fix icons for desecrated items
add naxxramas zone
add set bonuses to tier3 sets
while u;r at it, can't u add for all sets the acumulated +dmg/heal, +heal, +crit, +hit - just like to acumulate sta, int, str, agi, spi, armor, etc...
Edited, Fri Jun 23 05:20:16 2006
June 21, 2006
New Items: Cryptstalker Spaulders ; Cryptstalker Handguards ; Writ of Safe Passage ; Earthshatter Wristguards ; Ramaladni's Icy Grasp ; Diet McWeaksauce ; The McWeaksauce Classic ; Desecrated Legguards ; Desecrated Tunic ; Desecrated Headpiece ; Desecrated Spaulders ; Desecrated Handguards ; Wristguards of Castigation ; Widow's Remorse ; Cryptstalker Girdle ; Desecrated Robe ; Desecrated Leggings ; Desecrated Circlet ; Frostfire Bindings ; Plagueheart Robe ; Plagueheart Shoulderpads ; Plagueheart Sandals ; Desecrated Gloves ; Frostfire Shoulderpads ; Frostfire Belt ; Plagueheart Leggings ; Plagueheart Bindings ; Desecrated Shoulderpads ; Plagueheart Gloves ; Plagueheart Belt ; Dreadnaught Sabatons ; Cryptstalker Headpiece ; Dreamwalker Tunic ; Dreamwalker Girdle ; Dreamwalker Wristguards ; Frostfire Circlet ; Cryptstalker Tunic ; Cryptstalker Legguards ; Cryptstalker Boots ; Dreamwalker Legguards ; Dreamwalker Headpiece ; Frostfire Gloves ; Dreamwalker Spaulders ; Frostfire Leggings ; Dreamwalker Boots ; Dreamwalker Handguards ; Girdle of the Mentor ; Leggings of Elemental Fury ; Wand of the Whispering Dead ; Dreadnaught Gauntlets ; Signet of the Fallen Defender ; Spaulders of the Grand Crusader ; Iblis, Blade of the Fallen Seraph ; Flame of Stormwind ; Robe of Faith ; Gloves of Faith ; Frostfire Sandals ; Plagueheart Circlet ; Leggings of Faith ; Belt of Faith ; Shoulderpads of Faith ; Sandals of Faith ; Frostfire Robe ; Bindings of Faith ; Flame of Ironforge ; Desecrated Pauldrons ; Redemption Legguards ; Bonescythe Waistguard ; Circlet of Faith ; Icy Scale Leggings ; Fate of Ramaladni ; Bonescythe Helmet ; Glacial Leggings ; Desecrated Breastplate ; Desecrated Legplates ; Redemption Boots ; Redemption Girdle ; Bonescythe Legplates ; Bonescythe Sabatons ; Bonescythe Gauntlets ; Bonescythe Bracers ; Polar Leggings ; Icebane Leggings ; Desecrated Helmet ; Redemption Wristguards ; Redemption Tunic ; Redemption Handguards ; Bonescythe Pauldrons ; Desecrated Gauntlets ; Noth's Frigid Heart ; Band of the Inevitable ; Pauldrons of Elemental Fury ; Flame of Darnassus ; The Burrower's Shell ; Flame of Thunder Bluff ; Desecrated Waistguard ; Libram of Light ; Flame of the Undercity ; Bonescythe Breastplate ; Flame of Orgrimmar ; Veil of Eclipse ; Desecrated Boots ; ; Hive'Zora Dossier ; Buccaneer's Uniform ; Touch of Frost ; Crown of the Fire Festival ; Stygian Buckler ; Polar Bracers ; Icy Scale Gauntlets ; Hive'Ashi Dossier
New Quests: Mending Old Wounds ; Cryptstalker Tunic ; Cryptstalker Headpiece ; Cryptstalker Spaulders ; Cryptstalker Boots ; Cryptstalker Wristguards ; Cryptstalker Girdle ; Cryptstalker Handguards ; Cryptstalker Legguards ; Dreamwalker Wristguards ; Dreamwalker Girdle ; Dreamwalker Boots ; Dreamwalker Spaulders ; Dreamwalker Headpiece ; Dreamwalker Handguards ; Dreamwalker Tunic ; Dreamwalker Legguards ; The Only Song I Know... ; Dreadnaught Breastplate ; Dreadnaught Pauldrons ; Dreadnaught Helmet ; Dreadnaught Bracers ; Dreadnaught Waistguard ; Dreadnaught Gauntlets ; Dreadnaught Legplates ; Dreadnaught Sabatons ; Frostfire Bindings ; Frostfire Belt ; Frostfire Gloves ; Frostfire Sandals ; Frostfire Shoulderpads ; Frostfire Circlet ; Frostfire Robe ; Frostfire Leggings ; Dark Iron Scraps ; A Thief's Reward ; Stealing Stormwind's Flame ; Stealing Ironforge's Flame ; Glacial Cloak ; Icy Scale Gauntlets ; Icy Scale Bracers ; Icy Scale Breastplate ; Savage Fronds ; Bonescythe Bracers ; Bonescythe Waistguard ; Bonescythe Sabatons ; Bonescythe Helmet ; Bonescythe Breastplate ; Bonescythe Gauntlets ; Bonescythe Legplates ; Bonescythe Pauldrons ; War at Sea ; Stealing Darnassus's Flame ; The Savage Guard - Arcanum of Focus ; The Savage Guard - Arcanum of Rapidity ; A Thief's Reward ; Stealing the Undercity's Flame ; Stealing Thunder Bluff's Flame ; Stealing Orgrimmar's Flame ; Making Amends ; The Fate of Ramaladni ; Bone Fragments ; Dressing the Part ; Traitor to the Bloodsail ; Major Healing Potion ; The Savage Guard - Arcanum of Protection ; Omarion's Handbook ; Craftsman's Writ - Gnomish Battle Chicken
New Mobs: Spectral Horse ; Spectral Rider ; Unrelenting Rider ; Unrelenting Deathknight ; Unrelenting Trainee ; Spectral Trainee ; Spectral Deathknight ; Plague Wave ; Johnny McWeaksauce ; Jimmy McWeaksauce ; Midsummer Bonfire Despawner ; Grobbulus Cloud ; Spirit of Summer ; Argent Dawn Initiate ; Rotting Maggot ; Eye Stalk ; Diseased Maggot
New Quests: Mending Old Wounds ; Cryptstalker Tunic ; Cryptstalker Headpiece ; Cryptstalker Spaulders ; Cryptstalker Boots ; Cryptstalker Wristguards ; Cryptstalker Girdle ; Cryptstalker Handguards ; Cryptstalker Legguards ; Dreamwalker Wristguards ; Dreamwalker Girdle ; Dreamwalker Boots ; Dreamwalker Spaulders ; Dreamwalker Headpiece ; Dreamwalker Handguards ; Dreamwalker Tunic ; Dreamwalker Legguards ; The Only Song I Know... ; Dreadnaught Breastplate ; Dreadnaught Pauldrons ; Dreadnaught Helmet ; Dreadnaught Bracers ; Dreadnaught Waistguard ; Dreadnaught Gauntlets ; Dreadnaught Legplates ; Dreadnaught Sabatons ; Frostfire Bindings ; Frostfire Belt ; Frostfire Gloves ; Frostfire Sandals ; Frostfire Shoulderpads ; Frostfire Circlet ; Frostfire Robe ; Frostfire Leggings ; Dark Iron Scraps ; A Thief's Reward ; Stealing Stormwind's Flame ; Stealing Ironforge's Flame ; Glacial Cloak ; Icy Scale Gauntlets ; Icy Scale Bracers ; Icy Scale Breastplate ; Savage Fronds ; Bonescythe Bracers ; Bonescythe Waistguard ; Bonescythe Sabatons ; Bonescythe Helmet ; Bonescythe Breastplate ; Bonescythe Gauntlets ; Bonescythe Legplates ; Bonescythe Pauldrons ; War at Sea ; Stealing Darnassus's Flame ; The Savage Guard - Arcanum of Focus ; The Savage Guard - Arcanum of Rapidity ; A Thief's Reward ; Stealing the Undercity's Flame ; Stealing Thunder Bluff's Flame ; Stealing Orgrimmar's Flame ; Making Amends ; The Fate of Ramaladni ; Bone Fragments ; Dressing the Part ; Traitor to the Bloodsail ; Major Healing Potion ; The Savage Guard - Arcanum of Protection ; Omarion's Handbook ; Craftsman's Writ - Gnomish Battle Chicken
New Mobs: Spectral Horse ; Spectral Rider ; Unrelenting Rider ; Unrelenting Deathknight ; Unrelenting Trainee ; Spectral Trainee ; Spectral Deathknight ; Plague Wave ; Johnny McWeaksauce ; Jimmy McWeaksauce ; Midsummer Bonfire Despawner ; Grobbulus Cloud ; Spirit of Summer ; Argent Dawn Initiate ; Rotting Maggot ; Eye Stalk ; Diseased Maggot
Tags: Updates, WorldofWarcraft