Progression Servers Launch

Today is the big day. Hundreds of people are reactivating their SOE EverQuest Live accounts to join the fun.

The progression servers are 2 special servers that have had their "clock" set back to the original game. Each expansion that has been released for the game have been locked away for a time when certain events have been completed in-game for that expansion to unlock to the world within the 2 servers.

These servers are not completely set back in all things. The graphics are post-luclin, and fixes for bugs as well as added features that have become incredibly popular are staying in the game.

EverQuest now offers 2 servers to bring back a bit of the old excitement: The Combine, and The Sleeper.

To celebrate the new servers, I'm going to be going around to the many different newbie zones and taking group pictures of the new players partying!

The first set are from Greater Faydark. Click Here to check it out!


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Why arent the servers progressing?
# Jul 13 2006 at 8:08 PM Rating: Decent
Based on the progression websites both Combine and Sleeper have finished the tasks to unlock Kunark.. but it is not unlocked? What gives?
Why arent the servers progressing?
# Jul 14 2006 at 4:34 PM Rating: Decent
1,117 posts
AS has been posted in several places, there are timelocks on expansions. This timer has not expired for Kunark. Suposidly it will unlock on June 28th
# Jul 10 2006 at 10:52 AM Rating: Decent
Started playing on the Sleeper on opening day with high hopes of experiencing EQ "back in the day". I had missed it the first time around. Well there were lot's of peeps and lot's of excitement the first day. Ton's of OOC and over 300 players in GFay.

First challenge, a lot of peeps, not many mobs left. Well this is too be expected I tell myself, and with so many people it will be cool when things settle out a bit because there will be people to play with. Fast forward a few days... More mobs in the newbie zone, so life is getting better, hunt a little, make a few silvers.

Second challenge, Hmmm, the orc pawns looks like the new models, the mobs are dropping quest items for quests that aren't in the game yet, and the PoK books are sitting right where I left them on the Nameless.

The last straw, the merchant window is the new ui.

My dawning realization; the game isn't EQ 1999 or even the last patch right before the Kunark release, it's simply a new server with 2006 models, ui, and limited zone access. Oh well I had this built up in my mind to be a way to experience something I had missed out on. Turns out it's simply a way to not have to experience super twinks. At least not for the first three weeks anyway.
# Jul 01 2006 at 10:00 AM Rating: Decent
130 posts
I gave it a try...20 minutes later I realized it was nothing as it used to be...just a nerfed version of what it is now...sheesh! Come on guys! It still has the maps, the find button, and xloc gnomes at the docks?? And, I don't recall Freeport looking like that! I know, you can't please everyone. Oh well, nice try...guess the newer players will never see what we actually endured long ago...hehe like they say, what happened in the past, stays in the past!
needs a bit of twinking
# Jun 30 2006 at 5:52 PM Rating: Default
Was going to play on this server but it's not even close to what it was like back in the day. Thought part of the idea was to let us feal the real thing. Need to bring back the medding book for one and second only the old UI should be used. Finaly old time graphics.

All that has realy been done is made 2 new servers and limited the expanshions. might as well give all the expanshions and make a new server as only 5% of the ppl want to be the ones to rush to be the first to unlock it and not let anyone realy git to enjoy it the way it was ment to be!
ah to be a newb
# Jun 30 2006 at 1:10 PM Rating: Decent
It would be nice if they could regenerate some of the original "fear" or hesitation if you will, that was in the game when you were a newbie. I remember the dread of running to Unrest because I just knew something was gonna come out of the water and get me. Or the complete fasination with seeing Vox or Naggy for the first time. THAT was fun. I guess it's true that the more knowledge you gain the more innocence you lose.
Good luck
# Jun 30 2006 at 10:21 AM Rating: Default
I started playing the day EQ went live in 1999. No way I am going back to that.
Good Luck on the progressions.
Progression Servers
# Jun 30 2006 at 10:20 AM Rating: Decent
50 posts
They should make each toon have to unlock the new expansions for himself, rather than making it server-wide. And no piggies on anything. That would truly be progression.
Progression Servers
# Jun 30 2006 at 12:44 PM Rating: Decent

They should make each toon have to unlock the new expansions for himself, rather than making it server-wide. And no piggies on anything. That would truly be progression.

I completely agree with you, they should have each INDIVIDUAL person unlock the new expansions for themselves, and they should take out translocaters, that makes the boats useless, STILL. Also, (back to unlocking servers) PoP was pretty much the turning point in the game that follows instance zones and different things like that. I don't see why people are in Such a Rush to unlock new servers, be the hihghest level, and just try to beat everyone to it. I suppose they really do want those mounts and KEI =)
# Jun 30 2006 at 6:48 AM Rating: Decent
Progression servers worked well for me.

I stayed on the Nameless and noticed significantly less lag and problems finding camps.....

Was awesome.

I hope everyone gets a chance to spend time of the new servers:)
# Jun 30 2006 at 6:12 AM Rating: Decent
having no pvp on these servers makes them gay. damn bluebie pieces of ****
# Jun 30 2006 at 12:46 AM Rating: Default
Looks like there is already plat for sale at for this server, insane.
It's Here
# Jun 30 2006 at 12:21 AM Rating: Decent
I give 2-3 weeks before we see Kunark. I play on the combine and it was awsome/frustrating to see 250+ people in Nek/EC/FP on the first day. KS'ing was horrible but the population in those zone smoothed out a little on day 2. Tradeskillers imidiatly took there first steps in cornering the market(btw I need to make an enchanter soon for some jewlery) although there is a lack of smithing atm on Combine but I don't expect that to remain that way for long. Overall I'll be the casual player (at last check I was 10 levels behind the highest level characters after 24 hours)waiting for SoL to be unlocked. I figure I'll be caught up by time Veliose is near completion in time to twink out a Beastlord and level him for a bit. Well I'll see everyone up to GoD where I figure the population will drop to nill and GoD is/will be a pita to unlock with a lvl 65 max level.

See you on the Combine,
level 5 Necro (atm)
It's Here
# Jul 06 2006 at 3:26 AM Rating: Decent
Exactly what I was thinking who wants to unlock Gates of Discord at 65. Thank goodness omens came out 6 months later but too late for half the population. So progression will stop here I am betting.
It was ok, but not as i expected
# Jun 29 2006 at 10:23 PM Rating: Default
Hello all, i made a ogre shammy named Scowls, want to make last name amiably lol Scowls Amiably, anyways, i saw Shaman on the sleeper server in feerrot, and there were indeed corpses everywhere, marsh bear cubs and skellies were being trained a lot, i was on of the uber equipped people because i know how to tradeskill ( go figure... raiders ) and it was pretty dull on the fact there were 2 mobs for every 50 people looking to kill one
It was ok, but not as i expected
# Jun 30 2006 at 5:35 PM Rating: Default
Hehehehe...what ever you do, don't turn in your tomb. You will be hunted down just for your name alone.
# Jun 29 2006 at 7:26 PM Rating: Decent
HAHAH make sure ure looking down when u start.. i made a wood elf bard... 600 i repeat SIX HUNDRED people in Gfay. oh and i then i made an SK troll and... dont go in the water.. it sux... u cant swim for s%#&.

Keeper Shadew Deathreaver of Vazaelle 67 Dread Lord (Shadow Knight)
Shadew 5 Shadow Knight of The Sleeper
# Jun 29 2006 at 1:57 PM Rating: Decent
4,445 posts
Yea I tried playing this morning. I made a Dwarf Cleric and sure enough can't hardly level because of all the people starting off. I guess this is to be expected though.

On a brighter note I had no problem camping the boats in Dulak with my main. Was the only person in Dulak's heh.
# Jun 29 2006 at 12:00 PM Rating: Decent
170 peeps in steamfont last night. Little gnome corpses EVERYWHERE, no mobs to be found, and /ooc selling cloth armor for 2gp. Was hilarious and frustrating all at the same time. Necros and mages abounded with the occasional cleric or tank class. Definately gonna give it some time before I go back.. let the new wear off.

Kluiana 67 Paladin
new servers messing up raids
# Jun 29 2006 at 11:52 AM Rating: Decent
my problem is we were supose to raid last night and all went over to this to play in the mayhelm which is fine but just say raid is cancled, dont just not show up- that is just rude....
Too funny...
# Jun 29 2006 at 11:35 AM Rating: Decent
636 posts
hehe, anyone see a theme in the highest level classes on combine? all classes w/ nukes of some sort...the ones with high KS ability such as mages n wizzys, saw a couple SK's n Clerics, but sk's get KS ability too
# Jun 29 2006 at 11:13 AM Rating: Default
Well, I would predict it'll be the madness that it is as of now for a week or two, then people will eventually return to their mains on other servers.

Made ogre shaman (named Shaman ><). Feerrott had a fair deal of 150 people at the rate I logged in, while Oggok had around 70. There appeared to be alot more marsh bear cubs in the newbie area (their lvl3-5 I believe), which were slaughtering people like no tomorrow. Didnt have much trouble finding mobs, while nobody tried to KS me. Gave a hand to few people who were dieing, but even so, had to use /corpsehide since the entire landscape was so covered in brutish body mass that it was impossible to see the grass tiles anymore. =P

Also ogres make money really fast, since the lizardmen and spiderlings drop vendor food items (that are for the newbie armor quest, but the quest NPCs arent in the city) that each sell for about 2sp. Saw handful of lvl 3s running around wearing leather in no time. People also seemed to enjoy attacking the bouncers for some apparent reason.

I like the progress servers. Although the constant OOCs of "WTB FUNGI" started to lose their edge after hearing them the 50th time.
# Jun 29 2006 at 10:22 AM Rating: Decent
I agree with Testynoob. I logged in to 500+ people running around Gfay, screaming in OOC, KSing one another (if a mob could even be found), and all around expressing misery. In fact, if a mob popped, people would dive on it like seagulls diving on a chunk of bread tossed off the back of a boat. I think the servers will be great when this kind of crap settles down and the crowds die off a bit. But that may take a lil time.
# Jun 29 2006 at 9:09 AM Rating: Decent
I guess its just me but 250+ people in one zone killing anything that moves isnt really fun to me. Ill give it 3 weeks before the people who play 22/7 unlock hate/fear and the casual gamers get the shaft again.

I was kind of hoping it was going to be 30ish people per zone maybe laid back and progressing normally, not to have the high end guilds lvl as fast as possible and race to unlock content. But i hope a lot of people do like that and sony keeps making money so i can still play on my laid back Test Server.

Good luck and have fun.
# Jun 29 2006 at 2:41 PM Rating: Decent
lol, you really thought it was going to be "ideal"?

I've been seeing all over the place people stating that they were going to reactivate their EQ account for the progression servers. Judging from every other expansion that's been released since before the launch of the game (since so freakin' many people were in beta pre-release), I pretty much expected to see people trying to level as quickly as possible to be "the ones" to unlock the content.

What bothers me about that mentality, besides the fact that they're not taking any time to enjoy the content, is that the entire point of the progressional server is to be able to catch a small glimpse of the experience of the old days, and yes, to experience the evolution of the game as each expansion is unlocked... The reasons that I want to play on these servers is not to get through all 7 expansions as quickly as possible, but instead, to be able to play the game as I used to 5+ years ago. I had the most fun in EQ prior to the PoP expansion, and the progression server is giving me the opportunity to relive the fun of having people actually in the lower level zones.

Yeah, it's wild and crazy right now, but it'll calm down a bit once people have gained in level. I want to see Unrest used as a hunting grounds, and to get ports from druids, to have people ask for a bind at Orc lift, and to see people hunting in BlackBurrow.

If the servers are unlocked too quickly, I think it'll just spoil the experience.
# Jun 29 2006 at 11:41 PM Rating: Default
SOE should probably include a minimum time frame before a new expansion can be opened. So even if some guild has powered through EQ part 1 in a month, they have to wait, for example, 6 months before Kunark opens up. No reason to tell them that, however....let them keep struggling to figure out what the solution is.

That's my solution, but they won't do that. That said, one can hope that opening expansions is sufficiently difficult that it will take a year to get to Velious.
# Jun 29 2006 at 9:44 PM Rating: Default
I totally agree!! My husband and I are just restarting after a 2 year absense. I loved the old days!! When he told of the Progression servers I said that would be perfect for me. But if things are as you all say then I may as well not bother with it. Maybe when the new wears off they'll make a couple more progression servers so us old time players can enjoy, as you said RELIVING, our early EQ days.
# Jun 30 2006 at 2:33 PM Rating: Decent
Well, according to the interview that I just had w/ SOE 2 weeks ago, they said that the absolute earliest that they could possibly imagine players unlocking the expansions is a year, and that's stretching it a little.

Personally, I wish that they wouldn't even bring on the ability to unlock the first expansion for at least 6 months minimum, but well... we don't all get what we want.
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