August 11, 2006

Here are yesterday's updates:

Updated Items: Lightforge BracersFlameweave CuffsGeneral's Mail BootsRattlecage BucklerFormula: Enchant Cloak - Greater Nature ResistanceKnight-Lieutenant's Leather WalkersSpitfire BreastplateDented BucklerScorpid StingerHand of Edward the OddLarge Wooden ShieldLumberjack AxeRusted Chain BootsRusted Chain GlovesRusted Chain BeltRusted Chain LeggingsRusted Chain VestDented BucklerRusted Chain BracersArcher's BucklerSoulforge BeltWarden's WaistbandWarden's WrapsLong Tail FeatherDreadmist RobeDeathmist MantleBandit ShouldersVermilion BandChromite LegplatesGreen Iron ShouldersStormshroud PantsRing of Spell PowerLight FeatherSash of the Grand HuntMoon CleaverIronshod BludgeonLaminated Scale PantsTalisman of the Naga LordStout War StaffPrimed MusketCenarion BeaconScroll of Spirit IVMystical BracersWildkin E'koFrostwolf Legionnaire's PendantShardtooth E'koCache of Mau'ariLight Plate ShoulderpadsRune of MetamorphosisImperial Leather BreastplateBarreling ReaperWords of the High ChiefScroll of Intellect IVCopper DaggerSorcerer RobeJagged Piece of StoneSmall Flame SacMagnificent CloakAbjurer's HoodForked TongueSharp ShortswordSolid StoneLifeless StoneRipped Wing WebbingMixologist's TunicScroll of Protection IIIVanguard BreastplateBand of the Great TortoiseTriumphant GauntletsGlowing Scorpid BloodFirst Sergeant's Plate BracersCoif of ElementsMarauder's CircletCreeping Vine HelmAshjre'thul, Crossbow of SmitingNori's MugSteelgrill's ToolsDurnan's Scalding MornbrewBurst of KnowledgeSergeant Major's Dragonhide ArmsplintsIcemail JerkinPattern: Brightcloth PantsPattern: Frostweave GlovesRelic BundleRecipe: Savory Deviate DelightPattern: Frostsaber LeggingsPattern: Living LeggingsFrostsaber LeatherKhan's ChestpieceSmooth Leather BracersRunecloth TunicElixir of Greater IntellectDark EspadonFelstone Good Luck Charm Sunscale LegplatesFrostweave GlovesLiving LeggingsSmooth Leather GlovesPattern: Runecloth TunicSilver Totem of AquementasOverlord's ShieldBlood-tinged ArmorHulking BandsCraftsman's Writ - Greater Arcane Protection PotionFrostsaber LeggingsWarleader's BeltEvergreen PouchOutrunner's CuffsBreakwater GirdleBone DustBook of AquorSuperior Mana PotionRaincaller CloakBrutish BreastplateHatchet of Sundered BoneWidow BladeDecoded True Believer ClippingsOf Love and FamilyGravestone War AxeLight Magesmith RobeScouting BucklerBlood Guard's Chain VicesShadowfangJazeraint BracersWatcher's LeggingsGrand LegguardsVital ShouldersHeavy Scorpid VestJouster's GirdleFingerbone BracersAntiquated CloakFiery CloakWarmonger's GreavesBracers of BrutalityRitssyn's Ring of ChaosLinked Chain PantsSnowman KitTotem of the StormAzure IdolOpulent BeltHellslayer Battle AxeStaff of the ShadeSpiked Chain CloakThick Scale SabatonsBurnished LeggingsColdwater RingLofty HelmRageclaw ChestguardDarkrune GauntletsDancing SliverEngraved BracersPolychromatic VisionwrapJarkal's Enhancing NecklaceSentry's SlippersRuned Stygian LeggingsMurloc Scale BracersDefender ShieldIce Threaded ArrowLavender Mageweave ShirtSorcerer HatRenegade CircletArcher's CloakArcher's CapConjurer's BracersSuperior CloakGreenweave GlovesZandalar Madcap's TunicEssence GathererWizard's BeltSilver-thread CloakWindreaver GreavesElectromagnetic Gigaflux ReactivatorDarkmantle BracersRunecloth HeadbandWand of Biting ColdSul'thraze the LasherMooncloth LeggingsBarbaric BracersCloak of the Brood LordPrestor's Talisman of ConniveryPhoenix PantsSilk ClothToughened Leather GlovesTalisman of Ephemeral PowerCore Hound ToothMaleki's FootwrapsBlackwater TunicGrand Crusader's HelmChief Brigadier LeggingsHardened Leather HelmSunderseer MantleSergeant Major's Silk CuffsSergeant's CapeBackwood HelmGuttbusterTroll's Bane LeggingsBonescythe BracersAssassination BladeBand of JinKalimdor's RevengeMantle of HonorCloak of the People's MilitiaBand of the PenitentLil Timmy's PeashooterStoneravenZealot BladeBarbaric Cloth GlovesCenarion BracersSkystriker BowMight of the TribeDreadmist BeltSoothsayer's HeaddressElemental Rockridge LeggingsGauntlets of DivinityValiant ShortswordSabatons of WrathDraconian DeflectorBlack Velvet RobesRust-covered BlunderbussDefender TunicThallium HoopKnight's GirdleKnight's HeadguardDarkmantle BeltBracelets of WrathJudgement BeltLeggings of TranscendenceBloodfang BootsObsidian PendantEmbossed Leather CloakShieldplate SabatonsGlimmering FlambergeBlight Leather GlovesDeadly KrisScouting CloakGlowing Black OrbIronfeather BreastplateNightbladeBard's GlovesArchlight TalismanCrest of SupremacyPotent BootsWolf Rider's Shoulder PadsIcemetal BarbuteWorn CloakNocturnal CloakBalanced Fighting StickFeatherskin CapeSilverwing Battle TabardWorn Leather BeltLofty SabatonsBludgeon of the Grinning DogLongswordMercenary BladeTanned Leather JerkinRough Leather BootsWarbear WooliesGreen LensMystical CapeScarlet LeggingsScarlet ChestpieceGnomeregan AmuletEmerald BreastplateCrusader's BootsCrusader's ArmguardsAzure ShouldersTotem of InflictionMilitia QuarterstaffLavishly Jeweled RingQuintis' Research GlovesNeophyte's ShirtWebwing CloakOozing BagBlitzcleaverSpotted YellowtailPlans: Bloodsoul GauntletsThe ShattererMaster's MantleWarlord's Leather SpauldersGlorious BindingsDeviate Scale CloakIcebane LeggingsSchematic: Arcanite DragonlingSkullsplitter CoinThug PantsRunic Leather HeadbandVinehedge CinchLieutenant Commander's Lamellar HeadguardFrostwolf Advisor's CloakBloodbone BandRigid ShouldersDefiler's Mail PauldronsDefiler's Mail GirdleRoyal GownRedridge GoulashChampion's GauntletsHigh Chief's BeltBranding RodPlans: Heavy Obsidian BeltDarkstone ClaymoreRegal LeggingsSoldier's ShieldChromite PauldronsMoonglow VestBarbaric Cloth VestBlackfangEarth Warder's GlovesWillow Band HauberkSoldier's LeggingsThe Cruel Hand of TimmyAncient CrownGlorious BeltAlabaster Plate GauntletsMarshal's Dreadweave GlovesMolten FistsMyrmidon's GauntletsTalisman of ArathorChieftain's BeltGlorious Shoulder PadsShalehusk BootsLesser MoonstoneQiraji Spiked HiltCloudrunner GirdleAtal'ai GirdleHeraldic HeadpieceBlood Guard's Satin GlovesGrunt's AnkleWrapsDark Iron ScrapsJouster's WristguardsChromite BarbuteField Marshal's Chain HelmCorehound BeltBrashclaw's SkewerWarmonger's ChestpieceBrigade GirdleHuge Venom SacWindchaser CoronetScalping TomahawkThistlefur CloakThe Eye of ShadowBlackforge CowlDarkmantle CapNightshade TunicGuardian StoneCenarion Plant SalveBlackforge GreavesTemplar CrownDragoneye CoifCap of the Scarlet SavantStarfire TiaraEngraved GauntletsBand of MendingSeraph's StrikeGloves of Undead CleansingThorium BeltTotemic Clan RingMistscape MantleNecropile BootsEssence of UndeathStrong FluxPristine Hide of the BeastShadow Weaver LeggingsOssirian's BindingNightshade LeggingsOverlord's LegplatesMighty ArmsplintsMassive MojoKite ShieldRaincaster DrapeWorg CarrierWorn Mail VestBottled Alterac Spring WaterSilver-thread RodBlanchard's StoutBloodstained LegplatesMonk's StaffCryptstalker TunicWanderer's CloakGrizzly PantsHero's PauldronsDisciple's SashLorespinnerYellow DyeBroadswordSatyr's RodWebbed Pterrordax ScaleProspector's PadsJade GauntletsGolden FlameChillnail Splinter

Updated Quests: The Forgotten HeirloomThe Family and the Fishing PoleFruit of the SeaGathering IdolsUnderbelly ScalesThe Price of ShoesMountaineer Stormpike's TaskWANTED: Chok'sulStormpike's OrderPoor Old BlanchyOh Brother. . .MercenariesCollecting MemoriesReturn to VernerEncroaching GnollsWashed AshoreWashed AshoreSelling FishBeached Sea TurtleBeached Sea TurtleThe Cliffspring RiverThundris WindweaverBeached Sea CreatureDeaths in the FamilyWANTED: Murkdeep!Report to IronforgeThe Blackwood CorruptedFilthy PawsProtecting the HerdStormpike's DeliveryTundra MacGrann's Stolen StashBeached Sea CreatureExcavation Progress ReportTears of the MoonFight for Warsong GulchCrown of the EarthFight for Warsong GulchIronband's ExcavationHilary's NecklaceThe Red CrystalClaiming Arathi BasinThe Absent Minded ProspectorYoung Crocolisk SkinsReport to Mountaineer RockgarSathrah's SacrificeUrsal the MaulerTools of the HighborneThe Tower of AlthalaxxThe Sleeper Has AwakenedFor Love EternalThe Enchanted GladeFind BinglesTeldrassilSpeak with ShoniGrove of the AncientsBashal'AranThe Tower of AlthalaxxThe Fall of Ameth'AranCave MushroomsCrown of the EarthThe Tower of AlthalaxxBashal'AranBashal'AranBashal'AranHow Big a Threat?How Big a Threat?Plagued LandsUnderground AssaultA Lost MasterDeep Ocean, Vast SeaThe Tower of AlthalaxxBuzzbox 411Buzzbox 525Cleansing of the InfectedTharnariun's HopeCulling the ThreatBuzzbox 323The Zoram StrandElmore's TaskOn Guard in StonetalonA New PlagueSupervisor FizsprocketA Hunter's ChallengeCrocolisk HuntingA Hunter's BoastIn Defense of the King's LandsResupplying the ExcavationAfter the AmbushThelsamar Blood SausagesPowder to IronbandCaptain Sander's Hidden TreasureBingles' Missing SuppliesRear Guard PatrolThe Family CryptA New PlagueThe Public ServantRat CatchingThe Trogg ThreatIt's Dangerous to Go AloneGoretusk Liver PieWestfall StewA Dark Threat LoomsThe Tome of DivinityThe People's MilitiaThe Tome of DivinityDeeprun Rat RoundupThe People's MilitiaRed Leather BandanasThe Coast Isn't ClearKeeper of the FlameThe Defias BrotherhoodThe Killing FieldsThe People's MilitiaPatrolling WestfallShy-RotamThe Tome of DivinityThe Tome of DivinityThe Tome of DivinityThe Tome of DivinityCentaur BracersThe Demon SeedHidden EnemiesThe Stagnant OasisThe Angry ScytheclawsVerog the DervishCryptstalker Armor Doesn't Make Itself...The Stones That Bind UsOf Love and FamilyThe Battle of DarrowshireAn Unwelcome GuestCaptain Sander's Hidden TreasureThe Coastal MenaceEasy Strider LivingMe Brother, NipsyThe Defias BrotherhoodBlackrock MenaceA Baying of GnollsMessenger to StormwindVisit the HerbalistDelivering DaffodilsThe Defias BrotherhoodMessenger to WestfallMessenger to WestfallA Dark Threat LoomsCaptain Sander's Hidden TreasureCaptain Sander's Hidden TreasureSearch for IncendiciteGathering MaterialsSpeak with RenferrelThe Deathstalkers' ReportTremors of the EarthFiery Blaze EnchantmentsRetrieval for MaurenPlanting the HeartThe Moss-twined HeartStoley's DebtHowling in the HillsHumble BeginningsThe Defias BrotherhoodThe Defias BrotherhoodMessenger to StormwindAssessing the ThreatDry TimesThe Lost ToolsA Free LunchThe Defias BrotherhoodThe Defias BrotherhoodSolomon's LawWanted: "Hogger"Redridge GoulashThe Everstill BridgeKirithRagnar ThunderbrewA Humble OfferingInto The Maw of MadnessArugal's FollyThe Decrepit FerryRot Hide CluesReturn to QuinnZinge's DeliveryGnogaineLost DeathstalkersSave Techbot's Brain!The Stockade RiotsArugal's FollyPlundering the PlunderersSample for HelbrimIvar the FoulA Recipe For DeathWrenix of RatchetWANTED: Baron LongshoreWild HeartsThe Dead FieldsThe Prodigal Lich ReturnsA Recipe For DeathBorder CrossingsMura RunetotemEscorting ErlandThe DeathstalkersAt War With The Scarlet CrusadeThe DeathstalkersThe DeathstalkersThe DeathstalkersProving AllegianceAltered BeingsDeviate HidesEcheyakeeDeviate EradicationLeaders of the FangZiz FizziksSmart DrinksThe Guns of NorthwatchSerpentbloomNara WildmaneReturning the Lost SatchelTesting an Enemy's StrengthSearching for the Lost SatchelApothecary ZamahThe Forgotten PoolsSupplies for the CrossroadsRaptor ThievesDisrupt the AttacksConsumed by HatredProwlers of the BarrensThe Disruption EndsSlaying the BeastFungal SporesPlainstrider MenaceThe ZhevraWharfmaster DizzywigTrouble at the DocksHamuul RunetotemDeepmoss Spider EggsLost in BattleRaptor HornsStolen SilverSamophlangeMiner's FortuneThe Power to Destroy...Dalaran's IntentionsMaps and RunesAmbermill InvestigationsDalar's AnalysisTo Orgrimmar!Investigate the Blue RecluseReport to Jennea

Updated Mobs: High Priestess Mar'liHigh Priestess ArlokkHigh Priest ThekalBloodlord MandokirHigh Priest VenoxisHakkarHigh Priestess JeklikWushoolayGahz'rankaJin'do the HexxerBlackrock SlayerPlague SlimeDiseased Black BearEitriggFimble FinespindleFrostwolf EmissaryBlazerunnerReef CrawlerGreater Rock ElementalDustbelcher MaulerDustbelcher WyrmhunterDustbelcher ShamanCommander Mar'alithSpirit HealerCommander Ashlam ValorfistKelek SkykeeperHermit OrtellDeadwind MaulerDeadwind BruteMana SpriteLey SpriteDeadwind Ogre MageWailing SpectreDeadwind WarlockSentinel Glynda Nal'SheaWizbang CranktoggleKeldranMurloc TidehunterWebwood SpiderMangy Mountain BoarMinor Manifestation of FireTelf JoolamCorrupted Surf CrawlerSerpentbloom SnakeCorrupted Dreadmaw CrocoliskYoung Lashtail RaptorMurloc ForagerLau'TikiKolkar DrudgeRazormane BattleguardDreadmaw CrocoliskSurf CrawlerPygmy Surf CrawlerMakrura ShellhideMakrura ClackerBloodtalon TaillasherBloodtalon ScythemawArmored ScorpidSpirit of MinshinaHana'zuaFleeting PlainstriderZhevra RunnerLar ProwltuskVenomtail ScorpidCorrupted Bloodtalon ScythemawUkorHallucination


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