Redirected from (Shrine of Mariel-taun (Rift Object)).
This object can be found in Sanctum, Gloamwood.
In Sanctum, and a few secluded spots elsewhere in the world, you may find a Shrine to one of the Gods of the Vigil. In Sanctum, only one Shrine will be present at any one time. The Shrines do not always appear in the same place. The location where you last saw Mariel-taun's shrine may be Thontic's next time you are there.
The devout will find that each Shrine bestows a different blessing. Blessings last from 10 to 30 minutes.
Known locations of Shrines are:
- Inside the gazebo on the south side of Tavril Plaza, in Sanctum.
- Outside of The Lodge of the Planes, on the south side of the building, in Sanctum.
- On Bahralt Street, just east of the Laboratory, in Sanctum.
- By the Loom on Bahralt Street
- On the north side of Thontic's Row, between Sanctum of the Vigil and the Lodge of the Planes.
- On the east side of the main plaza of Thontic's Row, just south of the main bank (7433,3104).
- Between two Normal Practice Dummies in Thedeor's Circle.
- In a cave on the east side of Iron Pine Passage, just south of Logger's Lift, in Gloamwood (this is always the Shrine of The Vigil).
 Shrine of Tavril |  Shrine of Bahralt |  Shrine of Thedeor |  Shrine of Mariel-taun |  Shrine of Thontic |  Shrine of The Vigil |
For more information about the Vigil, see Gods.
This page last modified 2011-06-22 23:49:22.