__DEL__1591851140401's Avatar


Posts: 1
30 war A.K.A. n00b -.- 15 mnk 12 thf 10 nin 7 rng 3 bst Been playin "on & off" for over a year and 2 months now... ~So ima smart n00b :D~ Love Heavy Metal AND I LOVE FFXI!!!!! :D I skateboard in my free time(which isn't much time at all) my favorite color is black. Love to draw and invent things. i am 14 almost 15... Male(of course) STRAIGHT not gay. DEFINATLY NOT GAY. but ya, thats about it. im thinking of going to Harvard iv had straight A's since 3rd grade. hmmmmm. im on Sylph, do if u see me HOLLA! later!~~~