June 15, 2006
Updated Quests: Natural Defenses ; Tundra MacGrann's Stolen Stash ; Protecting the Herd ; The Public Servant ; Deeprun Rat Roundup ; Me Brother, Nipsy ; Carrion Grubbage ; Battle of the Gulch ; Assessing the Threat ; Conscript of the Horde ; Testing an Enemy's Strength ; Searching for the Lost Satchel ; Fungal Spores ; Apothecary Zamah ; Disrupt the Attacks ; Supplies for the Crossroads ; Wharfmaster Dizzywig ; Rites of the Earthmother ; Wanted: "Hogger" ; Ironband's Compound ; Raptor Thieves ; The Forgotten Pools ; Supplying the Front ; The Disruption Ends ; Prowlers of the Barrens ; Gearing Redridge ; Tormus Deepforge ; Vejrek ; The Flame's Casing ; The Hunter's Path ; The Hunter's Path ; The Hunter's Path ; The Hunter's Path ; The Hunter's Path ; The Hunter's Path ; The Hunter's Path ; The Hunter's Path ; The Hunter's Path ; The Hunter's Path ; Destiny Calls ; Moonglow Vest ; Dark Storms ; Onu ; Tharnariun's Hope ; WANTED: Murkdeep! ; The Fall of Ameth'Aran ; The Absent Minded Prospector ; The Cliffspring River ; How Big a Threat? ; Thundris Windweaver ; Bashal'Aran ; Bashal'Aran ; Bashal'Aran ; Crown of the Earth ; Teldrassil ; Buzzbox 411 ; Preparation for Ceremony ; The Red Crystal ; Cave Mushrooms ; For Love Eternal ; Deep Ocean, Vast Sea ; Plagued Lands ; Supervisor Fizsprocket ; Bashal'Aran ; Tools of the Highborne ; How Big a Threat? ; In Defense of the King's Lands ; Mountaineer Stormpike's Task ; Filthy Paws ; Stormpike's Order ; Ambermill Investigations ; Dalar's Analysis ; Dalaran's Intentions ; Maps and Runes ; Red Leather Bandanas ; Patrolling Westfall ; Thelsamar Blood Sausages ; Goretusk Liver Pie ; The People's Militia ; The People's Militia ; The Killing Fields ; The Power to Destroy... ; Beren's Peril ; Arugal's Folly ; The Book of Ur ; Border Crossings ; A Recipe For Death ; A Recipe For Death ; Arugal's Folly ; The Decrepit Ferry ; Anthion's Old Friend ; The Tome of Divinity ; The Tome of Divinity ; The Tome of Divinity
Updated Mobs: Grace of Air Totem II ; Anadyia ; Andrus ; Sarah Raycroft ; Jaeana ; Landria ; Turian ; Cyridan ; Caynrus ; Melea ; Vinasia ; Ealyshia Dewwhisper ; Chardryn ; Teldrassil Sentinel ; Jenal ; Darnassus Talent Master ; Peter Galen ; Elder Saltwater Crocolisk ; Lieutenant Rotimer
Tags: News, WorldofWarcraft