June 8, 2007
New Items: Pattern: Swiftheal Wraps ; Gauntlets of Enforcement ; Girdle of Mighty Resolve ; Swiftheal Wraps ; Crown of Empowered Fate ; Ring of Deceitful Intent ; Grips of Silent Justice ; Bastion of Light ; Dawnsteel Bracers ; Plans: Dawnsteel Shoulders ; Dawnsteel Shoulders
Updated Items: General's Leather Boots ; Ironwood Treebranch ; Shadow Panther Hide Gloves ; Sunstrider Axe ; Solanian's Scrying Orb ; Crumpled Note ; Black Qiraji Resonating Crystal ; Pattern: Girdle of Insight ; Exalted Legplates ; Slayer's Handguards ; Slayer's Shoulderpads ; Slayer's Helm ; Nordrassil Wrath-Mantle ; Nordrassil Wrath-Kilt ; Nordrassil Headpiece ; Nordrassil Gauntlets ; Nordrassil Chestpiece ; Arcane Forged Axe ; Soul Ashes of the Banished ; Warstrike Sabatons ; Gamemaster's Robe ; Warmaul Epaulets ; Myrmidon's Pauldrons ; Gossamer Belt ; Ebon Shadowbag ; Iron Ore ; Adornment of Stolen Souls ; Night Elf Plans: Scrying on the Sin'dorei ; Troll Juju ; Warlord's Lamellar Chestplate ; Legionnaire's Lamellar Breastplate ; Mark of Vindication ; Marksman's Legguards ; Kilt of the Night Strider ; Darkcrest Helm ; Amber Bands of the Aggressor ; Zandalar Haruspex's Bracers ; High Warlord's Ornamented Gloves ; Cinderhide Armsplints ; Nightstalker's Wristguards ; Unkempt Cloak ; General's Dragonhide Leggings ; High Warlord's War Staff ; Segmented Breastplate ; High Warlord's Bludgeon ; Righteous Bracers ; Uvuros Hide Boots ; X-52 Technician's Helm ; Breastplate of Righteous Fury ; Slatesteel Bracers ; Vengeance Bands ; Shaleskin Cape ; Solid Bronze Ring ; Braided Copper Ring ; Brilliant Wizard Oil ; Alterac Valley Mark of Honor ; Abyss Shard ; Touch of Chaos ; Arena Grand Master ; Insignia of the Alliance ; Orange Martial Shirt ; General's Leather Belt ; Fortified Belt ; Bandit Bracers ; Flayer-Hide Leggings ; Ravenguard's Baldric ; Chestplate of A'dal ; Shadowrend Longblade ; Area 52 Defender's Pants ; Mixologist's Gloves ; Cyclone Shoulderguards ; Shield of the Void ; Grand Marshal's Spellblade ; Signet of the Violet Tower ; Breastplate of the Lightbinder ; Embossed Plate Armor ; Veteran's Musket ; Grand Marshal's Scaled Shoulders ; Nightstaff of the Everliving ; Exorcist's Chain Helm ; Circle of Banishing ; Choker of Vile Intent ; Searing Sunblade ; Tree-Mender's Belt ; Arcane Netherband ; Timewarden's Leggings ; Ancestral Band ; Pendant of Triumph ; Gloves of the Aldor ; Troll Handler Gloves ; Marshal's Dragonhide Boots ; High Warlord's Mail Helm ; High Warlord's Dreadweave Robe ; High Warlord's Chain Armor ; Belt of Divine Inspiration ; Bladespire Warbands ; Mark of Conquest ; Ruby Drape of the Mysticant ; Rip-Flayer Leggings ; Mag'har Grainbread ; Big Bad Wolf's Paw ; Gladiator's Satin Robe ; Seal of the Exorcist ; Clefthoof Meat ; Sergeant's Cloak ; Worgen Claw Necklace ; Dreadhawk's Schynbald ; Quel'Thalas Recurve ; Truesilver Gauntlets ; Power Infused Mushroom ; Tidefury Kilt ; Ornate Leggings of the Venerated ; Handstitched Leather Bracers ; Mask of the Howling Storm ; Jeweled Boots of Sanctification ; Giantstalker's Epaulets ; Boots of the Darkwalker ; Copper Dagger ; Primal Fire ; Stormrage Legguards ; Nightslayer Bracelets ; Devout Bracers ; Marshal's Plate Legguards ; Bard's Bracers ; Gladiator's Leather Spaulders ; Ogre Slayer's Band ; Resolute Cape ; Moonkin Headdress ; Fel Leather Leggings ; Totemic Staff ; White Remedy Cape ; Lordly Scepter ; Dirigible Crash Helmet ; Shaarde the Lesser ; Shaarde the Greater ; Cenarion Thicket Jerkin ; Ethereal Healing Pendant ; Terrorcloth Mantle ; Fierce Mantle ; Gladiator's Silk Trousers ; Pridelord Girdle ; Bracers of Havok ; Unyielding Bracers ; Ironspine Bracelets ; Nexus-Strider Belt ; Murkblood Oven Mitts ; Smuggler's Mitts ; Lightbearer's Gauntlets ; Signet of Aeranas ; Malachite Pendant ; Blazing Wand ; Gift of the Talonpriests ; Sylvanaar Gloves ; Witching Band ; Fel Hardened Maul ; Superior Healing Potion ; Fel Iron Plate Pants ; Troll Kickers ; Well Crafted Sword ; Der'izu Chestpiece ; Goblin Rocket Launcher ; Pontifex Kilt ; Stealther's Helmet of Second Sight ; Lethargy Root ; Icecap ; Shadow Draenite ; Band of the Inevitable ; Sunderseer Mantle ; Relentless Earthstorm Diamond ; Sapphiron's Scale Boots ; Destruction Holo-gogs ; Spelunker's Mantle ; Primal Life ; Burnt Leather Breeches ; Lightwarden's Girdle ; Conjured Glacier Water ; Primal Mooncloth Robe ; Coilfang Hammer of Renewal ; Epidote Stone Necklace ; Ambusher's Cloak ; Shattered Hand Sabatons ; Sundered Footwraps ; Girdle of the Lost Vindicator ; Warped Leather Bracers ; Warped Leather Belt ; Dragonhawk Hat ; Crocolisk Scale Wristguards ; Vindicator Cap ; Starfire Sandals ; Moss Agate ; Shattrath's Champion Belt ; Protector's Boots ; Tracker's Belt ; The Oathkeeper ; Chestguard of the Dark Stalker ; Omnicast Boots ; Hotshot Cattle Prod ; Thadell's Bracers ; Gloves of Pandemonium ; Crusader's Pauldrons ; Boots of the Skybreaker ; Manimal's Cinch ; Aged Leather Bindings ; Scorpashi Sash ; Forest Hoop ; Wand of the Whispering Dead ; Shadoweave Boots ; Incendic Rod ; Exorcist's Linked Helm ; Master Thief's Gloves ; Sanguine Hibiscus ; High Warlord's Left Ripper ; Champion's Cape ; Gauntlets of Might ; Bard's Belt ; Marshal's Kodohide Bracers ; Grim Greaves ; Mountain Silversage ; Wild Quillvine ; Lordrec Helmet ; Marshal's Chain Legguards ; Jungle Ring ; War Torn Tunic ; High Warlord's Dragonhide Tunic ; Medallion of the Horde ; Infantry Gauntlets ; Grim Boots ; Serpent's Fangs ; Misplaced Servo Arm ; Bonescythe Gauntlets ; Light Silk Robe ; Hexxer's Belt ; Headmaster's Charge ; Imperial Plate Leggings ; Marshal's Wyrmhide Bracers ; Grand Marshal's Satin Gloves ; Zangarmarsh Claymore ; Blooddrenched Footpads ; Gladiator's Wyrmhide Tunic ; Gladiator's Wyrmhide Spaulders ; Gladiator's Wyrmhide Gloves ; Gladiator's Wyrmhide Legguards ; Gladiator's Wyrmhide Helm
Updated Quests: Winterhoof Cleansing ; Thunderhorn Totem ; The Barrens Oases ; Heeding the Call ; Sergra Darkthorn ; Dwarven Digging ; Poison Water ; The Hunter's Way ; Sharing the Land ; Mazzranache ; Heeding the Call ; Swoop Hunting ; Heeding the Call ; The Western Pylon ; The Eastern Pylon ; The Northern Pylon ; Crystals of Power ; Chasing A-Me 01 ; Chasing A-Me 01 ; Kidnapped Elder Torntusk! ; Alien Ecology ; Expedition Salvation ; Volcanic Activity ; Secret of the Circle ; Into the Depths ; Super Sticky ; Roll the Bones ; Betrayed ; Marvon's Workshop ; Zapper Fuel ; Larion and Muigin ; Stealing Knowledge ; A Humble Offering ; Defenders of Darrowshire ; The Spirits of Southwind ; Return to Chillwind Camp ; The Family Crypt ; Rescue From Jaedenar ; Retribution of the Light ; Augustus' Receipt Book ; Zaeldarr the Outcast ; A Plague Upon Thee ; Toxic Test ; The Good Stuff ; The Heart of the Mountain ; Saving Sharpbeak ; Winterfall Activity ; Pamela's Doll ; The Stone Circle ; Umber, Archivist ; Betrayed ; Brann Bronzebeard's Lost Letter ; A Strange Red Key ; Message in a Bottle ; The Bait for Lar'korwi ; Dark Iron Legacy ; Overmaster Pyron ; Are We There, Yeti? ; Muigin and Larion ; A Visit to Gregan ; Marshal Windsor ; The New Frontier ; Runecloth ; Winterfall Runners ; Establishing New Outposts ; You Scream, I Scream... ; Fragments of the Past ;
Tags: Updates, WorldofWarcraft