Redirected from (Beginner's Guide chat commands).
1. Chat Commands
- &message – All Chat
- #message - Party Chat
- @message - Guild Chat
- +message - Alliance Chat
- $message - Trade Chat
- "charactername message – Whisper
- /memory – Open Memory List
- /Search - Open search window
- /addsearch - It shows search word word only on trade chat window or private shop chat balloons.
- /deletesearch - Resets registered search words on the list
2. Guild Master Command
- /disband guild - Disband the guild
- /party - open party window
- /invite charactername - Invite someone to the party
- /expel charactername - expel someone from party
- /leaveguild - leave from party
- /friendlist -Open friend list
- /addfriend charactername - Add friend on the list
- /deletefriend charactername - Delete friend from the list
- /View member on/off - show guild mark
- /leaveguild - leave from the guild
- /view Alliance on,off - show members of guild
- /who charactername - show Character Data
- /Tip on/off - show the tip on the top of screen
- /Force attack on/off - Attack automatically on your opponents without pushing the ‘Ctrl’ key
- /dismount – dismounts a character from it’s mount
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This page last modified 2011-07-28 11:41:00.