Category:Dungeons (DN)  

Dungeons by Dungeon Hub and Level Range
Quest Series ....+....10....+....20....+....30....+....40....+....50
Shadow Forest Path
Shadow Forest Outskirts 1-3
Shadow Forest 5-7
Icewind Valley Pass
Icewind Valley 1-3
Icewind Forest 5-7
Gale Woods Temple
Ancient Temple Ruins 3-5
Ancient Temple Excavation Site 8-9
Temple Chapel 16-18
Catacombs Access
Catacombs 5-7
Inner Catacombs 16-18
Arcane Path
Farellina's Rest 3-5
Marion's Hall 8-9
Orc Camp 10-12
Astral Coven Laboratory 18-23
Silent Cloister Gate
Silent Cloister 5-7
Silent Cloister Main Hall 18-23
Raider's Rock
Assassin's Den 9-11
Marauder's Lair 14-16
Dead Man's Pass
Valley of Mourning 10-12
Dead Man's Road 20-22
Lost Sanctuary
Forest Sanctuary 12-14
Sanctuary Nexus 22-23
Forgotten Temple
Temple of the Sleepers 14-16
Prayer's Retreat 20-22
Dread Forest Pass
Dread Forest 12-14
Basin of the Fallen 20-22
Dark Jungle Path
Abandoned Wilton Haru 24-26
Depleted Melissa Spring 30-32
Withered Forest Explosion Area 36-38
Ghost Village of Silent Forest 38-40
Entrance to Dark Mine
Dark Mine 24-26
Collapsed Mine 28-30
Death City Intersection 34-36
Death City Entrance 36-38
Tomb of Unknown Tyrant 38-40
Entrance to Dominion of Dark Overlord
Dominion of Dark Overlord 26-28
Garrison Base of Dark Overlord Dominion 28-30
Training Grounds of Dark Overlord 30-32
Tower of Dark Overlord 34-36
Ship to Island
Island 26-28
Island Center 32-34
Sunken Vessel 34-36
Pirates Cave 38-40
Entrance to River Downstream of the Ruins
River Downstream of the Ruins 28-30
River Downstream of Submerged Land 30-32
Elf Grave 32-34
Time Frozen Ruins 36-38
Minotaur's Nest 24
Cerberus Nest 32
Sea Dragon's Nest 40-50
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Dragon Nest

Boxes, barrels, bookcases, tables and wheelbarrows... don't pass up the chance to break things! You get extra points for everything you break, and some of them might have something extra for your purse!

Many, but not all, Abyss sub-bosses will appear in Master dungeons, but as a weaker version.

Rank, given at the end, are (worst to best): N, C, B, A, SI, S, SS, and SSS. Rank is based on points earned, which are increased when you hit something and decreased when something hits you. The higher the rank the better the reward chests.

Categories: Places (DN) | Dragon Nest
This page last modified 2011-09-14 23:03:24.

Articles in category "Dungeons (DN)"

There are 53 articles in this category.


Printable Version
Ancient Temple Excavation Site (DN Place)
Ancient Temple Ruins (DN Place)
Arcane Path (DN Place)
Assassin's Den (DN Place)
Astral Coven Laboratory (DN Place)
Basin of the Fallen (DN Place)
Blackguard Stronghold (DN Place)
Black Mines (DN Place)
Black Sovereign Assembly (DN Place)
Black Sovereign Domain (DN Place)
Boss Rush (DN Place)
Catacombs (DN Place)
Danger Dash (DN Place)
Daredevil Derby (DN Place)
Dead Man's Road (DN Place)
Death City Entrance (DN Place)
Death City Intersection (DN Place)
Dread Forest (DN Place)
Elf Grave (DN Place)
Farellina's Rest (DN Place)
Forest Sanctuary (DN Place)
Ghost Village of Silent Forest (DN Place)
Gobarta (DN Place)
Icewind Valley (DN Place)
Inner Catacombs (DN Place)
Island (DN Place)
Island Center (DN Place)
Jealous Atrium (DN Place)
Lost Tunnels (DN Place)
Marauder's Lair (DN Place)
Marion's Hall (DN Place)
Marissa's Dryspring (DN Place)
Orc Camp (DN Place)
Pirates Cave (DN Place)
Prayer's Retreat (DN Place)
River Downstream of Submerged Land (DN Place)
River Downstream of the Ruins (DN Place)
Rockthorn Gorge (DN Place)
Sanctuary Nexus (DN Place)
Shadow Forest Depths (DN Place)
Shadow Forest Outskirts (DN Place)
Silent Cloister (DN Place)
Silent Cloister Gate (DN Place)
Silent Cloister Main Hall (DN Place)
Sunken Vessel (DN Place)
Temple Chapel (DN Place)
Temple of the Sleepers (DN Place)
Time Frozen Ruins (DN Place)
Tomb of Unknown Tyrant (DN Place)
Tower of Dark Overlord (DN Place)
Treasure Run (DN Place)
Valley of Mourning (DN Place)
Withered Forest Explosion Area (DN Place)