May 22, 2007
Updated Items: Interlaced Shadow Jerkin ; Instant Poison VII ; Petrified Scarab ; Lollipop ; Wild Shoulderpads ; Andonisus, Reaper of Souls ; Hibernal Boots ; Flamehandler's Gloves ; Warlord's Chain Chestpiece ; Broken Deadly Throwing Axe ; Neophyte's Pants ; Claw of the Frost Wyrm ; Ebon Hilt of Marduk ; Ripped Fin ; Glowing Spores ; Ancient Greaves ; Ravager ; Lady Alizabeth's Pendant ; Warlord's Sabatons ; Warstrike Cape ; Deadly Kris ; Scarlet Chestpiece ; Oathkeeper's Helm ; First Sergeant's Plate Bracers ; Amani Throwing Axe ; Runed Blood Garnet ; Regal Leggings ; Mindburst Medallion ; Shadowfang ; Prophetic Cane ; Highlander's Plate Greaves ; High Warlord's Battle Axe ; Impenetrable Breastplate ; Gryphon Mail Greaves ; Peerless Leggings ; Polished Zweihander ; Khan's Bindings ; Huntsman's Leggings ; Abjurer's Bands ; Engraved Boots ; Medallion of the Horde ; Novice's Robe ; Creeping Moss ; Mark of the Champion ; Gilded Trousers of Benediction ; Enormous Ogre Boots ; Hulking Shield ; Tribal Cloak ; Ruined Pelt ; Crunchy Frog ; Forest Mushroom Cap ; Forest Spider Webbing ; Spiced Beef Jerky ; Red Hot Wings ; Darkmoon Dog ; Gressil, Dawn of Ruin ; Mennu's Scaled Leggings ; Blade of Retribution ; Wicked Throwing Dagger ; Crystalpine Stinger ; Tromping Miner's Boots ; Nightshade Cloak ; Plans: Massive Iron Axe ; Dreadmist Mask ; Wool Bandage ; Empty Vial ; Daring Dirk ; High Councillor's Sash ; Raincaller Mantle ; Silksand Tunic ; Durable Rod ; Howling Blade ; Small Venom Sac ; Tyrant's Armguards ; Ghostwalker Pads ; Molten Fists ; Firemaw's Clutch ; Conjurer's Vest ; Khadgar's Whisker ; Embossed Plate Pauldrons ; Heavy Golden Necklace of Battle ; The Hammer of Grace ; Darkspear Shoes ; Wanderer's Cloak ; Amulet of the Dawn ; Thaumaturgist Staff ; Wand of Biting Cold ; Big Bad Pauldrons ; Ice Barbed Spear ; Laminated Scale Circlet ; Heavy Mageweave Bandage ; Mageweave Bandage ; Explosive Shotgun ; Berylline Pads ; Scorching Sash ; Darktide Cape ; Insignia Chestguard ; Netherwind Crown ; Heavy Wool Bandage ; Wild Steelbloom ; Herod's Shoulder ; Heavy Silk Bandage ; Netherwind Robes ; Sentinel Cloak ; Sentinel Boots ; Dryleaf Pants ; Heavy Linen Bandage ; Bullova ; Warforged Chestplate ; Tiger Band ; Chief Brigadier Gauntlets ; Netherwind Bindings ; Icemetal Barbute ; Silk Bandage ; Jade ; Truesilver Bar ; Linen Bandage ; Black Diamond ; Marble Necklace ; Lavacrest Leggings ; Deckhand's Shirt ; Mindbender Loop ; Heavy Lamellar Vambraces ; Revenant Helmet ; Netherwind Boots ; Soot Encrusted Footwear ; Wound Poison V ; Icecap ; Wraith Scythe ; Ring of Entropy ; Broadsword ; Flame Wrath ; Pristine Black Diamond ; Dreadmist Leggings ; Warden's Gloves ; Deathdealer Breastplate ; Hand of Justice ; Traveler's Bracers ; Excavation Rod ; Tranquil Ring ; Heavy Stone ; War Hammer ; Netherwind Gloves ; Netherwind Mantle ; Dragoneye Coif ; Midnight Axe ; Golem Skull Helm ; Azure Key ; Warleader's Breastplate ; Pickled Kodo Foot ; Deep Fried Candybar ; Ring of the Unliving ; Hands of the Exalted Herald ; Broken Small Throwing Knife ; Red, White and Blue Firework ; Boots of the Endless Moor ; Soulseeker ; Commander's Leggings ; Shadow Council Boot ; Broken Keen Throwing Knife ; Spicy Beefstick
Updated Quests: The Love Potion ; Defenders of Darrowshire ; The Corruption of the Jadefire ; Moontouched Wildkin ; To Winterspring! ; The Twilight Lexicon ; Speak with Un'thuwa ; Urok Doomhowl ; Ribbly Screwspigot ; That's Asking A Lot ; The Elemental Equation ; Kharan Mighthammer ; Unfinished Business ; Put Her Down ; Attunement to the Core ; Target: Felstone Field ; The Darkmoon Faire ; A Donation of Wool ; The Mark of the Lightbringer ; Establishing New Outposts ; A Donation of Silk ; Dreadmaul Rock ; Bijou's Belongings ; A Plague Upon Thee ; A Plague Upon Thee ; Barov Family Fortune ; The Heart of the Mountain ; A Strange Historian ; Return to Chillwind Camp ; Target: Dalson's Tears ; The Essence of Eranikus ; War on the Shadowsworn ; All Along the Watchtowers ; Warrior Kinship ; The Scourge Cauldrons ; Ragnar Thunderbrew ; Scouring the Desert ; Echoes of War ; Dark Iron Legacy ; Speak with Deino ; The Scent of Lar'korwi ; Tinkee Steamboil ; Only One May Rise ; Secret Communication ; Above and Beyond ; Order Must Be Restored ; The Good Stuff ; Encoded Fragments ; The Apes of Un'Goro ; Super Sticky ; Forces of Jaedenar ; The Fare of Lar'korwi ; The Azure Key ; The Bait for Lar'korwi ; Muigin and Larion ; Chasing A-Me 01 ; Marvon's Workshop ; Larion and Muigin ; Betrayed ; The Alliance Needs Your Help! ; The Swamp Talker ; Enraged Wildkin ; Enraged Wildkin ; Voodoo Feathers ; A Donation of Mageweave ; High Chief Winterfall ; Fish in a Bucket ; Heroes of Darrowshire ; Disharmony of Flame ; Alien Ecology ; Proving Grounds ; Shizzle's Flyer ; Lost! ; Chasing A-Me 01 ; A Strange One ; Doomrigger's Clasp ; Everything Counts In Large Amounts ; A Donation of Silk ; A Donation of Silk ; Crystals of Power ; Doctor Theolen Krastinov, the Butcher ; KILL ON SIGHT: Dark Iron Dwarves ; Enraged Wildkin ; Flawed Power Stone ; The Northern Pylon ; The Eastern Pylon ; The Western Pylon ; Ironband's Compound ; Plagued Hatchlings ; The Flesh Does Not Lie ; The Great Fras Siabi ; Beware of Pterrordax ; Volcanic Activity ; Control Four Bases ; Jammal'an the Prophet ; Return to the Bulwark ; Target: Gahrron's Withering ; Collection of the Corrupt Water ; Deadwood of the North ; Stealing Knowledge ; Are We There, Yeti? ; Zapper Fuel ; Verifying the Corruption ; Cleansed Water Returns to Felwood ; Roll the Bones ; Seeking Spiritual Aid ; To Serve Kum'isha ; Expedition Salvation ; The Mighty U'cha ; Dousing the Flames of Protection ; Cleansing Felwood ; Chasing A-Me 01 ; In Defense of Frostwolf ; A Troubled Spirit ; Strange Sources ; Cenarion Aid ; ... and a Batch of Ooze ; Vivian Lagrave ; Threat of the Winterfall ; Winterfall Ritual Totem ; Priest Training ; The Lost Tablets of Mosh'aru ; The Coast Isn't Clear ; The Coastal Menace ; Keeper of the Flame ; The True Masters ; The True Masters ; Marshal Windsor ; The True Masters ; The True Masters ; The Killing Fields ; Speak with Shoni ; Poor Old Blanchy ; Stormpike's Delivery ; Towers and Bunkers ; Mother's Milk ; The Forgotten Heirloom ; Elmore's Task ; The People's Militia ; Find Bingles ; A Donation of Wool ; The Defias Brotherhood ; The People's Militia ; Red Leather Bandanas ; Patrolling Westfall ; Westfall Stew ; Goretusk Liver Pie ; The People's Militia ; Wanted: "Hogger" ; The True Masters ; The True Masters ; Tormus Deepforge ; The Horde Needs Your Help! ; Call of Air ; A Humble Offering ; The Smoldering Ruins of Thaurissan ; A Taste of Flame ; The Stone Circle ; A Little Help From My Friends ; Me Brother, Nipsy ; The Battle of Alterac ; FIFTY! YEP! ; Linken's Adventure ; It's Dangerous to Go Alone ; Overmaster Pyron ; A Donation of Silk ; Honor the Dead ; Job Opening: Guard Captain of Revantusk Village ; Wanted: Vile Priestess Hexx and Her Minions ; A Donation of Silk ; Alterac Valley Graveyards ; Da Voodoo ; Incendius! ; Enemy Booty ; The Hand of the Righteous ; A Host of Evil ; Lost Thunderbrew Recipe ; A Taste of Flame ; Three Kings of Flame ; Scourge of the Downs ; Extinguishing the Idol
Updated Mobs: Bone Mage ; Bone Minion ; Scale Belly ; Colossus of Ashi ; Hate'rel ; Vile'rel ; Defilers Emissary ; Shadowforge Flame Keeper ; Magmus ; Molten War Golem ; Shadowforge Senator ; Anvilrage Captain ; Panzor the Invincible ; Princess Moira Bronzebeard ; Twilight's Hammer Ambassador ; Doom'rel ; Seeth'rel ; Gloom'rel ; Dope'rel ; Anger'rel ; The Windreaver ; Human Orphan ; Senegal ; Brown Prairie Dog ; Emperor Dagran Thaurissan ; Adder ; Burning Spirit ; Ambassador Flamelash ; Anvilrage Reservist ; Fireguard Destroyer ; Warbringer Construct ; Doomforge Arcanasmith ; Doomforge Dragoon ; Prairie Dog ; Sickly Gazelle ; Spirit of Kirith ; Kirith the Damned ; Doomguard Commander ; The Duke of Fathoms ; Olmin Burningbeard ; Regnus Thundergranite ; Hegnar Swiftaxe ; Brenwyn Wintersteel ; Kelomir Ironhand ; Ulbrek Firehand ; Master Mathias Shaw ; Demnul Farmountain ; Bilban Tosslespanner ; Lhara ; Sloan McCoy ; Melnan Darkstone ; League of Arathor Emissary ; Chronos ; Professor Thaddeus Paleo ; Renzik "The Shiv" ; Thalgus Thunderfist ; Buliwyf Stonehand ; Bixi Wobblebonk ; Lissyphus Finespindle ; Olthran Craghelm ; Dolkin Craghelm ; Xiggs Fuselighter ; Asghar ; Sognar Cliffbeard ; Tisa Martine ; Bruuk Barleybeard ; Daera Brightspear ; Belia Thundergranite ; Glordrum Steelbeard ; Uthrar Threx ; Jormund Stonebrow ; Poranna Snowbraid ; Mistina Steelshield ; Lylandris ; Kelv Sternhammer ; Pilot Longbeard ; Edris Barleybeard ; Kelstrum Stonebreaker ; Outfitter Eric ; Muren Stormpike ; Donal Osgood ; Miss Danna ; Twain ; William ; Donna ; Nardstrum Copperpinch ; Jubjub ; Burth ; Felinni ; Sylannia ; Khaz Modan Ram ; Rinling ; Gelvas Grimegate ; Sayge ; Darkmoon Faire Carnie ; Silas Darkmoon ; Stamp Thunderhorn ; Yebb Neblegear ; Ragnaros ; Skymane Gorilla ; Defias Bodyguard ; Lost One Rift Traveler ; Reginald Windsor ; Kobold Vermin ; Lost One Cook ; Lost One Fisherman ; Lost One Seer ; Lost One Chieftain ; Lost One Muckdweller ; Lost One Hunter ; Lost One Mudlurker ; Noboru the Cudgel ; Taerar ; Gurubashi Warrior ; Galvan the Ancient ; Malosh ; Infiltrator Marksen ; Grokor ; Dar ; Stonard Grunt ; Nethergarde Engineer ; Nethergarde Foreman ; Grimnal ; Hartash ; Thultash ; Banalash ; Kartosh ; Ogromm ; Haromm ; Thultazor ; Thralosh ; Huge Toad ; Stonard Orc ;
Tags: Updates, WorldofWarcraft