Category:Changarnerk Council (Aion Faction)  

The Changarnerk Council was THE trading company that established trade between Shugos and Humans, and they wielded ruthless monopolistic power until a female, Paginerk, and her Wind Breeze Shop, broke the monopoly and replaced the Council as the official provisioner of Sanctum.[1]

The many divisions of Changarnerk can still be seen throughout Atreia and includes the Changarnerk Traders and the Changarnerk Cube Factory.

  1. ^ The basic story is related in the books History of the Shugo Guild 1 and History of the Shugo Guild 2

Categories: Factions (Aion) | Aion
This page last modified 2009-12-30 10:08:44.

Articles in category "Changarnerk Council (Aion Faction)"

There are 3 articles in this category.


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Heerunerk (Aion Mob) Korumonerk (Aion Mob) Sidrunerk (Aion Mob)