July 6, 2007

New Guides: How to get your girl to start playing WoW

New Items:  Band of Eternity

New Mobs: RohanNig Nog ;

Updated Items: Gri'lek's GrinderHeavy Armor KitShard of AzzinothWarglaive of AzzinothWarglaive of AzzinothMetal BucklerReinforced TargeSmall TargeTopaz-Studded BattlegripsIdol of the MoonDarkmoon Card: HeroismPendant of Battle-LustVenomshroud MittsTemplar BracersMana Gathering StaffBearded AxeShadowvine Cloak of InfusionVengeance BeltLegplates of the InnocentSkeleton FingerBoulderfist CloakHaal'eshi BindingsDarkmoon Card: VengeanceElemental RaimentGavel of Pure LightCrazy Cenarion CloakIdol of the Emerald QueenTwilight CowlTwilight PantsSpellcrafter WandDarkmist Wizard HatDarkmist MantlePioneer GlovesInfantry BootsGlyphed MittsNightsky BootsEmbersilk LeggingsForeman's SashStaff of BeastsSpiked ClubGaea's BeltNeedle ThreaderBrigandine HelmReinforced Leather CapAugmented Chain HelmRusset HatReaver BracersBlackflame CapeExecutioner's CleaverSkycallerNetherweave BagBloodfist HelmetRing of the UnderwoodDarkshire Mail LeggingsDirty BlunderbussJambiyaReinforced Leather GlovesReinforced Leather BracersReinforced Leather BootsReinforced Leather PantsReinforced Leather BeltReinforced Leather VestStudded GlovesStudded BracersStudded BootsStudded PantsStudded DoubletPoniardAugmented Chain BootsAugmented Chain VestViridian BandDark Runner BootsGnarled StaffKrisHammerCleaverRock HammerCryptbone StaffRawhide CloakGauntlets of PurificationScorpashi WristbandsLong StaffMonk's StaffDacian FalxCrescent EdgeQuarter StaffChainmail PantsHatchetChainmail ArmorTemplar PauldronsEmerald VambracesPridelord BandsTabarGnoll Kindred BracersGnoll War HarnessHeaddress of Inner RageWorn MaceBattle Tabard of the DefilersEye of MagtheridonLion's Heart GirdleSoul-Mantle of the IncarnateLeggings of the IncarnateSoul-Collar of the IncarnateGhost MushroomNathrezim MindbladeBracers of the White StagPridelord ArmorFrostfire CircletSun Cured BootsArcane Forged MaceSun Cured BracersWastewalker GlovesFetish of the FallenLight Cloth PantsSun Cured GlovesMark of KernUnadorned Chain VestSun Cured PantsLight GuardLarge ShieldSunroc BootsDrape of the RighteousPrimitive KiltKeeper's ArmorAmber Bands of the AggressorWarmaul BreastplateAmeer's JudgementWeather Beaten BucklerLight Cloth ShoesSun Cured VestSun Cured BeltRune of TeleportationGloves of the IncarnateRecipe: Elixir of Shadow PowerHeart-Flame LeggingsNightstaff of the EverlivingStonebough JerkinThe Lightning CapacitorBladed Shoulderpads of the MercilessSerpentskin GlovesSchematic: Goblin Jumper CablesDarkguard Face MaskRecipe: Holy Protection PotionOrb of PowerForest ShroudBloodfist GirdleTalonguard ArmorKhan'aish GlovesRecipe: Sagefish DelightSilk ClothJourneyman's BackpackLarge Boar TuskMedium Armor KitPolished Scale VestPolished Scale LeggingsScroll of Protection IIAugmented Chain BeltPattern: Dark Leather TunicRecipe: Smoked SagefishThick Qirajihide BeltRing of Ancient KnowledgeRing of Captured StormsGreat Goretusk SnoutDeathmist BracersLeggings of the UnrepentantRipfiend ShoulderplatesDemonic Runed SpauldersSeal of RivendareRobe of FaithAugmented Chain GlovesAugmented Chain BracersTalisman of the Sun KingRoyal Gauntlets of SilvermoonLeggings of ImmersionStrength of WillGhoul FangFlailIcon of Unyielding CourageBloodsoaked LegplatesOverlord's Crimson BandMaulStemleaf BracersBrocade BeltLight Cloth BracersDeathmist BeltBand of EternityAugmented Chain LeggingsVial of Spider VenomFocused Mana BindingsAngelista's SashFireproof OrbHand of Dextren WardShroud of the IncarnateBrigandine GlovesBrigandine LeggingsBlood-cursed ShoulderpadsRoyal Cloak of the SunstridersPeacebloomMageroyalSilverleafRaw Brilliant SmallfishThistlewood MaulHand AxeClubViny GlovesDolanaar DeliveryTracking BootsFel MossThistlewood BladeWebwood Venom SacThistlewood StaffBroad AxeBrilliant SmallfishRecipe: Longjaw Mud SnapperSmall Spider LegThistlewood DaggerBroken Balanced Throwing DaggerLarge ClubBrigandine BracersSnapped Spider LimbIndomitable BootsOsric's CrateWiley's NoteArcane Forged AxeBrigandine BootsBrigandine VestParker's LunchGarments of TemperanceLong Soft TailTreads of the Den MotherWand of Prismatic FocusThe Maelstrom's FuryRing of FaithRare EarthPattern: Mooncloth BagBroken Weighted Throwing AxeEmbrace of the Wind SerpentGuise of the Tidal LurkerSlippers of the SeacallerLightbringer BreastplateCrude Throwing AxeSkyshatter LegguardsCataclysm LegplatesHigh Warlord's War StaffBlade of Eternal DarknessCataclysm HeadguardLightfathom ScepterLuminescent Rod of the NaaruSlimy IchorSergeant Major's Plate WristguardsNative SandalsGelatinous GooGloves of the AvatarDeathmantle LegguardsBand of Al'arChipped ClawBroken FangLeggings of the AvatarGlimmering Mail PauldronsRing of Endless CoilsVestments of the AvatarMantle of TirisfalLeggings of TirisfalMantle of the AvatarFang of the LeviathanHigh Warlord's War StaffWicked Edge of the PlanesLionheart ExecutionerGloves of TirisfalCataclysm GlovesFlimsy Chain CloakRift Stalker LeggingsPhalanx GauntletsTrapper's PantsCharger's ArmorFlax VestRugged Mail VestRusted Chain BracersRusted Chain BootsCross-stitched SandalsRuined PeltSupreme SashCataclysm Shoulderpads


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