Realtime Worlds restructures for post-launch APB
The team plans to bolster overall staffing levels for All Points Bulletin, focusing mostly on online support and marketing
Perhaps not the biggest news to hit MMO players this year, but it seems as though Realtime Worlds has decided to restructure their employees in order to provide more live services and more future content for All Points Bulletin. More specifically, Realtime Worlds wants to increase their marketing and online support capacity, and they already want to focus on developing future content for APB in the future. Throughout this, Realtime Worlds just wants to commit as much of themselves to their new MMO as possible, and they want players to know it.
Gary Dale, CEO of Realtime Worlds, notes that "APB experienced a very smooth launch for an online dedicated game . . . we're immensely proud of the game the team has produced . . . We now have to focus our efforts and resources on running APB as a 24/7 online live operation." Let's just hope that RTW won't follow in the footsteps of many other MMO development companies who are forced to lay off massive amounts of their support staff simply because they "overprepare" for the initial launch, but end up being overstaffed in the following months.