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Posts: 10
A joyous childhood was brought to an abrupt end when my father was killed during a raid. He was a great warrior in service to the great Tunare and great citizen of beautiful Felwithe. Hatred boiled my blood upon news of his death as tears filled my eyes over my mother's grief. I so wanted to take my father's place as a great warrior, however, my mother's wishes were that I not take the warrior's path and instead show service to Tunare thru the church. I prayed for many years thru my teen years. I prayed for understanding, healing, acceptance. However, in all things, my anger was in the shadows slowly creeping upon my thoughts and my desires. The prayers with the clerics tempered my pains tho. I was always torn between my hatred of evil that killed my father and the love of the clerics and my mother. It was only destiny that I became Paladin. A great warrior with the blessings of the clerics of Tunare.