Category:Mobs (CoS)  

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City of Steam
Any mob that has anything to do with a quest will have an icon over his head or a turning gear. The color of the gear and the symbol inside of it tell you what the mob can do for you.

See Category:Quests for more information about these icons.

Category: City of Steam
This page last modified 2013-05-15 10:08:38.

Articles in category "Mobs (CoS)"

There are 222 articles in this category.


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Administrator Loom (CoS Mob) Aeronaut (CoS Mob) Aetherlord (CoS Mob)
Alpha Rustwolf (CoS Mob) Angeolique Griphonac (CoS Mob) Anomaly (CoS Mob)
Arjen Schell (CoS Mob) Artisanal Creationist (CoS Mob) Axon (CoS Mob)
Axon III (CoS Mob) Axon II (CoS Mob) Battle Imraphel (CoS Mob)
Big Gun (CoS Mob) Bilge Guard (CoS Mob) Blackmarrow (CoS Mob)
Black Aetherslug (CoS Mob) Bladeroach (CoS Mob) Bloodhorn (CoS Mob)
Blue Aetherslug (CoS Mob) Blue Chemspider (CoS Mob) Broodling (CoS Mob)
Brood Devourer (CoS Mob) Brood Larva (CoS Mob) Brood Ravager (CoS Mob)
Brood Ripper (CoS Mob) Brood Scorpion (CoS Mob) Brood Sloth (CoS Mob)
Brood Spawn (CoS Mob) Captain Genthus (CoS Mob) Captain Skybeard (CoS Mob)
Castellum Phoenix Guard (CoS Mob) Castellum Phoenix Scout (CoS Mob) Charnelfield Arbiter (CoS Mob)
Charnelfield Consortium (CoS Mob) Charnelfiend (CoS Mob) Chemroach (CoS Mob)
Chittle Larva (CoS Mob) Chittle Pincer (CoS Mob) Choke Grinder (CoS Mob)
Cindron (CoS Mob) Cleaver (CoS Mob) Clockroach (CoS Mob)
Coalheart (CoS Mob) Concerned Citizen (CoS Mob) Corsair (CoS Mob)
Crudenator (CoS Mob) Cryonought (CoS Mob) Culverin Rd. Explicator (CoS Mob)
Culverin Rd. Spireguard (CoS Mob) Cylindricus (CoS Mob) Daily Supplier (CoS Mob)
Entropy Chanter (CoS Mob) Executioner (CoS Mob) Feedwater Consortium (CoS Mob)
Feedwater Explicator (CoS Mob) Founders-Brook Arbiter (CoS Mob) Founders-Brook Spireguard (CoS Mob)
Frostgore (CoS Mob) Frostguard (CoS Mob) Gang Girl (CoS Mob)
Glitterbug (CoS Mob) Gnosis (CoS Mob) Gold Aetherslug (CoS Mob)
Grease Grinder (CoS Mob) Green Chemspider (CoS Mob) Grinder Greaser (CoS Mob)
Harbinger (CoS Mob) Harbor Archives Scout (CoS Mob) Hellhound (CoS Mob)
Help Center (CoS Mob) Heroic Challenger (CoS Mob) Hollovian Hound (CoS Mob)
Homonculus (CoS Mob) Imraphel (CoS Mob) Kalinor (CoS Mob)
Lich (CoS Mob) Lieutenant Theandric (CoS Mob) Lord Saulton (CoS Mob)
Maestro (CoS Mob) Magmaroach (CoS Mob) Marrowhaunt (CoS Mob)
Mechanthrope Brain (CoS Mob) Mechanthrope Butcher (CoS Mob) Mechanthrope Exo (CoS Mob)
Mechanthrope Medusa (CoS Mob) Mechanthrope Talon (CoS Mob) Meluan (CoS Mob)
Merchant Master (CoS Mob) Nexan Numismatist (CoS Mob) Nexan Postal Agent (CoS Mob)
Nighthorn (CoS Mob) Nimbus (CoS Mob) Nymlien Veth (CoS Mob)
O. Tears Chronicler (CoS Mob) Officer Jost (CoS Mob) Old Mooring Guard (CoS Mob)
Old Plaguebelly (CoS Mob) Old Snapclutch (CoS Mob) Omega Broodling (CoS Mob)
Omega Brood Ravager (CoS Mob) Omega Brood Ripper (CoS Mob) Omega Brood Scorpion (CoS Mob)
Orbolg Foreman (CoS Mob) Orbolg Sapper (CoS Mob) Orbolg Scout (CoS Mob)
Orog Bruiser (CoS Mob) Orog Guardian (CoS Mob) Orog Pitfighter (CoS Mob)
Proximity Mine (CoS Mob) Pyro Mines (CoS Mob) Railyard Guard (CoS Mob)
Ratling Albino (CoS Mob) Ratling Gurgler (CoS Mob) Ratling Scout (CoS Mob)
Ratling Shiv (CoS Mob) Ratling Skulk (CoS Mob) Ratling Slinger (CoS Mob)
Razorfin Bombardier (CoS Mob) Razorfin Crusher (COS Mob) Razorfin Hunter (COS Mob)
Red Aetherslug (CoS Mob) Refuge Help Center (CoS Mob) Reliquary Chronicler (CoS Mob)
Rhinobeetle (CoS Mob) Riftwatcher (CoS Mob) Righor (CoS Mob)
Risen Ascendant (CoS Mob) Risen Axiom (CoS Mob) Risen Brute (CoS Mob)
Risen Eye (CoS Mob) Risen Sentinel (CoS Mob) Ropecutter (CoS Mob)
Rotwalker (CoS Mob) Rustwolf (CoS Mob) Sarcophage (CoS Mob)
Scraphills Guard (CoS Mob) Scythe Scarab (CoS Mob) Seer of Arkadia (CoS Mob)
Seer of the Past (CoS Mob) Segmentus (CoS Mob) Sentinel Guns (CoS Mob)
Sentinel Gun (CoS Mob) Shankswig (CoS Mob) Shattershank (CoS Mob)
Shellak the Pincer (CoS Mob) Shin Crusher,Whisper (CoS Mob) Shovel Grinder (CoS Mob)
Silkwing (CoS Mob) Skeleton Gunner (CoS Mob) Skeleton Headsman (CoS Mob)
Skeleton Necromagus (CoS Mob) Skeleton Prince (CoS Mob) Skeleton Soldier (CoS Mob)
Skeleton Thrall (CoS Mob) Smear Grinder (CoS Mob) Songbreaker (CoS Mob)
Songbreaker Refrain (CoS Mob) Sorvan (CoS Mob) Spectre (CoS Mob)
Spidermidge (CoS Mob) Spidermidge Egg (CoS Mob) Spiketooth (CoS Mob)
Stalker (CoS Mob) Synapse (CoS Mob) Talon (CoS Mob)
Tangleroot (CoS Mob) Tech Apostle (CoS Mob) Tenbusi, the Bound (CoS Mob)
Tesla Obelisk (CoS Mob) Tesla Tower (CoS Mob) Tharik (CoS Mob)
The Borer (CoS Mob) The Imperator (CoS Mob) The Mangler (CoS Mob)
The Mangler III (CoS Mob) The Mangler II (CoS Mob) The Nameless Undying (CoS Mob)
The Skeleton King (CoS Mob) The Trowler (CoS Mob) Thug (CoS Mob)
Tock (CoS Mob) Toil Hazard (CoS Mob) Tombcrawler (CoS Mob)
Tracklayer (CoS Mob) Transmutologist (CoS Mob) Triggershade Imp (CoS Mob)
Triggershade Nether Sharpshooter (CoS Mob) Triggershade Sharpshooter (CoS Mob) Triggershade Spawn (CoS Mob)
Trow Dryad (CoS Mob) Trow Elder (CoS Mob) Trow Emissary (CoS Mob)
Trow Faerie (CoS Mob) Trow Matriarch (CoS Mob) Trow Sapling (CoS Mob)
Trow Slate Beast (CoS Mob) Trow Thorn (CoS Mob) Ulgrim the Betrayed (CoS Mob)
Umbrahusk (CoS Mob) Umbra Lux (CoS Mob) Underworks Scout (CoS Mob)
Urbis Antiquitus Guard (CoS Mob) Vanquisher Master (CoS Mob) Void Judicator (CoS Mob)
Void Larva (CoS Mob) Volt Grinder (CoS Mob) Warden Archer (CoS Mob)
Warden Dread Knight (CoS Mob) Warden Dread Overseer (CoS Mob) Warden Huntress Lord (CoS Mob)
Warden Soldier (CoS Mob) Warden Vanguard (CoS Mob) Warleaf (CoS Mob)
Wingamajig (CoS Mob) Woodwing (CoS Mob) Zombie (CoS Mob)
Zombie Ghoul (CoS Mob) Zombie Hulk (CoS Mob) Zombie Mutant (CoS Mob)