Winds of Ill Fortune (Rift Encounter)  

Quick Facts


This is a Storyline rift. The quest, Proof of Concept (Defiant) or Reaping the Whirlwind (Guardian), will send you here to kill 6 creatures and seal the Reliquary of the Storm Queen. You will have an item from the quest to help you.

If you have a pet, dismiss or muzzle it before you start or your pet will aggro all the creatures at once. The creatures are Elite and you will not last long.

The trick here is to pick a spot then use the item to clear the path to the Reliquary. Once you have killed the 6th creature the item becomes useless so be sure the 6 you kill with it are the 6 you NEED to get to the Reliquary!

  • Stage 1
    • Use the item you were given to kill 6 Powerful Rift Spawn

  • Stage 2
    • Seal the Reliquary of the Storm Queen

Categories: RIFT | Encounters (Rift)
This page last modified 2011-04-20 01:52:30.