February 16, 2007

Good for a laugh? Check out our 'new guide', Reinjin's Guide to the Most Annoying Areas in WoW!

New Items: Boots of Courage Unending ; Ring of Lethality ; Fathomstone

New Quests: One Commendation Signet

New Mobs: Druman Shadowgrove ; Sinnea Starsong ; Loirea Galerunner

Updated Items: Light Throwing Knife ; Arena Team Charter (2v2) ; Ancient Draenei War Talisman ; Bloodband Bracers ; Copper Claymore ; Ranger's Sash ; Fortified Belt ; Truesilver Breastplate ; Aquamarine ; Shadowcraft Bracers ; Runed Copper Gauntlets ; Heavy Mithril Shoulder ; Bloodwoven Boots ; Large Knapsack ; Resplendent Tunic ; Girdle of the Deathdealer ; Field Marshal's Silk Spaulders ; Broken Sharp Throwing Axe ; Rubicund Armguards ; Broken Gleaming Throwing Axe

Updated Quests: Deadwood Ritual Totem ; Glyph Chasing ; Deadly Desert Venom ; Brightspear the Elder ; Nightwind the Elder ; Skygleam the Elder ; Stormpike's Order ; Return to the Bulwark ; Target: Gahrron's Withering ; Return to the Bulwark ; Meadowrun the Elder ; Kharan Mighthammer ; The Mark of the Lightbringer ; It's Dangerous to Go Alone ; Champion's Battlegear ; Two Halves Become One ; Vyral the Vile ; Bonescythe Digs ; Urok Doomhowl ; Doctor Theolen Krastinov, the Butcher ; Cryptstalker Armor Doesn't Make Itself... ; Scouring the Desert ; The Elemental Equation ; The Darkstone Tablet ; Binding the Dreadnaught ; Barov Family Fortune ; Good Luck Charm ; Warlord's Command ; A Humble Offering ; Dukes of the Council ; What Tomorrow Brings ; Return to Chillwind Camp ; Skeletal Fragments ; Winterfall Firewater ; A Strange Red Key ; They Call Me "The Rooster" ; Into The Maw of Madness ; Breaking the Code ; Corruption ; Abyssal Contacts ; The Perfect Poison ; Alas, Andorhal ; The Scourge Cauldrons ; A Plague Upon Thee ; Skeletal Fragments ; Counting Out Time ; Defiling Uther's Tomb ; The Darkmoon Faire ; Wildmane the Elder ; Twilight Geolords ; The Sunken Temple ; The Love Potion ; Bolstering Our Defenses ; A Donation of Silk ; Seed of Life ; Dispelling Evil ; Barov Family Fortune ; Winterfall Runners ; The Restless Souls ; Overmaster Pyron ; Defenders of Darrowshire ; A Collection of Heads ; A Bijou for Zanza ; Mission Accomplished! ; Return to the Bulwark ; A Plague Upon Thee ; Return to the Bulwark ; Target: Dalson's Tears ; Target: Writhing Haunt ; Target: Felstone Field ; Augustus' Receipt Book ; Winterfall Activity ; Falling to Corruption ; The Eastern Plagues ; Mayara Brightwing ; Elemental Leatherworking ; Snowcrown the Elder ; The Heart of the Mountain ; Collection of the Corrupt Water ; Krastinov's Bag of Horrors ; Seal of Ascension ; Elune's Blessing ; Honoring a Hero ; Noggle's Last Hope ; The Twilight Mystery ; Summoning Shadra ; Only One May Rise ; Threat of the Winterfall ; Mother's Milk ; Dagger of Veiled Shadows ; All Along the Watchtowers ; Paragons of Power: The Vindicator's Breastplate ; The Battle for Arathi Basin! ; Jail Break! ; The Madness Within ; Uniting the Shattered Amulet ; Paragons of Power: The Vindicator's Belt ; Signet of Unyielding Strength ; Drape of Unyielding Strength ; Sickle of Unyielding Strength ; A Donation of Wool ; A Donation of Silk ; Scarlet Diversions ; A Strange One ; The Alliance Needs Your Help! ; Stonefort the Elder ; A Donation of Mageweave ; The Siren's Coral ; Magic Dust ; Zaeldarr the Outcast ; The Spirits of Southwind ; The Strength of Corruption ; Bladesing the Elder ; Further Corruption ; Speak to Nafien ; It's a Secret to Everybody ; Thunderhorn the Elder ; Past Endeavors ; The Wildlife Suffers Too ; Ribbly Screwspigot ; Deadwood of the North ; Rabine Saturna ; Everything Counts In Large Amounts ; Into the Depths ; Secret of the Circle ; Cleansing Felwood ; Super Sticky ; Cleansed Water Returns to Felwood ; Rabine Saturna ; A Taste of Flame ; Betrayed ; Words of the High Chief ; To Kill With Purpose ; Chillwind Horns ; The True Masters ; Scholomance ; A Plague Upon Thee ; Chasing A-Me 01 ; Alien Ecology ; Destroy Morphaz ; To Serve Kum'isha ; Lost! ; Festival Dumplings ; Defusing the Threat ; Corruption of Earth and Seed ; Securing the Supply Lines ; Grimtotem the Elder ; Riversong the Elder ; Elune's Candle ; Glyphed Oaken Branch ; Starsong the Elder ; Luck Be With You ; Cluster Launcher ; Ragetotem the Elder ; Festive Lunar Pant Suits ; A Donation of Wool ; Moontouched Wildkin ; Winterfall Ritual Totem ; Proudhorn the Elder ; The Lunar Festival ; Rescue From Jaedenar ; Chasing A-Me 01 ; Set Them Ablaze! ; Thundris Windweaver ; The Corpulent One ; Duskwing, Oh How I Hate Thee... ; Forging the Mightstone ; Runecloth ; The Scent of Lar'korwi ; Silver Heart ; Expedition Salvation ; Shizzle's Flyer ; Roll the Bones ; The Videre Elixir ; Haze of Evil ; Bungle in the Jungle ; March of the Silithid ; Pawn Captures Queen ; Seeping Corruption ; Graveborn the Elder ; Darkcore the Elder ; Morningdew the Elder ; Obsidian the Elder ; Skyseer the Elder ; Brotherly Love ; Moonwarden the Elder ; Bloodhoof the Elder ; Festive Lunar Dresses ; Darkhorn the Elder ; Windtotem the Elder ; High Mountain the Elder ; Runetotem the Elder ; Bellowrage the Elder ; Return to the Blasted Lands ; The Stagnant Oasis ; Cortello's Riddle ; The Gordok Ogre Suit ; The Lunar Festival ; Kharan's Tale ; Therzok ; Target: Dalson's Tears ; Target: Writhing Haunt ; Return to Chillwind Camp ; The Wrong Stuff ; Call of Fire ; Call of Fire ; Torwa Pathfinder ; Dreamseer the Elder ; Stonespire the Elder ; The Smoldering Ruins of Thaurissan ; Voodoo Feathers ; The New Frontier ; The Twilight Lexicon ; Finding the Source ; The Alliance Needs Your Help! ; Bashal'Aran ; Vivian Lagrave ; The Final Piece ; A Donation of Silk ; The Pack Mistress ; Cloak of the Unseen Path ; Little Pamela ;


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