had to hijack a friends' account in order to check out the closed beta of All Points Bulletin!

And so, in keeping with our enthusiasm for this game, Mike B. also managed to grab an interview with the Lead Designer of APB, EJ Moreland, to talk a little bit about the customization depth of All Points Bulletin and how the team plans to integrate some of their key features and developments in the future. Specifically, things like the "Chaos" Server, where players will be, literally, plopped down into an open-world PvP setting between criminals and enforcers, are definitely in the plans for a major update to come after the release of All Points Bulletin. As well, EJ Moreland gives some great information about the development process behind All Points Bulletin, and really shows how enthusiasm is driving this team. Check out our E3 interview after the jump!

APB Hands-On: Enforcing Justice in San Paro

The life of an Enforcer in San Paro is not easy, especially if you have the driving skills of a 12-year-old and are up against ruthless criminals bent on terrorizing the city. At least that was my first hands-on experience with All Points Bulletin (APB), the upcoming MMO shooter from Realtime Worlds. I managed to infiltrate their offices in Boulder, CO, last week to get a look at the near-gold build of the game, then interrogate the lead designer in a secluded office until he gave me all the extra details on the game.

APB Available for Pre-purchase on Steam


It's time to start getting excited for Summer gaming. By pre-purchasing APB on the premium game download service, Steam, you'll unlock a slew of exclusive items, as well as free gameplay time. That's 7 exclusive in-game items and over 15 hours of playtime before the regular release date. Well, well, aren't you a high-rollin' V.I.P.

Check out the exclusive goodies, from the Steam website:

- Key to the City: June 10-19: includes 5 hours of district gameplay and unlimited social gameplay

- 3 Days Early Game Access: Includes 10 hours of district gameplay and unlimited social gameplay

- 7 Exclusive In Game Items:Includes the Chicken and Strike A Pose Emotes, Criminal and Enforcer Cars, Criminal and CSA Outfits along with the Pioneer Decal.