June 14, 2006
I will be down a lot this weekend, thank goodness for my laptop. I will get loads of images posted this weekend.
Updated Mobs: Paige Chaddis ; Seasoned Legionnaire ; The Scourge Cauldron ; Olivia Burnside ; Lumberjack ; Fleet Master Seahorn ; Skullsplitter Witch Doctor ; Deathguard Mort ; Banalash
Updated Items: Netherwind Robes ; Bandit Bracers ; Fake Mistletoe ; Opaque Wand ; Knight-Lieutenant's Silk Boots ; Engraved Bracers ; Heraldic Belt ; Sanguine Belt ; Desert Ring ; Darkrune Breastplate ; Myrmidon's Leggings ; Brocade Belt ; Squire's Pants ; Striker's Pauldrons ; Dark Iron Leggings ; Cavalier's Boots ; Rotgrip Mantle ; Conjurer's Robe ; Abjurer's Robe ; Witchblade ; Wayfaring Gloves ; Black Swashbuckler's Shirt ; Bottle of Pinot Noir ; Engraved Leggings ; Dawnrider's Chestpiece ; Flameweave Cuffs ; Battle Axe ; Dal'Rend's Sacred Charge ; Elder's Gloves ; Marshal's Plate Gauntlets ; Patterned Bronze Bracers ; Spiked Chain Leggings ; Force Imbued Gauntlets ; Gypsy Sandals ; Windchaser Coronet ; Flamescarred Girdle ; Consecrated Wand ; Knight's Cloak ; Nocturnal Cap ; Wildheart Boots ; Black Dragonscale Shoulders ; Wizard's Belt ; Seal of the Dawn ; Horned Viking Helmet ; Gloves of Meditation ; Traveler's Spaulders ; Boots of Pure Thought ; Patched Leather Shoulderpads ; Crystal Adorned Crown ; Recipe: Transmute Mithril to Truesilver ; Deviate Scale Cloak ; Rune of the Guard Captain ; Violet Scale Armor ; Nexus Crystal ; Beaststalker's Belt ; Shimmering Cloak ; Ooze-ridden Gauntlets ; Cenarion Belt ; Handcrafted Mastersmith Leggings ; Heroic Armor ; Bloodforged Shield ; Anvilmar Hand Axe ; Moon Cleaver ; Duskwoven Cape ; Light Mail Boots ; Darkrune Helm ; Brilliant Sword of Zealotry ; Stone Club ; Lupine Cuffs ; Resilient Boots ; Relentless Chain ; War Torn Handgrips ; Goggles of Gem Hunting ; Symbol of Kings ; Warleader's Gauntlets ; Innervating Band ; Cindercloth Robe ; Hexx's Key ; Robust Tunic ; Aged Gorilla Sinew ; Insignia Mantle ; Blackrock Pauldrons ; Resplendent Guardian ; Acolyte's Pants ; Verdant Footpads ; Banshee Finger ; Elixir of the Mongoose ; Wrangler's Wristbands ; Bloodforged Helmet ; Burning War Axe ; Greater Adept's Robe ; Ornate Pauldrons ; Symbolic Greaves ; Defiler's Talisman ; Flame Walkers ; Truesilver Champion ; Feathered Breastplate ; Robes of Prophecy ; Renegade Boots ; Ivycloth Bracelets ; Jet Chain ; Blue Glittering Axe ; War Paint Cloak ; Stone Scarab ; Azora's Will ; Bloodlust Bracelets ; Squire's Pants ; Champion's Greaves ; Demonshear ; Falcon's Hook ; Plaguerot Sprig ; Hazza'rah's Charm of Magic ; Savannah Ring ; Desertwalker Cane ; Windchaser Cinch ; Gemburst Circlet ; Black Vitriol ; Ceremonial Centaur Blanket ; Stoneskin Gargoyle Cape ; Hardened Steel Warhammer ; Sandstrider's Mark ; Skullsplitter Coin ; Legionnaire's Band ; Ace of Elementals ; Frostwolf Cloth Belt ; Aged Core Leather Gloves ; Choker of the Fire Lord ; Gordok's Gauntlets ; Amplifying Cloak ; Fiendish Machete ; Unbridled Leggings ; Field Marshal's Coronal ; Knight-Captain's Dreadweave Robe ; Legplates of Ten Storms ; Embossed Plate Bracers ; Huntsman's Cape ; Sorcerer Robe ; Archer's Gloves ; Archer's Bracers ; Scaled Shield ; Durable Cape ; Cadet Boots ; Grappler's Belt ; Imperial Red Tunic ; Bracers of Heroism ; Illusionary Rod ; Glorious Breastplate ; Obsidian Greaves ; Runed Golem Shackles ; Captain's Breastplate ; Twilight Armor ; Infiltrator Armor ; Stormrage Boots ; Gripsteel Wristguards ; Battle Chain Girdle ; Razzeric's Racing Grips ; Green Silk Armor ; Defender Bracers ; Tribal Belt ; Enchanted Thorium Breastplate ; Felheart Shoulder Pads ; Pronged Reaver ; Glyphed Helm ; Battleforge Legguards ; Willow Belt ; Pioneer Boots ; Seal of Sylvanas ; Rough Bronze Boots ; Beaststalker Blade ; Acolyte's Shirt ; Spirit of Aquementas ; Sturdy Quarterstaff ; Cerise Drape ; Great Rage Potion ; Silver-thread Cloak ; Nocturnal Sash ; Bonelink Belt ; Eternal Boots ; Jadefire Epaulets ; Pathfinder Cloak ; Imposing Cape ; Robust Boots ; Lofty Sabatons ; Saltstone Armsplints ; Severing Axe ; Ravager's Cord ; Royal Decorated Armor ; Wyrmthalak's Shackles ; Jewel-encrusted Sash ; Blackhand's Breadth ; Vosh'gajin's Strand ; Emblazoned Leggings ; Blackwater Tunic ; Fine Longsword ; Flightblade Throwing Axe ; Blush Ember Ring ; Yorgen Bracers ; Crown of Tyranny ; Staff of the Friar ; Killmaim ; Burnt Leather Bracers ; Seal of Wrynn ; Keller's Girdle ; Weak Flux ; Coarse Stone ; Dry Pork Ribs ; Boar Ribs ; Light Leather ; Padded Boots ; Banded Boots ; Overlord's Legplates ; Double Link Tunic ; Calico Tunic ; Guardian Talisman ; Carpenter's Mallet ; Frayed Cloak ; Stormcaller's Diadem ; Hyperion Girdle ; Elegant Robes ; Elegant Cloak ; Mercurial Pauldrons ; Gnarled Ash Staff ; Mageroyal ; Highlander's Leather Boots ; Bloodsoaked Gauntlets ; Animist's Leggings ; The Eye of Hakkar ; Black Ash Robe ; Ace of Warlords ; Auric Bracers ; Veteran Girdle ; Belt of Shrunken Heads ; Sparkling Crystal Wand ; Darkstone Claymore ; Tyrant's Shield ; Dervish Buckler ; Khan's Legguards ; Short Sabre ; Sniper Rifle ; Shimmering Silk Robes ; Small Venom Sac ; Cookie's Tenderizer ; Eye of the Beast ; Steady Bastard Sword ; Needle Threader ; Heartseeker ; Big Voodoo Robe ; Pagan Cape ; Pagan Bands ; Pagan Britches ; Pagan Belt ; Pagan Shoes ; Edged Bastard Sword ; Voodoo Band ; Hacking Cleaver ; Bastard Sword ; Chieftain's Belt ; Signet Ring of the Bronze Dragonflight ; Arena Vambraces ; Native Pants ; Tracker's Belt ; Legionnaire's Band ; Sorcerer Slippers ; Squire's Boots ; Refreshing Spring Water ; Footpad's Shirt ; A Talking Head ; Tough Hunk of Bread
Updated Quests: The People's Militia ; Natural Defenses ; Deaths in the Family ; Tears of the Moon ; For Love Eternal ; Tools of the Highborne ; Bashal'Aran ; Crown of the Earth ; Ursal the Mauler ; Grove of the Ancients ; The Guns of Northwatch ; Report to Kadrak ; Consumed by Hatred ; Heirloom Weapon ; Agamand Heirlooms ; Water Elementals ; Pyrewood Ambush ; Dalar's Analysis ; Dalaran's Intentions ; Arugal's Folly ; Teldrassil ; A Recipe For Death ; Journey to Hillsbrad Foothills ; Sathrah's Sacrifice ; Arugal's Folly ; Battle of the Gulch ; At War With The Scarlet Crusade ; Escorting Erland ; Lost Deathstalkers ; Rot Hide Clues ; Speak with Renferrel ; The Deathstalkers' Report ; Zinge's Delivery ; Deathstalkers in Shadowfang ; Rear Guard Patrol ; A New Plague ; Arugal's Folly ; The Dead Fields ; Ambermill Investigations ; Maps and Runes ; Border Crossings ; The Decrepit Ferry ; A Recipe For Death ; The Book of Ur ; Arugal Must Die ; Lost in Battle ; Sample for Helbrim ; Disrupt the Attacks ; Plainstrider Menace ; Deviate Hides ; Beren's Peril ; Deviate Eradication ; Supplies for the Crossroads ; Serpentbloom ; Trouble at the Docks ; Thule Ravenclaw ; A Recipe For Death ; Rot Hide Origins ; Rot Hide Ichor ; Assault on Fenris Isle ; The Engraved Ring ; Ivar the Foul ; Arugal's Folly ; The Forgotten Pools ; The Power to Destroy... ; The Enchanted Glade ; Deep Ocean, Vast Sea ; Crown of the Earth ; The Tower of Althalaxx ; Buzzbox 411 ; How Big a Threat? ; Cleansing of the Infected ; Goretusk Liver Pie ; Westfall Stew ; Poor Old Blanchy ; Bashal'Aran ; Cave Mushrooms ; Plagued Lands ; The Red Crystal ; Bashal'Aran ; Bashal'Aran ; Easy Strider Living ; The People's Militia ; The Killing Fields ; Patrolling Westfall ; Wanted: "Hogger" ; Supervisor Fizsprocket ; Taming the Beast ; The Tome of Divinity ; Crown of the Earth ; Verdant Sigil ; Timberling Sprouts ; The Sprouted Fronds ; Hallowed Sigil ; The Moss-twined Heart ; Encrypted Sigil ; The Emerald Dreamcatcher ; Knowledge in the Deeps ; In Defense of the King's Lands ; Stormpike's Order ; Find Bingles ; Underground Assault ; Stormpike's Delivery ; Elmore's Task ; Preparation for Ceremony ; Elixir of Agony ; Centaur Bracers ; The Tome of Divinity ; Tome of Divinity ; Ak'Zeloth ; Kolkar Leaders ; The Demon Seed ; Nara Wildmane ; Apothecary Zamah ; Tome of Divinity ; The Stagnant Oasis ; Slaying the Beast ; Prowlers of the Barrens ; The Disruption Ends ; Crossroads Conscription ; Hidden Enemies ; Hamuul Runetotem ; Mura Runetotem ; Stolen Silver ; Leaders of the Fang ; The Zhevra ; Testing an Enemy's Strength ; Searching for the Lost Satchel ; Fungal Spores ; Wharfmaster Dizzywig ; Raptor Thieves ; Harpy Raiders
Updated Mobs: Paige Chaddis ; Seasoned Legionnaire ; The Scourge Cauldron ; Olivia Burnside ; Lumberjack ; Fleet Master Seahorn ; Skullsplitter Witch Doctor ; Deathguard Mort ; Banalash
Updated Items: Netherwind Robes ; Bandit Bracers ; Fake Mistletoe ; Opaque Wand ; Knight-Lieutenant's Silk Boots ; Engraved Bracers ; Heraldic Belt ; Sanguine Belt ; Desert Ring ; Darkrune Breastplate ; Myrmidon's Leggings ; Brocade Belt ; Squire's Pants ; Striker's Pauldrons ; Dark Iron Leggings ; Cavalier's Boots ; Rotgrip Mantle ; Conjurer's Robe ; Abjurer's Robe ; Witchblade ; Wayfaring Gloves ; Black Swashbuckler's Shirt ; Bottle of Pinot Noir ; Engraved Leggings ; Dawnrider's Chestpiece ; Flameweave Cuffs ; Battle Axe ; Dal'Rend's Sacred Charge ; Elder's Gloves ; Marshal's Plate Gauntlets ; Patterned Bronze Bracers ; Spiked Chain Leggings ; Force Imbued Gauntlets ; Gypsy Sandals ; Windchaser Coronet ; Flamescarred Girdle ; Consecrated Wand ; Knight's Cloak ; Nocturnal Cap ; Wildheart Boots ; Black Dragonscale Shoulders ; Wizard's Belt ; Seal of the Dawn ; Horned Viking Helmet ; Gloves of Meditation ; Traveler's Spaulders ; Boots of Pure Thought ; Patched Leather Shoulderpads ; Crystal Adorned Crown ; Recipe: Transmute Mithril to Truesilver ; Deviate Scale Cloak ; Rune of the Guard Captain ; Violet Scale Armor ; Nexus Crystal ; Beaststalker's Belt ; Shimmering Cloak ; Ooze-ridden Gauntlets ; Cenarion Belt ; Handcrafted Mastersmith Leggings ; Heroic Armor ; Bloodforged Shield ; Anvilmar Hand Axe ; Moon Cleaver ; Duskwoven Cape ; Light Mail Boots ; Darkrune Helm ; Brilliant Sword of Zealotry ; Stone Club ; Lupine Cuffs ; Resilient Boots ; Relentless Chain ; War Torn Handgrips ; Goggles of Gem Hunting ; Symbol of Kings ; Warleader's Gauntlets ; Innervating Band ; Cindercloth Robe ; Hexx's Key ; Robust Tunic ; Aged Gorilla Sinew ; Insignia Mantle ; Blackrock Pauldrons ; Resplendent Guardian ; Acolyte's Pants ; Verdant Footpads ; Banshee Finger ; Elixir of the Mongoose ; Wrangler's Wristbands ; Bloodforged Helmet ; Burning War Axe ; Greater Adept's Robe ; Ornate Pauldrons ; Symbolic Greaves ; Defiler's Talisman ; Flame Walkers ; Truesilver Champion ; Feathered Breastplate ; Robes of Prophecy ; Renegade Boots ; Ivycloth Bracelets ; Jet Chain ; Blue Glittering Axe ; War Paint Cloak ; Stone Scarab ; Azora's Will ; Bloodlust Bracelets ; Squire's Pants ; Champion's Greaves ; Demonshear ; Falcon's Hook ; Plaguerot Sprig ; Hazza'rah's Charm of Magic ; Savannah Ring ; Desertwalker Cane ; Windchaser Cinch ; Gemburst Circlet ; Black Vitriol ; Ceremonial Centaur Blanket ; Stoneskin Gargoyle Cape ; Hardened Steel Warhammer ; Sandstrider's Mark ; Skullsplitter Coin ; Legionnaire's Band ; Ace of Elementals ; Frostwolf Cloth Belt ; Aged Core Leather Gloves ; Choker of the Fire Lord ; Gordok's Gauntlets ; Amplifying Cloak ; Fiendish Machete ; Unbridled Leggings ; Field Marshal's Coronal ; Knight-Captain's Dreadweave Robe ; Legplates of Ten Storms ; Embossed Plate Bracers ; Huntsman's Cape ; Sorcerer Robe ; Archer's Gloves ; Archer's Bracers ; Scaled Shield ; Durable Cape ; Cadet Boots ; Grappler's Belt ; Imperial Red Tunic ; Bracers of Heroism ; Illusionary Rod ; Glorious Breastplate ; Obsidian Greaves ; Runed Golem Shackles ; Captain's Breastplate ; Twilight Armor ; Infiltrator Armor ; Stormrage Boots ; Gripsteel Wristguards ; Battle Chain Girdle ; Razzeric's Racing Grips ; Green Silk Armor ; Defender Bracers ; Tribal Belt ; Enchanted Thorium Breastplate ; Felheart Shoulder Pads ; Pronged Reaver ; Glyphed Helm ; Battleforge Legguards ; Willow Belt ; Pioneer Boots ; Seal of Sylvanas ; Rough Bronze Boots ; Beaststalker Blade ; Acolyte's Shirt ; Spirit of Aquementas ; Sturdy Quarterstaff ; Cerise Drape ; Great Rage Potion ; Silver-thread Cloak ; Nocturnal Sash ; Bonelink Belt ; Eternal Boots ; Jadefire Epaulets ; Pathfinder Cloak ; Imposing Cape ; Robust Boots ; Lofty Sabatons ; Saltstone Armsplints ; Severing Axe ; Ravager's Cord ; Royal Decorated Armor ; Wyrmthalak's Shackles ; Jewel-encrusted Sash ; Blackhand's Breadth ; Vosh'gajin's Strand ; Emblazoned Leggings ; Blackwater Tunic ; Fine Longsword ; Flightblade Throwing Axe ; Blush Ember Ring ; Yorgen Bracers ; Crown of Tyranny ; Staff of the Friar ; Killmaim ; Burnt Leather Bracers ; Seal of Wrynn ; Keller's Girdle ; Weak Flux ; Coarse Stone ; Dry Pork Ribs ; Boar Ribs ; Light Leather ; Padded Boots ; Banded Boots ; Overlord's Legplates ; Double Link Tunic ; Calico Tunic ; Guardian Talisman ; Carpenter's Mallet ; Frayed Cloak ; Stormcaller's Diadem ; Hyperion Girdle ; Elegant Robes ; Elegant Cloak ; Mercurial Pauldrons ; Gnarled Ash Staff ; Mageroyal ; Highlander's Leather Boots ; Bloodsoaked Gauntlets ; Animist's Leggings ; The Eye of Hakkar ; Black Ash Robe ; Ace of Warlords ; Auric Bracers ; Veteran Girdle ; Belt of Shrunken Heads ; Sparkling Crystal Wand ; Darkstone Claymore ; Tyrant's Shield ; Dervish Buckler ; Khan's Legguards ; Short Sabre ; Sniper Rifle ; Shimmering Silk Robes ; Small Venom Sac ; Cookie's Tenderizer ; Eye of the Beast ; Steady Bastard Sword ; Needle Threader ; Heartseeker ; Big Voodoo Robe ; Pagan Cape ; Pagan Bands ; Pagan Britches ; Pagan Belt ; Pagan Shoes ; Edged Bastard Sword ; Voodoo Band ; Hacking Cleaver ; Bastard Sword ; Chieftain's Belt ; Signet Ring of the Bronze Dragonflight ; Arena Vambraces ; Native Pants ; Tracker's Belt ; Legionnaire's Band ; Sorcerer Slippers ; Squire's Boots ; Refreshing Spring Water ; Footpad's Shirt ; A Talking Head ; Tough Hunk of Bread
Updated Quests: The People's Militia ; Natural Defenses ; Deaths in the Family ; Tears of the Moon ; For Love Eternal ; Tools of the Highborne ; Bashal'Aran ; Crown of the Earth ; Ursal the Mauler ; Grove of the Ancients ; The Guns of Northwatch ; Report to Kadrak ; Consumed by Hatred ; Heirloom Weapon ; Agamand Heirlooms ; Water Elementals ; Pyrewood Ambush ; Dalar's Analysis ; Dalaran's Intentions ; Arugal's Folly ; Teldrassil ; A Recipe For Death ; Journey to Hillsbrad Foothills ; Sathrah's Sacrifice ; Arugal's Folly ; Battle of the Gulch ; At War With The Scarlet Crusade ; Escorting Erland ; Lost Deathstalkers ; Rot Hide Clues ; Speak with Renferrel ; The Deathstalkers' Report ; Zinge's Delivery ; Deathstalkers in Shadowfang ; Rear Guard Patrol ; A New Plague ; Arugal's Folly ; The Dead Fields ; Ambermill Investigations ; Maps and Runes ; Border Crossings ; The Decrepit Ferry ; A Recipe For Death ; The Book of Ur ; Arugal Must Die ; Lost in Battle ; Sample for Helbrim ; Disrupt the Attacks ; Plainstrider Menace ; Deviate Hides ; Beren's Peril ; Deviate Eradication ; Supplies for the Crossroads ; Serpentbloom ; Trouble at the Docks ; Thule Ravenclaw ; A Recipe For Death ; Rot Hide Origins ; Rot Hide Ichor ; Assault on Fenris Isle ; The Engraved Ring ; Ivar the Foul ; Arugal's Folly ; The Forgotten Pools ; The Power to Destroy... ; The Enchanted Glade ; Deep Ocean, Vast Sea ; Crown of the Earth ; The Tower of Althalaxx ; Buzzbox 411 ; How Big a Threat? ; Cleansing of the Infected ; Goretusk Liver Pie ; Westfall Stew ; Poor Old Blanchy ; Bashal'Aran ; Cave Mushrooms ; Plagued Lands ; The Red Crystal ; Bashal'Aran ; Bashal'Aran ; Easy Strider Living ; The People's Militia ; The Killing Fields ; Patrolling Westfall ; Wanted: "Hogger" ; Supervisor Fizsprocket ; Taming the Beast ; The Tome of Divinity ; Crown of the Earth ; Verdant Sigil ; Timberling Sprouts ; The Sprouted Fronds ; Hallowed Sigil ; The Moss-twined Heart ; Encrypted Sigil ; The Emerald Dreamcatcher ; Knowledge in the Deeps ; In Defense of the King's Lands ; Stormpike's Order ; Find Bingles ; Underground Assault ; Stormpike's Delivery ; Elmore's Task ; Preparation for Ceremony ; Elixir of Agony ; Centaur Bracers ; The Tome of Divinity ; Tome of Divinity ; Ak'Zeloth ; Kolkar Leaders ; The Demon Seed ; Nara Wildmane ; Apothecary Zamah ; Tome of Divinity ; The Stagnant Oasis ; Slaying the Beast ; Prowlers of the Barrens ; The Disruption Ends ; Crossroads Conscription ; Hidden Enemies ; Hamuul Runetotem ; Mura Runetotem ; Stolen Silver ; Leaders of the Fang ; The Zhevra ; Testing an Enemy's Strength ; Searching for the Lost Satchel ; Fungal Spores ; Wharfmaster Dizzywig ; Raptor Thieves ; Harpy Raiders
Tags: News, WorldofWarcraft