EQ Quest |
RE: VP |
May 8th, 2002 |
Default |
Sleepers Tomb. The zone not the creature. That's why it is plural. Sleepers Tomb does have creatures in it. They do have loot tables. So you can get loot in here without having to fight the Sleeper. The GM thing was with them deathtouching, not nuking. I have heard the same myth about the sle |
EQ Zone (Bestiary) |
RE: New Mob |
Anonymous |
May 8th, 2002 |
Default |
forgot to say.. its 3 in the water and 1 next to the water to the right. |
EQ Item |
well its ok ..... |
May 8th, 2002 |
Decent |
Its not bad but its not great so im gonna try to get it already have the stupid chain and jewel |
User Journal |
Bandits in West Karana |
May 8th, 2002 |
Good |
The bandits of West Karana can be a very profitable venture for Rangers between the levels of 12 and 17. The experience is good plus the bandit sash is a bonus for XP and $$.
For solo ventures at level 16 or groups of 2 or 3 lower level Rangers I would suggest the "duo spawn" point, w |
EQ Zone (Bestiary) |
Mamtia |
Anonymous |
May 9th, 2002 |
Default |
Where is the lady that helps with new SK armor? |
EQ Zone (Bestiary) |
General Bragmur |
Altara |
May 9th, 2002 |
Default |
Loc neg 3420 pos 8981, near edge of ice north of ice bridge.
Human male, cons apprehensive and blue to 41 halfling druid.
When hailed says "Please keep yer voice down I am busy here. If you do not mind I would ask that ya kindly leave."
Any ideas if he is for a quest or something |
EQ Race |
May 9th, 2002 |
Decent |
For those of you interested in further information concerning the Erudite race, you may find it interesting to visit the <a href=http://geocities.com/HKOdus/library.html>Library</a> of the High Keepers of Odus, an Erudite-only guild on Bristlebane. Our library contains a great deal of l |
EQ Race |
May 9th, 2002 |
Decent |
Let me clarify that web address. Our Library is located at http://geocities.com/HKOdus/library.html |
EQ Server |
May 9th, 2002 |
Decent |
Hello everyone. I think my Kasscars ready to be in a guild. Can anyone give me information on joining a guild or let me in their guild. I am a level 18 iskar shadow knight. I'm on this server.
Thanks bye.
EQ Zone |
RE: Idol |
May 9th, 2002 |
Default |
No bags, the Idol is a one time use, expendible item that has the clickable effect of divine aura. THis is a lvl 1 cleric spell, that grants the caster 18 seconds of invulnerability. In other words, it will save your butt, if you are fighting something near a zoneline, and are overrun. click, and yo |
EQ Item |
Woot |
May 9th, 2002 |
Decent |
I got the red Sash doing excactly as described below great advice , the purple Headband I got from a monk friend who only needed the coronet from Permafrost to be able to make a new one.
The really cool part is that I killed Raster and Targin in 1 day though I did camp Raster for 15 hours the day |
EQ Zone (Bestiary) |
RE: Mamtia |
May 9th, 2002 |
Decent |
yes i wish to know this too.. it doesnt give any hint and for a lvl 7 untwinked sk that armor looks pretty sweet
EQ Zone (Bestiary) |
shainai's nighty |
Anonymous |
May 9th, 2002 |
Default |
anyone know where you can get shainai's nighty? |
EQ Zone (Bestiary) |
RE: red sash quest |
Anonymous |
May 9th, 2002 |
Default |
If you are talking about the red sash quest in west karana you turn them in to a guy in Quenos for gold and armor for some money and faction. |
EQ Skill |
RE: What are the benifiets? |
May 9th, 2002 |
Decent |
Money can be made out of tinkering. But, like most "big money" making tradeskills, it will cost you to get your skill to a point where you will start to earn.
For tinkering, the starting point is 175, when Rebreathers become trivial. Warriors need 2 rebreathers as a part of their epic q |
EQ Skill |
RE: Titan Potions |
May 9th, 2002 |
Decent |
This was a Luclin addition so I figure it will probably be available at least there. Katta maybe. Not sure. Titan trivializes at 180. So it is an inexpensive(which is a very relative term) way to skill up. |
EQ Zone (Bestiary) |
New mob |
Anonymous |
May 9th, 2002 |
Default |
Named mob something the Cursed was on track tonight, after last patch any one have any idea what it is or is for ?
EQ Zone (Bestiary) |
A Pet |
Anonymous |
May 9th, 2002 |
Sub-Default |
OK i was in Dl runing and i say a mob called <( A Pet )> it was light blue at lvl 52 so i killed it PS it looks like a chicken and for loot i got 5pp and beak like usual loot from chickens
Baron Xukanik lvl 52 Monk <legacy Of Tunare> |
EQ Skill |
RE: Ogre Jewelery master |
May 9th, 2002 |
Excellent |
Hmmm, I'm not sure what exactly Phantom Rings and Earrings of Might are, but they don't appear on any jewelcraft lists that I have (unless of course, on your server, you guys gave those names to certain jewelry pieces...I guess "Velium Jade Ring" is a bit plain...Phantom Ring sounds better |
EQ Quest |
RE: Ragnar |
Anonymous |
May 9th, 2002 |
Default |
Gotta Get RIGHT behind him... you were in front of the bar... same thing happened to me
EQ Zone |
How do i get FACTION for this city?? |
May 9th, 2002 |
Default |
I am a level 53 dark elf necro and have been told that by killing Recuso i can get faction to get into this city. I have killed more than 1000000 of these easy ass mobs and i am STILL KOS !! I need to figure out an easier way to get faction. Please help this poor necro out =)
Danax |
EQ Zone (Bestiary) |
rare spawns are painful |
May 9th, 2002 |
Decent |
Been here on and off for 3 days now, a few hours each day. I now have all 4 fingers, shield of kurn and bargyn's torch but I'll be damned if that jester will even show himself! I've tried everything, clearing the area around his spawn, clearing the whole floor, clearing just the PHs and still no je |
EQ Zone (Bestiary) |
Something strange |
Anonymous |
May 9th, 2002 |
Default |
I was wandering around in here with my lvl 1 Shammy, and i noticed an NPC near the shammy guild. It looked like a noobie human, but it was about as tall as a gnome, and it had a Huge ring of hair that didnt fit its head, (lookied like a clipping problem). His name was !Gluku. Yup, you read correct |
EQ Item |
I have one |
May 9th, 2002 |
Excellent |
While in Crushbone someone gave it to me. I was about 10th level at the time, and have carried it ever since. I'm fairly new to the game, playing about a month and a half now.
It's a cool looking hammer. Couldn't get a picture of it, servers down. And, from what I hear you talking about i |
EQ Zone (Bestiary) |
RE: Mamtia |
Anonymous |
May 9th, 2002 |
Default |
she is in the mines in back corner but also where do the spider eye lenses drop havent seen one yet? |