March 3, 2007
New Items: Terror Pit Girdle ; Lifeblood Belt ; Shoulderpads of the Stranger ; Eredar Wand of Obliteration
Updated Items: Blood Shard ; Rawhide Boots ; Seal of Sylvanas ; Clefthoof Meat ; Halaa Battle Token ; Oshu'gun Crystal Powder Sample ; Talbuk Venison ; Blessed Vial ; Heavy Mithril Gauntlet ; Top Half of Advanced Armorsmithing: Volume II ; Master Sergeant's Insignia ; Sentry's Shoulderguards ; Wolf Handler Gloves ; Runed Copper Belt ; Leggings of the Third Coin ; Thick War Axe ; Copper Chain Boots ; Dense Stone ; The Warden's Key ; Blood of Heroes ; Primal Mana ; Primal Shadow ; Everlasting Underspore Frond ; The Book of the Dead ; Bright Tourmaline ; Ethereum Relay Data ; Dread Relic ; Festival Dumplings ; Volatile Healing Potion ; Unadorned Seal of Ascension ; Veil Skith Prison Key ; Essence of Fire ; Gurubashi Coin ; Scroll of Agility V ; Razzashi Coin ; Mithril Bar ; Elemental Fire ; Elemental Earth ; Frayed Abomination Stitching ; Invader's Scourgestone ; Minion's Scourgestone ; Pillager's Boots ; Silver Skeleton Key ; Solid Iron Maul ; Pattern: Gray Woolen Robe ; Lightweight Mesh Boots ; Elixir of Greater Defense ; Superior Bracers ; Bandit Jerkin ; Bandit Boots ; Elixir of Greater Agility ; Insignia of the Alliance ; Black Vitriol ; Scroll of Protection V ; Buzzard Meat ; Buzzard Bites ; Nightscape Tunic ; Mithril Spurs ; Solid Grinding Stone ; Solid Weightstone ; Solid Sharpening Stone ; Steel Breastplate ; Bronze Battle Axe ; Bronze Greatsword ; Bronze Warhammer ; Copper Claymore ; Big Black Mace ; Heavy Mithril Axe ; Heavy Mithril Helm ; Heavy Mithril Boots ; Mithril Coif ; Steel Plate Helm ; Heavy Mithril Pants ; Mithril Scale Pants ; Heavy Mithril Shoulder ; Star Ruby ; Aquamarine ; Blackflight Arrow ; Scroll of Strength V ; Copper Dagger ; Iron Buckle ; Thick Scale Legguards ; Scouting Gloves ; Scouting Cloak ; Truesilver Skeleton Key ; Defender Girdle ; Bard's Buckler ; Bard's Boots ; Bard's Gloves ; Soldier's Boots ; Silver Rod ; Deviate Scale Belt ; Forest Buckler ; Rough Bronze Boots ; Grizzled Boots ; Heavy Copper Maul ; Golden Scale Bracers ; Truesilver Bar ; Grunt's Bracers ; Golden Skeleton Key ; Pearl-handled Dagger ; Bright Belt ; Lambent Scale Cloak ; Medicine Staff ; Silver-plated Shotgun ; Gray Dye ; Seal of the Dawn ; Heavy Leather ; Cured Light Hide ; Blackforge Leggings ; Mail Combat Armor ; Recruit's Shirt ; Citrine ; Steel Bar ; Massive Iron Axe ; Moonsteel Broadsword ; Big Bronze Knife ; Polished Steel Boots ; Green Iron Hauberk ; Green Iron Leggings ; Green Iron Helm ; Green Iron Bracers ; Bright Blood Garnet ; Slayer's Band ; Bow of Plunder ; Decapitating Sword ; Azure Moonstone ; Gold Bar ; Heavy Bronze Mace ; Copper Battle Axe ; Heavy Copper Broadsword ; Heavy Grinding Stone ; Green Iron Boots ; Silvered Bronze Gauntlets ; Rough Bronze Shoulders ; Coarse Grinding Stone ; Runed Copper Pants ; Runed Copper Gauntlets ; Copper Chain Vest ; Rough Grinding Stone ; Strong Flux ; Huge Emerald ; Plans: Radiant Leggings ; Sword of the Magistrate ; Buzzer Blade ; Heavy Weightstone ; Coarse Weightstone ; Rough Weightstone ; Burnished Bracers ; Hunting Bracers ; Forest Leather Boots ; Heavy Shortbow ; Burnished Gloves ; Burnished Boots ; Inscribed Leather Pants ; Seer's Gloves ; Hunting Pants ; Heavy Sharpening Stone ; Shining Silver Breastplate ; Silvered Bronze Breastplate ; Patterned Bronze Bracers ; Rough Bronze Cuirass ; Rough Bronze Leggings ; Runed Copper Breastplate ; Coarse Sharpening Stone ; Rough Sharpening Stone ; Runed Copper Bracers ; Copper Bracers ; Copper Chain Pants ; Copper Chain Belt ; Bronze Shortsword ; Bronze Axe ; Bronze Mace ; Copper Shortsword ; Copper Axe ; Copper Mace ; Bronze Bar ; Heavy Stone ; Tin Ore ; Rectangular Shield ; Thorium Bar ; Demoniac Soul Prison ; Coarse Thread ; Glinting Steel Dagger ; Ornate Blunderbuss ; Light Leather ; Fine Leather Gloves ; Pattern: Fine Leather Gloves ; Stock Shortsword ; Chipped Quarterstaff ; Truesilver Rod ; Golden Rod ; Canvas Shoes ; Kobold Mining Mallet ; Double-barreled Shotgun ; Worn Dagger ; Rough Copper Vest ; Staff of Westfall ; Dark Iron Ore ; Woodworking Gloves ; Ornamental Mace ; Lesser Moonstone ; Worn Leather Bracers ; Ragged Leather Belt ; Battle Knife ; Robust Bracers ; Nagrand Cherry ; Leggings of the Fang ; Scarlet Wristguards ; Scarlet Gauntlets ; Scarlet Belt ; Scroll of Spirit IV ; Cat Carrier (Siamese) ; Journeyman's Bracers ; Plans: Volcanic Hammer ; Knitted Pants ; Knitted Gloves ; Rhahk'Zor's Hammer ; Heart Ring ; Khan's Gloves ; Blade of Argus ; Light Hunting Bow ; Gemstone of Smolderthorn ; Skettis Helmet ; Sandfury Coin ; Noble Topaz ; Rune-Engraved Belt ; Rigid Buckler ; Sentinel's Medallion ; Outrunner's Bow ; Protector's Band ; Bloodspattered Shoulder Pads ; Skullforge Reaver ; Drakewing Bands ; Azerothian Diamond ; Ivycloth Cloak ; Blessed Scale Girdle ; King's Defender ; Onslaught Elixir ; Polar Gauntlets ; Gnomish Universal Remote ; Huntsman's Crossbow ; Stillpine Defender ; Shimmering Amice ; Ornately Tooled Belt ; Scouting Spaulders ; Inscribed Leather Belt ; Vindicator's Iron Legguards ; Gold-plated Buckler ; Ebon Gryphon ; Corsair's Overshirt ; Cookie's Stirring Rod ; Taskmaster Axe ; Thief's Blade ; Wristguards of Vengeance ; Plans: Felsteel Helm ; Signet Ring of the Hand ; Dawnstone ; Brocade Cloak ; Goblin Screwdriver ; Buzz Saw ; Stonemason Trousers ; Poison-tipped Bone Spear ; Worn Hatchet ; Flask of Oil ; Brawler Gloves ; McWeaksauce's Meat Tenderizer ; Warden's Arrow ; Preserved Holly ; Plans: Thorium Bracers ; Thick Leather Ammo Pouch ; Canvas Vest ; Candy Bar ; Scroll of Strength IV ; Quickdraw Quiver ; Panther Armor ; Laced Mail Belt ; Lollipop ; Ravager Egg Omelet ; Sporeling Snack ; Defias Gunpowder ; Spiked Chain Shoulder Pads ;
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