May 8, 2007
New Items: Boots of Utter Darkness
Updated Items: Gray Kodo ; Great Brown Kodo ; Loatheb's Reflection ; Shinkicker Boots ; Duskwoven Tunic ; Councillor's Gloves ; Righteous Helmet ; The Eye of Hakkar ; Forest Stalker's Bracers ; Windtalker's Wristguards ; Glacial Blade ; Councillor's Robes ; Bandit Cloak ; Councillor's Cuffs ; Righteous Leggings ; Righteous Gloves ; Duskwoven Robe ; Red Mageweave Bag ; Mageweave Bag ; Tok'kar's Murloc Shanker ; Warmonger's Cloak ; Chieftain's Leggings ; Chieftain's Headdress ; Tracker's Boots ; Renegade Belt ; Archer's Bracers ; Scaled Shield ; Scaled Leather Boots ; Durable Gloves ; Superior Buckler ; Force of the Hippogryph ; Gem of Serpentis ; Gem of Anacondra ; Gem of Cobrahn ; Gem of Pythas ; Earthborn Kilt ; Great Gray Kodo ; Councillor's Circlet ; Mercurial Legguards ; Destroyer Battle-Helm ; Destroyer Greaves ; Destroyer Shoulderblades ; Destroyer Gauntlets ; Deathmantle Shoulderpads ; Polar Helmet ; Emerald Ripper ; Deathmantle Handguards ; Battered Junkbox ; Dreadnaught Legplates ; Dreadnaught Helmet ; Runesword of the Red ; Recipe: Dirge's Kickin' Chimaerok Chops ; Dreadnaught Sabatons ; Dreadnaught Breastplate ; Crystalforge War-Helm ; Cache of Zanzil's Altered Mixture ; Tainted Wraith Essence ; Wraith Essence ; The Plague Bearer ; Necklace and Gem Salvage ; Atiesh, Greatstaff of the Guardian ; Chimaerok Tenderloin ; Ring of the Dreadnaught ; The Face of Death ; Crystalforge Breastplate ; Crystalforge Shoulderbraces ; Crystalforge Gauntlets ; Crystalforge Greaves ; Dirge's Kickin' Chimaerok Chops ; Blackforge Girdle ; Ravencrest's Legacy ; Astral Guard ; Elunarian Boots ; Plans: Persuader ; Warleader's Leggings ; Fang of Korialstrasz ; Shadowsong's Sorrow ; Heavy Netherweave Net ; Shadowskin Gloves ; Resplendent Belt ; Glacial Headdress ; Gleaming Throwing Axe ; Deadly Throwing Axe ; Wicked Throwing Dagger ; Claymore of Unholy Might ; Solstice Staff ; Deadwood Headdress Feather ; Demon Stalker Harness ; Recipe: Superior Mana Potion ; Stormcaller's Pauldrons ; Knight's Headguard ; Formula: Enchant Boots - Greater Stamina ; Leggings of the Skettis Exile ; Boots of the Fallen Prophet ; Conqueror's Legguards ; Cloak of the Scourge ; Conqueror's Greaves ; Nightmare Blade ; Broken Sharp Throwing Axe ; Stormcaller's Hauberk ; Codex: Prayer of Fortitude II ; Gryphon Mail Crown ; Thurman's Letter ; Dragonbone Wristguards ; Stormcaller's Footguards ; Stormcaller's Leggings ; Stormcaller's Diadem ; Living Branch ; Bufas de láminas de Rapiñador ; Flecha con astil de veraplata ; Grand Marshal's Scaled Helm ; Loosely Threaded Hat ; Underworld Helm ; Therazane's Touch ; Thick Furry Mane ; Dark Iron Residue ; Talonite's Boots ; Rhok'delar, Longbow of the Ancient Keepers ; Adamantite Cleaver ; Redemption Boots ; Dragonrider Boots ; Vengeance Boots ; Shell Launcher Shotgun ; Mok'Nathal Battleaxe ; Dementia Trousers ; Zandalar Illusionist's Robe ; Crystallized Ebony Wand ; Chieftain's Cloak ; Dauntless Handguards ; Flanged Battle Mace ; Zandalar Freethinker's Armguards ; Emblazoned Gloves ; Conqueror's Greaves ; Signet Ring of the Bronze Dragonflight ; Atal'alarion's Tusk Ring ; Fireheart Leggings ; Crusader's Belt ; Rod of the Sleepwalker ; Judgement Legplates ; Azureplate Greaves ; Windtalker's Wristguards ; Marshal's Dragonhide Legguards ; Cloak of Revival ; Marshal's Chain Legguards ; Stormrage Boots ; Boots of Valor ; Felscale Breastplate ; Doc's Belt ; Conqueror's Gauntlets ; Reaver Epaulets ; Talonguard Armor ; Archmage Orb ; Boulderfist Epaulets ; Mote of Air ; Sundered Chestpiece ; Sundered Waistband ; Marshcreeper Bracelets ; Murkblood Pants ; Wooden Boomerang ; Consortium Pants ; Blade of the Archmage ; Seer's Cane ; Robes of the Royal Crown ; Reservoir Key ; Mystical Bracers ; Ranger's Recurved Bow ; Feathered Sash ; Medallion of Grand Marshal Morris ; Diana's Pearl Necklace ; Five of Portals ; Brood Mother Leggings ; Field Testing Kit ; Draconian Deflector ; Netherstorm Shoulderguards ; Devout Crown ; Dreamstalker Sash ; Hand of Edward the Odd ; The Decapitator ; Fel Armament ; Thalassian Compound Bow ; Warlord's Iron-Legplates ; Blood Knight Bracers ; Wolf Chaps ; Hexxer's Belt ; Underspore Pod ; Talisman of the Horde ; Prison Cell Key ; Totem of Impact ; Scroll of Stamina IV ; Boneshredder Claws ; Tarnished Plate Belt ; Skettis Gauntlets ; Moldy Leather Helmet ; Scroll of Protection V ; Howling Wind ; Tigule and Foror's Strawberry Ice Cream ; Marshcreeper Gloves ; Blacklight Bracer ; Red Wolf Meat ; Tender Wolf Meat ; Troll-hide Bag ; Seven of Elementals ; Burning War Axe ; Large Blue Sack ; Tanjo Staff ; Embroidered Spellpyre Boots ; Breastplate of Valor ; Gladiator's Dreadweave Mantle ; Gladiator's Plate Gauntlets ; Councillor's Shoulders ; Nexus-Strider Mantle ; Avenger's Legguards ; Shani's Crysknife ; Expedition Scout's Epaulets ; Haramad's Leg Wraps ; Kaylaan's Spaulders ; Whitesoul Helm ; Jeklik's Opaline Talisman ; Gladiator's Dreadweave Gloves ; Large Knapsack ; Brittle Horn ; Boneclenched Gauntlets ; Aged Horn ; Field Marshal's Dragonhide Helmet ; Catseye Ultra Goggles ; Loosely Threaded Boots ; Gladiator's Linked Spaulders ; Crimsonforge Breastplate ; Gnomish Casting Boots ; Lieutenant Commander's Chain Shoulders ; Redemption Spaulders ; Redemption Handguards ; Eroded Mail Shoulderpads ; Blindweed ; Scroll of Agility V ; Pillager's Gloves ; Defiler's Lamellar Girdle ; Mass of McGowan ; Restorative Mace ; Talbuk Hunting Bow ; Invader's Scourgestone ; Wastewalker Tunic ; Necropile Cuffs ; Feathered Belt ; Eternium Lockbox ; Unyielding Bracers ; Sundered Legguards ; Skettis Bracer ; Slow Death Dirk ; Crystal Pylon User's Manual ; Defiler's Lamellar Greaves ; Sungrass ; Defiler's Mail Greaves ; Sanguine Hibiscus ; High Warlord's Dreadweave Robe ; High Warlord's Dreadweave Hood ; Despair ; Searing Sunblade ; Gladiator's Chain Gauntlets ; Gorehowl ; General's Scaled Bracers ; Staff of the Wild ; Dreadhawk's Girdle ; Dreadhawk's Schynbald ; Imperial Red Cloak ; Band of Rumination ; Snowball ; Wastewalker Shoulderpads ; Mennu's Scaled Leggings ; Lawbringer Bracers ; Reavers' Ring ; Collar of Command ; Netherwind Pants ; Stormrage Pauldrons ; Felheart Belt ; Field Marshal's Plate Armor ; Vengeance Wrap ; Ancient Lichen ; Shadow Council Orb ; Golden Pearl ;
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