what you should buy and why
This is not a guide for how to become an enchanter or enchantress.This is a guide for everybody else: I will try to help you understand what enchantments you should buy for your character, when to buy it, and why (to teach you more about the game).And I will even help you understand why (and where) you can get free enchantments!
Enchantments are unique in WoW in that it's the one profession with the most 'professionals'. Many players (such as yours truly, a level 300 enchantress on Shadow Council) have invested time and effort into providing a true service, that of enhancing your items for a fee.At any given time, there are one or more enchanters and enchantresses active in your faction's main city, offering their services.
Also fairly unique to enchantments is that they are level-neutral.There are no level requirements for the recipient of an enchantment.So yes, your level 1 mage can get Crusader on her dagger if she wants (not a wise investment, but it will work).
Again, this guide makes a serious attempt to provide the lay of the land for the customer.And this means everybody who aren't themselves focusing on enchanting (there are already good guides for them).And I really mean everybody, no matter what your level or class. I will try to explain not just what the available enchantments are and what they do, but also to explain the 'market'.
When you're below level 10 (or thereabouts), you shouldn't spend any of your own money on enchantments. Instead, you should pay attention to the channel chat in your beginner area.Beginning enchanters need to do lots of low-level enchantments to build up their skill.They don't expect low-level characters like you to pay anything, but they also hate to waste the enchantment.So, they will often announce on one of the chat channels something like 'Enchanting +1 stamina to bracers for free in front of the Inn.' When you see that, rush over there to get the enchantment.
Depending on your luck, you can get free enchantments at much higher levels too, but they won't be offered in your beginner area. If they are available, they will be offered in your main cities, on the (joint) Trade channel. There are enchantments as high as skill level 205 (notably +50 defense to cloak) with mats cost less than 50S, so high-level characters that are endgaming enchanting often can't be bothered to charge for it. They will simply buy materials for, say, 20 repeat enchantments at a go (for 10G, pocket change for a lvl 60), and then offer it free to anybody online at the time. Make no mistake, if nobody steps forward to receive this freebie, they will waste it on some training item, over and over, happily burning mats each time to up their skill.
Nowadays, with trade channels joined between your main cities, this really matters.You should find your way to your closest main city as quickly as possible so that you're frequently listening in on the trade channel.Remember, enchants are not level-dependent. And for a low-level player, +50 armor to your cloak is a powerful buff!
Ok, with the 'first is free' section above I hopefully have your attention.So here, in a nutshell, is how the enchantment market works. (See below in this guide for a complete list of known enchantments in the game, and their corresponding skill requirements.) Read this section and you'll have the gist of it, the rest of the guide goes into painful detail on all the aspects.
Firstly, an enchantment always has two components: a set of materials (called 'mats') and an enchanter or enchantress that knows the enchantment (henceforth I will use the term 'enchantress', even though occasionally you will find a decent enchanter). The mats can be found in drops, or from disenchanting a magical item (also known as to 'de' the item), or from the auction house ('AH'). I will make frequent reference to the AH in this guide.In general, all mats are available at the AH, though the market price varies. Since buying from the enchantress is equivalent to buying from the AH, it's the AH prices that you should pay attention to.Indeed, a key way that enchantresses make money is by buying mats at low prices, and then selling high by way of enchantments, since by being high-skilled enchantresses they understand the demand curve.
Anyway, I digress. Here is what you need to know in a nutshell:
Enchantments below skill 100 - and some as high as 200 - can be had for free if you are attentive to channel chat and quick to respond.
Above skill 200, the mats cost becomes significant.All the way up to skill 295, you can get the enchantment for free if you buy the materials and look for an enchantress who needs the practice. So, the key here is to spend some time monitoring the prices at AH: when supply is high (usually at the beginning of prime time) you should jump in and buy what you need.
For an enchantress to develop her skill from 100 to 290 is very expensive, especially as it goes above 260 or so. So you should tip, even if not asked. A good rule of thumb is to tip 25% of what the mats cost you.For higher level enchants, the tip (or fee) will be much higher.
Don't 'shop around' aggressively. This just irritates the enchantress players, and will remove their motivation to try and help you.You want to be economical about your enchantment purchases? Fine, then read this guide, and you will be. You are not an out-of-town tourist trying to flog the locals, this is a community, and these are your friends and neighbors. Aggressive price shopping is noobie behavior.
Most endgame enchantments (but not all) are skill 290+.At this point the enchantments start becoming truly interesting, so the enchantress has little to worry about training and will enchant an item for you only (a) as a favor or (b) in order to make money.
Most truly interesting enchantments are very difficult for an enchantress to learn (in fact, some are exceptionally difficult, and it is exceedingly rare to meet an enchantress who knows the full range of enchantments).For these, you should expect to pay a significant fee, often in the 25-50G range. (Remember, these enchantments take weeks of playing each to obtain, and sometimes 1000s of gold, so don't complain about the fee.)
That's it, remember the above, and you'll be ahead of most players online today.
There are well over 100 enchantments in the game, but they follow some basic patterns that are worth knowing. In particular, the most popular and common style enchantments simply add a stat bonus to an item that you wear. In fact, about half of the known enchantments are of this type.
Stat bonuses can not be applied to all items. In particular, they are limited to boots, bracers, cloaks, gloves, shields, and weapons.
Below, I summarize these common stat boosts in two tables.The first table organizes them by stat, so you can see what to pursue to boost your favorite ability.
| Boots, Gloves
| +1, +3, +5, +7
| Cloak
| +1, +3
| Bracer
| +1
| Weapon
| +15
| Bracer
| +5, +7
| Weapon
| +22
| 2H Weapon
| +3, +9
| Bracer, Shield
| +1, +3, +5, +7, +9
| Boots
| +3, +5
| Weapon
| +20
| 2H Weapon
| +3, +9
| Boots, Shield
| +1, +3, +5, +7
| Bracer
| +1, +3, +5, +7, +9
| Gloves
| +5, +7
| Bracer
| +1, +3, +5, +7, +9
| Strength
| +15
Table 1 ' Common stat enchantments, by ability
This second table has the same information, but this time tabulated by item.The idea is that when you pick up a good item that you know you want to hold on to for a while, here is an easy view of stat buffs available for that item:
| Agility, Stamina
| +1, +3, +5, +7
| Spirit
| +3, +5
| Spirit, Stamina, Strength
| +1, +3, +5, +7, +9
| Agility
| +1
| Intellect
| +5, +7
| Agility
| +1, +3
| Agility
| +1, +3, +5, +7
| Strength
| +5, +7
| Spirit
| +1, +3, +5, +7, +9
| Stamina
| +1, +3, +5, +7
| Agility, Strength
| +15
| Intellect
| +22
| Spirit
| +20
2H Weapon
| Spirit, Intellect
| +3, +9
Table 2 ' Common stat enchantments, by item
The costs of the above enchants are, of course, higher the better they are.Estimated mats costs for all of them are in the summary table below.However, here are some useful guidelines:
As with a lot of things in this game, the prices accelerate geometrically (that means 'fast') for each step in improvement.
End-game enchants (the highest of any item/stat combo) are typically extra expensive. There are two notable exceptions: +9 spirit to bracers and +7 strength to boots, both of which are surprisingly inexpensive.
The high-end weapon enchants (all above +9) are very difficult for an enchantress to learn, and have mats that are very expensive. You should expect to pay 100-250G for them (each!).
"Weapons" means One-Handed Axes, Two-Handed Axes, One-Handed Maces, Two-Handed Maces, Polearms, One-Handed Swords, Two-Handed Swords, Staves, Fist Weapons, Daggers, Spears
Below is a full list of all common enchantments in the game.With 'common' I mean that you should not have much difficulty locating an enchantress that can help you. The formula are either straight forward for an enchantress to find and learn, or they are available at AH for reasonable prices.
The 'Target' column indicates the object/slot that is affected, and the two columns to the right of this summarize the effects of the enchantment.'Special' means the effect is not easily summarized (see below).
For each enchantment, I have estimated what it would cost you to buy. This means auction house 'buyout' price, plus a 25% tip/fee for the enchantress.(These prices, of course, are very approximate.)
| Name of Enchant
| Target
| Estimated Cost (S)
| Materials Needed
| Enchant 2H Weapon - Major Spirit
| 2H Weapon
| Spirit
| 9
| 6,720
| 2x Large Brilliant Shard, 12x Greater Eternal Essence
| Enchant Weapon - Icy Chill
| Weapon
| Special
| 5,556
| 1x Essence of Water, 1x Essence of Air, 4x Small Brilliant Shard, 1x Icecap
| Enchant Bracer - Mana Regeneration
| Bracer
| Mana RPS
| 0.8
| 5,424
| 16x Illusion Dust, 4x Greater Eternal Essence, 2x Essence of Water
| Enchant Weapon - Fiery Weapon
| Weapon
| Special
| 4,080
| 1x Essence of Fire, 4x Small Radiant Shard
| Enchant Boots - Greater Agility
| Boots
| Agility
| 7
| 3,840
| 8x Greater Eternal Essence
| Enchant Bracer - Superior Strength
| Bracer
| Strength
| 9
| 3,384
| 6x Illusion Dust, 6x Greater Eternal Essence
| Enchant Gloves - Greater Strength
| Gloves
| Strength
| 7
| 2,256
| 4x Illusion Dust, 4x Greater Eternal Essence
| Enchant Chest - Stats
| Chest
| Stats
| 3
| 1,884
| 3x Dream Dust, 1x Large Radiant Shard, 2x Greater Nether Essence
| Enchant Weapon - Greater Striking
| Weapon
| Damage
| 4
| 1,848
| 2x Large Radiant Shard, 2x Greater Nether Essence
| Enchant Chest - Major Mana
| Chest
| Mana
| 100
| 1,800
| 3x Greater Eternal Essence, 1x Small Brilliant Shard
| Enchant Boots - Agility
| Boots
| Agility
| 5
| 1,560
| 2x Greater Nether Essence
| Enchant Weapon - Winter's Might
| Weapon
| Frost spells
| 7
| 1,364
| 3x Vision Dust, 1x Large Glowing Shard, 3x Greater Mystic Essence, 2x Wintersbite
| Enchant Chest - Superior Mana
| Chest
| Mana
| 65
| 1,300
| 1x Greater Nether Essence, 2x Lesser Nether Essence
| Enchant Shield - Superior Spirit
| Shield
| Spirit
| 9
| 1,296
| 4x Illusion Dust, 2x Greater Eternal Essence
| Enchant Bracer - Superior Stamina
| Bracer
| Stamina
| 9
| 1,260
| 15x Illusion Dust
| Enchant Boots - Minor Speed
| Boots
| Walking speed
| 1,220
| 1x Lesser Nether Essence, 1x Small Radiant Shard, 1x Aquamarine
| Enchant Weapon - Demonslaying
| Weapon
| Special
| 1,170
| 2x Dream Dust, 1x Small Radiant Shard, 1x Elixir of Demonslaying
| Enchant Boots - Spirit
| Boots
| Spirit
| 5
| 1,140
| 2x Greater Eternal Essence, 1x Lesser Eternal Essence
| Enchant Bracer - Superior Spirit
| Bracer
| Spirit
| 9
| 1,140
| 3x Lesser Eternal Essence, 10x Dream Dust
| Enchant Chest - Lesser Stats
| Chest
| Stats
| 2
| 989
| 2x Vision Dust, 1x Large Glowing Shard, 2x Greater Mystic Essence
| Enchant Shield - Lesser Block
| Shield
| Block %
| 2
| 989
| 2x Vision Dust, 1x Large Glowing Shard, 2x Greater Mystic Essence
| Enchant Weapon - Striking
| Weapon
| Damage
| 3
| 936
| 1x Large Glowing Shard, 2x Greater Mystic Essence
| Enchant Bracer - Greater Strength
| Bracer
| Strength
| 7
| 900
| 2x Dream Dust, 1x Greater Nether Essence
| Enchant Bracer - Deflection
| Bracer
| Defense
| 3
| 900
| 2x Dream Dust, 1x Greater Nether Essence
| Enchant Shield - Greater Spirit
| Shield
| Spirit
| 7
| 900
| 2x Dream Dust, 1x Greater Nether Essence
| Enchant Chest - Major Health
| Chest
| Health
| 100
| 864
| 6x Illusion Dust, 1x Small Brilliant Shard
| Enchant Bracer - Greater Spirit
| Bracer
| Spirit
| 7
| 807
| 1x Vision Dust, 3x Lesser Nether Essence
| Enchant Gloves - Greater Agility
| Gloves
| Agility
| 7
| 792
| 3x Illusion Dust, 3x Lesser Eternal Essence
| Enchant Cloak - Greater Resistance
| Cloak
| Resistance
| 5
| 756
| 2x Lesser Eternal Essence, 1x Heart of Fire, 1x Core of Earth, 1x Globe of Water, 1x Breath of Wind, 1x Ichor of Undeath
| Enchant Cloak - Superior Defense
| Cloak
| Armor
| 70
| 672
| 8x Illusion Dust
| Enchant Shield - Greater Stamina
| Shield
| Stamina
| 7
| 600
| 10x Dream Dust
| Enchant Boots - Greater Stamina
| Boots
| Stamina
| 7
| 600
| 10x Dream Dust
| Enchant Gloves - Strength
| Gloves
| Strength
| 5
| 600
| 3x Vision Dust, 2x Lesser Nether Essence
| Enchant Chest - Lesser Absorption
| Chest
| Special
| 594
| 1x Greater Astral Essence, 1x Large Glimmering Shard, 2x Strange Dust
| Enchant Chest - Minor Stats
| Chest
| Stats
| 1
| 591
| 1x Soul Dust, 1x Greater Astral Essence, 1x Large Glimmering Shard
| Enchant 2H Weapon - Impact
| 2H Weapon
| Damage
| 5
| 586
| 4x Vision Dust, 1x Large Glowing Shard
| Enchant Bracer - Greater Intellect
| Bracer
| Intellect
| 7
| 540
| 3x Lesser Eternal Essence
| Enchant Cloak - Lesser Agility
| Cloak
| Agility
| 3
| 520
| 2x Lesser Nether Essence
| Enchant Bracer - Intellect
| Bracer
| Intellect
| 5
| 520
| 2x Lesser Nether Essence
| Enchant Gloves - Minor Haste
| Gloves
| Attack speed %
| 1
| 504
| 2x Large Radiant Shard, 2x Wildvine
| Enchant Gloves - Riding Skill
| Gloves
| Riding %
| 3
| 468
| 3x Dream Dust, 2x Large Radiant Shard
| Enchant Chest - Mana
| Chest
| Mana
| 30
| 462
| 1x Greater Astral Essence, 2x Lesser Astral Essence
| Enchant Cloak - Lesser Shadow Resistance
| Cloak
| Shadow resist
| 10
| 456
| 1x Greater Astral Essence, 1x Shadow Protection Potion
| Enchant 2H Weapon - Greater Impact
| 2H Weapon
| Damage
| 7
| 408
| 2x Dream Dust, 2x Large Radiant Shard
| Enchant Shield - Frost Resistance
| Shield
| Frost resist
| 8
| 396
| 1x Large Radiant Shard, 1x Frost Oil
| Enchant Boots - Lesser Spirit
| Boots
| Spirit
| 3
| 380
| 1x Greater Mystic Essence, 2x Lesser Mystic Essence
| Enchant Gloves - Advanced Mining
| Gloves
| Mining
| 5
| 324
| 3x Vision Dust, 3x Truesilver Bar
| Enchant Weapon - Lesser Beastslayer
| Weapon
| Damage vs beast
| 6
| 316
| 1x Lesser Mystic Essence, 2x Large Fang, 1x Small Glowing Shard
| Enchant Weapon - Lesser Elemental Slayer
| Weapon
| Damage vs elemental
| 6
| 316
| 1x Lesser Mystic Essence, 1x Small Glowing Shard, 1x Elemental Earth
| Enchant Bracer - Greater Stamina
| Bracer
| Stamina
| 7
| 300
| 5x Dream Dust
| Enchangt Gloves - Agility
| Gloves
| Agility
| 5
| 287
| 1x Vision Dust, 1x Lesser Nether Essence
| Enchant 2H Weapon - Lesser Impact
| 2H Weapon
| Damage
| 3
| 267
| 3x Soul Dust, 1x Large Glimmering Shard
| Enchant Cloak - Resistance
| Cloak
| Resistance
| 3
| 260
| 1x Lesser Nether Essence
| Enchant Weapon - Lesser Striking
| Weapon
| Damage
| 2
| 258
| 2x Soul Dust, 1x Large Glimmering Shard
| Enchant Shield - Spirit
| Shield
| Spirit
| 5
| 255
| 1x Vision Dust, 1x Greater Mystic Essence
| Enchant Gloves - Skinning
| Gloves
| Skinning
| 5
| 243
| 1x Vision Dust, 3x Green Whelp Scale
| Enchant Chest - Greater Mana
| Chest
| Mana
| 50
| 228
| 1x Greater Mystic Essence
| Enchant Cloak - Fire Resistance
| Cloak
| Fire resist
| 7
| 214
| 1x Lesser Mystic Essence, 1x Elemental Fire
| Enchant Gloves - Advanced Herbalism
| Gloves
| Herbalism
| 5
| 170
| 3x Vision Dust, 3x Sungrass
| Enchant Chest - Superior Health
| Chest
| Health
| 50
| 159
| 6x Vision Dust
| Enchant Boots - Minor Agility
| Boots
| Agility
| 1
| 156
| 2x Lesser Astral Essence, 6x Strange Dust
| Enchant Cloak - Defense
| Cloak
| Armor
| 30
| 147
| 1x Small Glowing Shard, 3x Soul Dust
| Enchant Shield - Lesser Spirit
| Shield
| Spirit
| 3
| 144
| 2x Lesser Astral Essence, 4x Strange Dust
| Enchant Shield - Stamina
| Shield
| Stamina
| 5
| 132
| 5x Vision Dust
| Enchant Boots - Stamina
| Boots
| Stamina
| 5
| 132
| 5x Vision Dust
| Enchant Bracer - Lesser Spirit
| Bracer
| Spirit
| 3
| 120
| 2x Lesser Astral Essence
| Enchant Gloves - Fishing
| Gloves
| Fishing
| 2
| 117
| 1x Soul Dust, 3x Blackmouth Oil
| Enchant 2H Weapon - Lesser Intellect
| 2H Weapon
| Intellect
| 3
| 108
| 3x Greater Magic Essence
| Enchant Shield - Lesser Protection
| Shield
| Armor
| 30
| 96
| 1x Lesser Astral Essence, 1x Strange Dust, 1x Small Glimmering Shard
| Enchant 2H Weapon - Lesser Spirit
| 2H Weapon
| Spirit
| 3
| 96
| 1x Lesser Astral Essence, 6x Strange Dust
| Enchant Weapon - Minor Beastslayer
| Weapon
| Damage to beast
| 2
| 96
| 4x Strange Dust, 2x Greater Magic Essence
| Enchant Bracer - Lesser Deflection
| Bracer
| Defense
| 2
| 94
| 1x Lesser Mystic Essence, 2x Soul Dust
| Enchant Cloak - Lesser Fire Resistance
| Cloak
| Fire resist
| 5
| 90
| 1x Lesser Astral Essence, 1x Fire Oil
| Enchant Boots - Lesser Agility
| Boots
| Agility
| 3
| 85
| 1x Lesser Mystic Essence, 1x Soul Dust
| Enchant Shield - Lesser Stamina
| Shield
| Stamina
| 3
| 85
| 1x Lesser Mystic Essence, 1x Soul Dust
| Enchant Chest - Health
| Chest
| Health
| 25
| 84
| 1x Lesser Astral Essence, 4x Strange Dust
| Enchant Gloves - Mining
| Gloves
| Mining
| 2
| 81
| 1x Soul Dust, 3x Iron Ore
| Enchant Gloves - Herbalism
| Gloves
| Herbalism
| 2
| 81
| 1x Soul Dust, 3x Kingsblood
| Enchant Cloak - Greater Defense
| Cloak
| Armor
| 50
| 80
| 3x Vision Dust
| Enchant Bracer - Spirit
| Bracer
| Spirit
| 5
| 76
| 1x Lesser Mystic Essence
| Enchant Cloak - Lesser Protection
| Cloak
| Armor
| 20
| 66
| 6x Strange Dust, 1x Small Glimmering Shard
| Enchant Cloak - Minor Agility
| Cloak
| Agility
| 1
| 60
| 1x Lesser Astral Essence
| Enchant Chest - Lesser Mana
| Chest
| Mana
| 20
| 60
| 1x Greater Magic Essence, 1x Lesser Magic Essence
| Enchant Chest - Lesser Health
| Chest
| Health
| 15
| 60
| 2x Strange Dust, 2x Lesser Magic Essence
| Enchant 2H Weapon - Minor Impact
| 2H Weapon
| Damage
| 2
| 54
| 4x Strange Dust, 1x Small Glimmering Shard
| Enchant Cloak - Minor Protection
| Cloak
| Armor
| 10
| 54
| 3x Strange Dust, 1x Greater Magic Essence
| Enchant Cloak - Minor Resistance
| Cloak
| Resist magic
| 1
| 54
| 1x Strange Dust, 2x Lesser Magic Essence
| Enchant Bracer - Minor Agility
| Bracer
| Agility
| 1
| 48
| 2x Strange Dust, 1x Greater Magic Essence
| Enchant Bracer - Minor Spirit
| Bracer
| Spirit
| 1
| 48
| 2x Lesser Magic Essence
| Enchant Boots - Lesser Stamina
| Boots
| Stamina
| 3
| 36
| 4x Soul Dust
| Enchant Chest - Minor Absorption
| Chest
| Special
| 36
| 2x Strange Dust, 1x Lesser Magic Essence
| Enchant Bracer - Minor Strength
| Bracer
| Strength
| 1
| 30
| 5x Strange Dust
| Enchant Bracer - Minor Deflect
| Bracer
| Defense
| 1
| 30
| 1x Strange Dust, 1x Lesser Magic Essence
| Enchant Chest - Greater Health
| Chest
| Health
| 35
| 27
| 3x Soul Dust
| Enchant Bracer - Strength
| Bracer
| Strength
| 5
| 27
| 1x Vision Dust
| Enchant Chest - Minor Mana
| Chest
| Mana
| 5
| 24
| 1x Lesser Magic Essence
| Enchant Bracer - Lesser Strength
| Bracer
| Strength
| 3
| 18
| 2x Soul Dust
| Enchant Bracer - Lesser Stamina
| Bracer
| Stamina
| 3
| 18
| 2x Soul Dust
| Enchant Bracer - Minor Stamina
| Bracer
| Stamina
| 1
| 18
| 3x Strange Dust
| Enchant Chest - Minor Health
| Chest
| Health
| 5
| 6
| 1x Strange Dust
Let's have a closer look at the 'special' enchants among the common ones.The effects are summarized in the table below, and some pro/con commentary follows below.
Name of Enchant
| Description
| Analysis
Enchant Weapon - Icy Chill
| Permanently enchant a melee weapon to often chill the target reducing their movement and attack speed.
| Target's movement slowed to 70% and attacks slowed by 20% for 5 sec. Proc rate about once per minute.
Enchant Weapon - Fiery Weapon
| Permanently enchant a melee weapon to often strike for 40 additional fire damage.
| Proc rate about 6 times per minute.
Enchant Weapon - Demonslaying
| Permanently enchant a melee weapon to have a chance of stunning and doing heavy damage to demons.
| Procs a 5 second stun (Apply Aura: Stun) and does 75-125 damage (School Damage: Holy).Reported to proc frequently.
Enchant Chest - Lesser Absorption
| Enchant a piece of chest armor so it has a 5% chance per hit of giving you 25 points of damage absorption.
| See below.
Enchant Chest - Minor Absorption
| Enchant a piece of chest armor so it has a 2% chance per hit of giving you 10 points of damage absorption.
| See below.
(It is difficult to get solid information and high quality commentary on these enchants. Your input is welcome.)
Icy and Fiery are popular mostly for the good looks they add to any weapon.
Icy Chill is generally viewed as giving a very nice glow but proc rate too low to be very useful. There are cases where it might be very attractive, since few (if any) mobs appear to be able to resist the slow effect. So in high level raids and boss fights, this might be of particular interest in giving healers some extra time etc.
Fiery Weapon adds about 4 DPS to your damage, of type 'fire', and which (of course) is not adjusted by attack power.Thus, this enchant (besides looking good) is mostly useful at lower levels (e.g. twinked BG chars, in particular dual-wield ones).
Demonslaying is an odd one.It's rarely in demand, and it seems to be poorly understood (I can't find accurate proc data anywhere). But, from the specs, it would seem to be extraordinarily effective against demons, at a fairly low price.
Lesser Absorption and Minor Absorption are in low demand, as well, and are reported to not work as advertised. In general, enchantments like these are too complex for players to understand when they are low level, and too weak to be useful when the player is high level.
'Procs' are important to understand.From Blizz support pages 'proc' is 'a term used to denote when a special effect of an item randomly triggers or what the special effect of said item does. Proc only refers to a randomly triggered effect that arises from attacking or being hit.'
It's important to understand that procs kick in a certain number of times per second (or minute), regardless of the speed of your weapon.So having a faster weapon doesn't help in terms of these effects. Thus "procs per minute" in this guide is an estimate of how many times per 60 seconds of combat you expect the effect to "kick in". (There may be effects from "instant" attacks that change this, but this is not fully understood outside Blizzard. Similarly, it's unclear how dual-wield is handled, but it appears that off-hand is discounted slightly.)
Note that weapons never proc for Druids in feral form, so any "effect on hit" will not help. There, I just saved you 100G. Just send me 25% of that and we're even.
Below is a list of all common materials and their typical cost (in silver).Few are available from merchants, typically you need to find them yourself or buy at the auction house. These prices are very, very rough. Prices will fluctuate dramatically.
| Estimated Price (S)
| Material
| Estimated Price (S)
| 75
| Kingsblood
| 20
Black Pearl
| 95
| Large Brilliant Shard
| 400
Blackmouth Oil
| 30
| Large Radiant Shard
| 200
Blood of the Mountain
| 4000
| Large Fang
| 50
Breath of Wind
| 90
| Large Glimmering Shard
| 100
Core of Earth
| 100
| Large Glowing Shard
| 200
Dream Dust
| 60
| Lesser Eternal Essence
| 150
Elemental Earth
| 100
| Lesser Astral Essence
| 50
Elemental Fire
| 115
| Lesser Magic Essence
| 20
Elixir of Demonslaying
| 375
| Lesser Mystic Essence
| 75
Essence of Air
| 2500
| Lesser Nether Essence
| 175
Essence of Earth
| 1500
| Living Essence
| 510
Essence of Fire
| 1500
| Righteous Orb
| 8000
Essence of Undeath
| 370
| Rugged Leather
| 19
Essence of Water
| 900
| Shadow Protection Potion
| 95
Fire Oil
| 25
| Shadowgem
| 10
Frost Oil
| 210
| Simple Wood
| 0.38
Globe of Water
| 25
| Small Brilliant Shard
| 300
Golden Pearl
| 1800
| Small Radiant Shard
| 500
Greater Eternal Essence
| 400
| Small Glimmering Shard
| 25
Greater Nether Essence
| 500
| Small Glowing Shard
| 100
Greater Astral Essence
| 90
| Small Radiant Shard
| 300
Greater Magic Essence
| 25
| Soul Dust
| 6
Greater Mystic Essence
| 150
| Star Wood
| 35
Green Whelp Scale
| 60
| Strange Dust
| 5
Heart of Fire
| 100
| Sungrass
| 25
| 30
| Thorium Bar
| 30
Ichor of Undeath
| 15
| Truesilver Bar
| 68
Illusion Dust
| 150
| Vision Dust
| 22.5
Iridescent Pearl
| 100
| Wildvine
| 90
Iron Ore
| 20
| Wintersbite
| 50
This guide is still under development.Below are the areas that I am working on to add.
Enchantment-like boosts to items.There are sources of various types of buffs that are very similar to enchantments, but do not require an enchantress.They certainly don't belong in a guide to how to become an enchantress, but since this is a buyer's guide, I thought it would make sense to list what these are.
Very rare enchantments. The high-end enchantments are difficult to obtain, and information about them are scattered.I plan to assemble summary information about what these enchantments do, and what you should expect to pay for them (and why).
Fee guide for high-level enchantments. These are very rare and require extended efforts by the enchantress to master. So, what's a fair fee to charge for these'
Other resources. There are some excellent sources of information on enchantments around the web, and I would expect the typical reader of this guide to want direction to where else go for information.
Rare materials.Some mats are particularly tricky to get a hold of, so their price may be very high in the auction house.So a table of the 'interesting' materials and tips on where to find them will come in handy for many.
Update with latest enchants. The above information is not fully up to date with the latest patch (1.9), something that obviously needs to be fixed.
Converted from Guides | |
Created: | 2006-02-10 11:32:06 |
Last Changed: | 2008-03-18 17:57:47 |
Author: | Sabe |
Category: | Crafting |
Last Edited | Never |
Score: | 4.74 |
Note: | None |
Guide ID: | 505 |
Last Changed: | Unknown |