Redirected from (Clumsy Apprentice Teleporter (Aion Quest)).
You must be at least Level 19 to open or receive this quest. See Elyos 19 for more quests that can be started at this same level.
† All quests reward XP but NCSoft is fond of changing the amounts frequently, to the point that it is simply not wise to try to track the exact amount in a wiki.
STOP!!! If you do not have the first Spy quests, [Spy] Celestine's Antidote and [Spy] Message to a Spy, do NOT do this quest! Sonirim is gonna send you to Morheim! What's more, she sends you to a spot above Morheim Ice Fortress. From there it is a straight run down the hill and up to Patamor Ridge Path for the Shade Arachnas and Medea. Unless you are in a big legion that can run missions into Morheim to get this done for members, this quest and the followup one are your best ways into Morheim.
This page last modified 2009-12-04 13:39:32.