Step 2. Speak to the Shade of the Great Crocodile at -1436, -229, -468.
Step 3. Kill dervish croc hunters along the beach. (I think it was 6, but I had already completed this step before I realized that the steps weren't 'fleshed out'.)
Step 4. Speak to the Shade of the Great Crocodile at -891, -127, -340.
Step 5. Find 5 crocodile eggs. (I found them in the area between 1018 -136 -410 and 1052 -136 -409.)
Step 6. Speak to the Shade of the Great Crocodile at -859, -145, -1105.
Step 7. Kill 6 unliving soldiers near the Eye of Anuk. (Around -697, -156, -1274.)
Step 8. Return to Shalih Mar at -1402, -229, -365.