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Posts: 11
Lynkovich Kawolski (better known as Lynk)is a nomad Elf. He is from Bastok and proud of it. His heritage comes from a long line of Elven warriors that come from the mystical land of San D'Oria. Lynk was in Bastok searching for something but he didn't know what it was. Growing up he possessed mind boggling abilities such as great strength and superb instinct with all weapon types. An older Galka named White Tiger took young Lynk under his wing, vowing to teach the young elf all he needed to know to become a great adventurer and one day an even better warrior hero that all looked to for inspiration and leadership. Lynk thrived under White Tiger's wing, and started developing his skills. Lynk soon became the best Warrior and felt it was time to explore his World and seek out his destiny. Lynkovich Kawolski walked out the South Gustaberg Gate and was born again. His new title was Executioner of Justice, and by his life and the pride of his beloved mother he swore to become the best warrior ever, while at the same time ensuring justice was dealt to all those that opposed the truth. It is present day now, and as Lynk is still wandering round the world, beware all people of darkness because Lynk is the chosen one, he just hasn't realized it yet. When the day falls upon us that he finds his past and his destiny, may God have mercy on all your unworthy souls for Lynk will strike down upon you with the vengence of a thousand burning suns, and all will be right again in the world.