Category:Elyos (Aion Faction)  


The Elyos occupy the lower half of Atreia, known as Elysea, or Elysium. After the Epic Cataclysm, they found themselves bathed in sunlight for over 750 years and, as a result, have transformed into a beautiful and radiant people. However, their splendor has also led to the Elyos becoming arrogant; they see themselves as blessed by Aion, while the Asmodians, cast into darkness by the Epic Cataclysm, are seen by the Elyos as cursed creatures.

Enemies: Asmodians, Balaur

OOC Many of the Elyos NPC and Place names are based on Greek Mythology, just as much of the Asmodians names are based on Norse Mythology.

This page last modified 2009-07-11 10:53:54.

Articles in category "Elyos (Aion Faction)"

There are 232 articles in this category.
