The Serpent's Spine: More Screenshots

We have four more screenshots to pass along to you. From SOE, they show the Drakkin in action.

These screenshots, along with previously posted screens from The Serpent's Spine, have been posted in the expansion's gallery, which is now up in our screenshots galleries section.


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# Aug 28 2006 at 11:58 AM Rating: Default
A new race for Monks? Now that would pique my interest. I'm holding off my opinions till SOE say that they have created their final model. But a new race to be a monk... that hasn't happened sense Kunark. Can't wait to test him out, and the new lands and the lore and NPC dialogue all included in this next expansion. I will say that I pictued something different when I heard Human "TOUCHED" with dragon. But i'm not a game developer and won't condescend to someone elses profession. If I wanted EQ to have my influence I would become a game designer and apply there.

P.S. I thought I read that only Shaman Bst and Berz are the only classes the new race CAN'T be. So im assuming they can be Monks. Correct me please if im wrong.
Maybe they had a reason?
# Aug 26 2006 at 12:26 AM Rating: Decent
For those of you who do not read the official eqlive forums...

They based the Drakkin off Human models so that they have the option to completely revamp all character models in the future. (Since most models are modifications of the Human model). They've already gotten the new character creation screen/options done, but currently only the Drakkin are able to use this function.

Bottom line: They based the Drakkin off Humans so they have more options for all models in the future.
# Aug 26 2006 at 12:24 AM Rating: Decent
Deleted duplicate post.

Edited, Aug 26th 2006 at 1:43am EDT by SilverCenturion
# Aug 25 2006 at 3:37 PM Rating: Decent
Honestly the drakkin appear to me like an elf model dressed up with some basic cosmetic changes, i.e. a new robe, hairdoo, and some tatooes, I was really hoping for like some horns, tail, teeth, or at least scales, or mabey even the first e.q player playable 4 legged race.
Yes I do
# Aug 24 2006 at 11:48 AM Rating: Decent
647 posts
Cuz I'm-a dancing with my-se-elf
# Aug 23 2006 at 8:01 PM Rating: Default
I think they look more like Billy Idol cleaned up meself. Course, most of you young'uns here prolly don't know who I'm talking about. LOL
Venti non-fat elf needs a shot of dragon
# Aug 23 2006 at 7:13 PM Rating: Decent
105 posts
SOE has set a bar for adding races. Iksar are great (those kicks!) and the frogloks were even better with their own animations, and unique body color options that really worked with the model. These models don't cut it.

How many graphic artists designing a myriad of options and dragon-touched is easter-egg hair and tattoos.. DRAGONS DON'T HAVE THOSE (maybe happy punker dragons)

From the previos body of work, I *know* the artists can do better. How about some wings, rainbow scaled skin patches, ridges along the spine, a tiny tail, triangular shaped head, fangs, slitted eyes.. any in combination would work. Here's another idea: let the artists work with both hands instead of 1 tied behind their back.

Edited, Aug 23rd 2006 at 8:19pm EDT by richmb
# Aug 23 2006 at 8:47 AM Rating: Default
There faces look like emo kids and i really don't like em but there armor is sweet.
# Aug 23 2006 at 5:04 AM Rating: Decent
661 posts
Can't really see these guys as the Melee / Warrior type.. =p
Antonius Bayle
why they dont look like dragons
# Aug 23 2006 at 2:33 AM Rating: Default
i think that the new zones are good the new race lak any kind of dragon look i will have to a gree that u do need to step up the dragon look to these
RORORF take it to the house
# Aug 22 2006 at 11:09 PM Rating: Decent
429 posts
I think they look like elves with skin disease. And currently Drakkin can do all classes except for: Shaman, Beastlords, and Beserker.
# Aug 22 2006 at 5:37 PM Rating: Default
Sweet. Can't wait to see the classes available.
Old Models
# Aug 22 2006 at 2:22 PM Rating: Default
wonder if these are going to blen in with the old models... lol since I still use them
Sorry, no thanks
# Aug 22 2006 at 1:03 PM Rating: Decent
342 posts
I play EQ quite a bit and will continue to do so while my in-game friends remain here. However, I have stopped buying expansions until they fix the big problems with basic game mechanics. I fail to see how buying another expansion with will help this.

Forgive the brief off-topic but SoE needs to know this:

I recently brought 2 friends to try EQ. One was returning after 3+ years, the other was NEW to EQ. While they liked the UI and other feature changes/additions, I spent a lot of my time answering questions in the form of "why can't I see the world" (West/East bug) or "why can't I see my target?" (toe-to-toe LOS issue or whatever that new bug is from the patch last spring) or "why did that single mob drag half the dungeon?" (pathing bugs) or "why are so many mobs warping?" (more pathing bugs?) or "why is xxx happening?" (fill in the blank with your favorite bug, there were too many).

I found I was spending a great deal of my time responding to these issues over a few days and they were losing interest and I became sad. I also realized how many significant bugs we all just "accept" for months and years at a time.

Before anyone starts getting defensive or arguing the bugs listed above, please RE-READ my first sentence. Sorry, but I have been quiet on this for too long.
Sorry, no thanks
# Aug 22 2006 at 11:15 PM Rating: Default
32 posts
I hear alot of whining about how SOE doesn't fix this or that, and rarely(never) do they give any specifics, until your post. Here are my views:
1)West/East bug? At times I have seen whole panels of graphics blank out to invisible or a solid color or able to see room/wall I shouldn't be able to see. Doesn't happen all the time or with any regularity, just like dropping my buttered toast on the ground. It just happens.

2)Your Toe-to-Toe Line of sight. Walking/running/combat with any NPC or PC can give you some weird outlines and floating teeth, sometimes 2 naked eyeballs/nose. Not a bug. Just allows you to pass through that PC or multiple PCs when, for instances 6 big Ogres are zoning into the Guild Lobby at the same time, go afk for 30 minutes, and you are trying to zone to PoK. Maybe you remember the old days when PC could push each other off a cliff. How many cried 'You have to fix this BUG!!!!!'

3)Single injured MOB runs off to bring half the dungeon. Not a bug. Just a dynamic of the dungeon. If You were in Freeport, and 6 level 50 orc pawns came whacking on you, wouldn't you run your level 30 butt to as many guards as possible? I know I would.

4)Warping. A valid complaint. Some mobs in some dungeons can Gate. That's a challenge for you to overcome somehow. I've had Orc Warriors in Desert Of Ro Warp out to parts unknown. *shrug* it happens.

A final thought. EQ breaks down. It needs patches and fixes. So does your car, house, boat, lawnmower, whatever. Even CDs and DVDs, which would probably last forever don't because of Human Handling. They become scratched, melted, stepped on, and thrown at ex-BF/GF.

Just play, until its no longer any fun.
Then you can save $14/month.

Druid, Bristlebane
BD, Oct. 21, '01
Sure these arn't zombies?
# Aug 22 2006 at 12:10 PM Rating: Decent
Eww these are worse than first ones i think. SOme poor lil kid is gonna go to their Parents Computer screen and scream and be scared of the drakkin LOL. Yea, the green might just be the night and the part of the Horriable screen shots. Horriable 'drakkins', more like 0% dragons, 90% LDoN Sand Elf, 10% humans and 100% zombies lol.
Drakkin model looks
# Aug 22 2006 at 8:15 AM Rating: Excellent
351 posts
Much of the discussion here is akward.

What I can really say though is, there is alot of versatility in designing your Drakkin.

That "green skin and purple hair" is purely a lighting issue. The first set of SS's looked more like the character sking plastered onto a 3d rendation model and edited up in Photoshop. This set of "screenshots" are all taken at night, which what appers to be 2.0 pixels haders and advanced lighting, hence the bright robes and lower exteemities and the darkened shoulder/head area and the shiney plastic look.

In a daylight setting they appear much less out of place next to the current models, besides a few things that the dev's are aware of and are working with. Note that these released SS's are not completed projects, rather just a glimpse at the new artwork for everyone to see. They are released for astetic viewing, I wouldn't give them a final yay or nay until actually seen.

Their armor is just stunning vs the older armors, and if the revamp to luclin models isn't completely off base, we should eb seeing new armor looks, not only by race, but tied to to armor itself.. much like the velious_1 vs velious_2 original EQ graphic looks =)

As for the plastic look:
2.0 pixel shaders are something I feel the folks at sony need to revamp alone. It is one thing that they make the lighting warriors look 1000 cooler, or the black hammers/blades in DoN turn metallic and silver etc.. but the fact that everything shines just makes all of EQ look morew "barbie doll" imo.. It's not from TSS, it is from expansions before. The berserker 1.5 is shiney, dispite all of it's intricate detaling on the broad side of the blade, spiders and much much more look like they were shrink wrapped, so I wouldn't knock down TSS because of a "plastic look" just keep 2.0 shaders off and you won't see them that way. I like 2.0 shaders personally, and just try to ignore the fact that RSS looks like it was formed out of molten plastic.. It should be a seltive setting vice a global setting imo.. but I don't work for them =P

# Aug 22 2006 at 7:31 AM Rating: Decent
86 posts
great. now im gonna have the munster's theme song stuck in my head all day
# Aug 22 2006 at 6:56 AM Rating: Decent
28 posts
Devs have stated that they are NOT 50/50 human/dragon, merely dragon 'touched'. As far as wise, it shows that the regular luclin models can be upgraded to look the same, but flow better and have a LOT better armor effects, while using less polygons therefor less graphics memory....but indeed, they do look a LOT like Zuul lol.

Was hoping for a lot more inspired appearance. This is a fantasy game, why so many people want to stick with plain old human i'll never understand. Instead of going more towards the human, we should be pushing the boundries and trying to come up with as many fantastical creatures as we can.

Seems people like plain old vanilla.

I like my toons Captain Morgan style. I wanna play a parrot.
# Aug 22 2006 at 6:53 AM Rating: Decent
28 posts
Devs have stated that they are NOT 50/50 human/dragon, merely dragon 'touched'. As far as wise, it shows that the regular luclin models can be upgraded to look the same, but flow better and have a LOT better armor effects, while using less polygons therefor less graphics memory....but indeed, they do look a LOT like Zuul lol.

Was hoping for a lot more inspired appearance. This is a fantasy game, why so many people want to stick with plain old human i'll never understand. Instead of going more towards the human, we should be pushing the boundries and trying to come up with as many fantastical creatures as we can.

Seems people like plain old vanilla.

I like my toons Captain Morgan style. I wanna play a parrot.
80s comeback?
# Aug 22 2006 at 6:34 AM Rating: Decent
they look like that evil heshe lady they fought in ghostbusters ZOOOL
# Aug 22 2006 at 6:32 AM Rating: Decent
lol they look like that heshe from the first ghostbusters movie.
# Aug 22 2006 at 5:54 AM Rating: Decent
a human wizzy with tatoos ?? i so much agree with many others ; im NOT impressed..

and do we get 1 or 2 extra char slots now ? sure im not gonna delete one of my chars for this..
# Aug 22 2006 at 3:13 AM Rating: Decent
What I want to know is how many more patches do I have to sit through with the new release
# Aug 22 2006 at 2:47 AM Rating: Decent
What I want to know is: Where are the female Drakkin?
# Aug 22 2006 at 2:43 AM Rating: Decent

Edited, Aug 22nd 2006 at 3:51am EDT by JaeJae
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